We have created a class which contains the methods for building the model, fitting the model and predicting the accuracy of our model.
class NLPModel:
def __init__(self, dataset, model, model_name, x, y):
self.dataset = dataset
self.model = model
self.name = model_name
self.x = x
self.y = y
# Return a tuple that contains the columns of x (text) and columns of y (emotion) in the dataset
def getLabels(self):
xLabel = self.dataset[self.x]
yLabel = self.dataset[self.y]
return (xLabel, yLabel)
# Build the pipeline of the model specified.
def buildPipeline(self):
pipeline = Pipeline(steps = [('cv', CountVectorizer()), (self.name, self.model)])
return pipeline
# Feed the train data into the pipeline to train the model
def fitModel(self, pipeline, xLabel, yLabel):
pipeline.fit(xLabel, yLabel)
return pipeline
# Return a tuple that contains a list of prediction based on the dataset, and the classification accuracy of the model
def score(self, pipeline, xLabel, yLabel):
prediction = pipeline.predict(xLabel)
predScore = pipeline.score(xLabel, yLabel)
return (prediction, predScore)
# Return the Confusion Matrix of the model
def buildCM(self, pred, actual):
CM = confusion_matrix(actual, pred)
return CM
# Print out the Confusion Matrix
def printCM(self, CM):
plt.figure(figsize = (20, 20))
sb.heatmap(CM, annot = True, fmt=".0f", annot_kws={"size": 18})
# Return a dataframe which contains the Recall, Precision and F1-score of the model
def printScore(self, predScore, CM):
print("The classification accuracy is: ", predScore)
precision = []
recall = []
f1 = []
row = 0
col = 0
total = 0
for i in pd.Categorical(self.dataset[self.y]).categories:
for j in range(len(pd.Categorical(self.dataset[self.y]).categories)):
total += CM[row][col]
row += 1
precision.append(CM[col][col] / total)
col += 1
row = 0
total = 0
row = 0
col = 0
total = 0
for i in pd.Categorical(self.dataset[self.y]).categories:
for j in range(len(pd.Categorical(self.dataset[self.y]).categories)):
total += CM[row][col]
col += 1
recall.append(CM[row][row] / total)
row += 1
col = 0
total = 0
index = 0
for i in pd.Categorical(self.dataset[self.y]).categories:
f1score = (2 * precision[index] * recall[index]) / (precision[index] + recall[index])
index += 1
score_df = pd.DataFrame()
score_df['Emotion'] = pd.Categorical(self.dataset[self.y]).categories
score_df['Precision'] = precision
score_df['Recall'] = recall
score_df['F1-score'] = f1
return score_df
We will be using WordCloud as our primary means of visualising our data.
def show_wordcloud(data, column, bg, max_words, max_font_size, scale, figsize):
stopwords = set(STOPWORDS)
text = " ".join(t for t in data[column])
def display():
wordcloud = WordCloud(
background_color = bg,
stopwords = stopwords,
max_words = max_words,
max_font_size = max_font_size,
scale = scale,
random_state = 1)
wordcloud = wordcloud.generate(str(text))
plt.figure(1, figsize = figsize)
Below are the relevant functions we created for cleaning our dataset.
# Function which lemmatizes words.
# Lemmatize words means => 'bringing' will be lemmatized to 'bring'
# Lemmatization is done by inspecting the Part-of-Speech before deciding if lemmatization should occur.
# 'feeling' may be classified as adjective, i.e. will not be lemmatized into 'feel' in certain context.
def lemmatizeWords(dataset, column, newColumn):
lm = WordNetLemmatizer()
lemmatized_data = []
for sentence in dataset[column]:
sentence = "".join([lm.lemmatize(w, 'v') for w in sentence])
dataset[newColumn] = lemmatized_data
return dataset
# Obtain the html keywords from online source
def get_html_keys():
url = "https://www.w3schools.com/TAgs/default.asp"
html_keys = pd.read_html(url)
html_tags = []
for i in html_keys[0]['Tag']:
i = i.strip("<>")
url = "https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_attributes.asp"
html_keys = pd.read_html(url)
html_attr = []
for i in html_keys[0]['Attribute']:
return html_tags + html_attr
# Remove the html keywords present in a text
def remove_html_attr(text, html_keys):
text = text.split()
return " ".join([t for t in text if t.lower() not in set(html_keys)])
# Extend words which are missing their apostrophes
def extend_word(word):
custom_words = set(['dont', 'didnt', 'shouldnt', 'cant', 'wont', 'wouldnt', 'musnt'])
temp = []
if word in custom_words:
for char in range(0, len(word) - 1):
return "".join(temp)
return word
# Main function that removes stopwords from the texts.
# Stopwords library is based on NLTK's stopwords.
def removeStopWords(dataset, column):
# Custom stopwords which are not in the nltk stopwords set
custom_stopwords = set(['im', 'ive', 'ill', 'feeling', 'feel', 'felt'])
cleaned_data = []
outlier = []
forbidden_words = set(stopwords.words('English'))
loc = 0
for sentence in dataset[column]:
# Extend words that are concatenated without apostrophe such as 'cant' to 'can' and 't'
# Remove the individual words which are present in the custom stopwords set and the nltk stopwords set
split_sentence = sentence.split()
temp = []
for word in split_sentence:
word = extend_word(word)
if word not in custom_stopwords and word not in forbidden_words:
# Join back the words which are not removed into a sentence
sentence = " ".join(temp)
# Treat a sentence with only stopwords and html tags and attributes as outliers
if len(sentence) == 0:
loc += 1
return (outlier, cleaned_data)