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项目周报 (2019 年 9 月 21 日 - 2019 年 9 月 28 日) #4549

taro-bot bot opened this issue Sep 28, 2019 · 1 comment

项目周报 (2019 年 9 月 21 日 - 2019 年 9 月 28 日) #4549

taro-bot bot opened this issue Sep 28, 2019 · 1 comment


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taro-bot bot commented Sep 28, 2019


上周有 49 个新 issue。
10 个 issue 已经被关闭,39 个 issue 仍然保持打开状态。


💚 #4548 Add alipay types, by iugo
💚 #4547 fix(taro component): 1.3.9版本误删,导致无法衔接滚动, by neuyu
💚 #4546 taro版本1.3.18,函数式组件不支持es6的解构, by HHHong
💚 #4545 Taro 1.3.18 and .19 H5端 Cannot read property 'length' of undefined, by Troynew
💚 #4544 npm 小程序编译打包路径错误。, by hqman
💚 #4543 最佳实践章节-‘defaultProps’元素跳转链接页面不存在-404, by EdisonVan
💚 #4541 企业版微信小程序使用WebView组件报错:TypeError: Cannot read property 'appId' of undefined, by starunaway
💚 #4540 关于页面title设置的问题, by useryechen
💚 #4539 Class.contextType在H5端报错, by calimanco
💚 #4538 对于 lerna 产生的快捷方式文件夹扫描任然报错, by tangbc
💚 #4537 不支持jsotp, by yutao331763646
💚 #4535 map循环中key使用解构赋值等处理时渲染有问题, by MingNeo
💚 #4534 微信小程序转TARO转换app.json时,sitemapLocation属性未处理或 处理失败,出现json文件丢失问题, by Issacpeng
💚 #4533 build:h5 进程不会结束,编译后会永久的显示loading, by WangShuXian6
💚 #4532 [微信小程序]Input 组件 onChange 与 onInput 表现不一致, by ModyQyW
💚 #4531 taro 路由跳转参数都变成string类型了, by wzhsh90
💚 #4530 npm link 包不支持ts,tsx文件, by deng-yc
💚 #4529 引用多端组件,ts无法识别,导致报错, by sansx
💚 #4528 TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "to" argument must be of type string. Received type object, by DBCdouble
💚 #4527 将组件放到某个组件的children里面无法获取ref, by pollux2015
💚 #4526 feat(cli): 引入第三方原生组件支持, by cloudZQY
💚 #4525 taro小程序:父组件传值子组件,子组件拿到值后更新setState保存,然后父组件传递给子组件的props值就改了!!!, by weiweixuan
💚 #4524 看到首页的电商黄金流程, by WuJiY
💚 #4523 类函数组件中,对绑定的事件处理函数传值错误, by KSOra
💚 #4522 修改taro基础框架内拦截器的abort方法判断更加严谨, by TigerHee
💚 #4521 Taro hook 组件中怎么获取当前组件的实列?, by hqwlkj
💚 #4518 TARO转快应用时,依赖环境安装出现错误, by Issacpeng
💚 #4516 微信小程序转换TARO时,针对回调函数,是否应该直接转换为箭头函数?, by Issacpeng
💚 #4515 无法使用 Editor 组件, by bee961122
💚 #4514 H5安卓微信内,使用Taro.navigatorTo 跳转,然后返回,render会不断叠加, by xiangjiejie
💚 #4512 TARO_BUILD_TYPE=ui taro build --ui 尝试复制引入的 NPM 包内的 Less 文件出错, by JohnCido
💚 #4511 支付宝canvasId异常, by yutao331763646
💚 #4510 快应用下 @tarojs/redux 报错, by front-end-developer-candy
💚 #4509 安卓微信内使用navigatorTo跳转,返回后,componentDidMount 会再次执行, by xiangjiejie
💚 #4507 mobx inject & observer 的class 类被继承时小程序和H5表现不一致, by codingwesley
💚 #4506 在 H5 平台上无法创建 createInnerAudioContext , by justpsvm
💚 #4505 微信小程序第一次进入分包页面出现怪异, by XanderXueMingJi
💚 #4503 fix4375 解决快应用中路由跳转API不支持相对路径的问题, by Qiyu8
💚 #4502 property borderRadius ONLY WEAPP? use in WEB get Error Uncaught TypeError: borderRadius, by SolidZORO


❤️ #4542 执行dev:weapp时,在代码不变动的情况下,前后两次build结果不同。, by SunskyXH
❤️ #4536 TARO转微信和快应用时,产生的JS代码未进行格式化处理, by Issacpeng
❤️ #4520 修正快应用依赖环境安装时,因系统不同造成的命令执行问题, by Issacpeng
❤️ #4519 fix: Picker组件需要为iOS8添加webkit前缀, by frontendnote
❤️ #4517 taro 转出来的小程序 代码 onTabItemTap 事件失效,使用原生代码可以触发事件, by AsherSun
❤️ #4513 微信小程序打包时上传图片问题, by litao1993
❤️ #4508 安卓 使用redirectTo跳到下一个页面 并没有销毁当前页面,返回后,componentDidMount会重复累加执行, by xiangjiejie
❤️ #4504 H5 Taro.navigateTo 跳转报错, by fuersite
❤️ #4501 自定义组件设置行内样式无效, by yjgeek
❤️ #4500 H5环境下 小程序相关Hooks 异常。, by hqman


上周有 54 个 pull request 被创建、更新或 merge。


上周打开了 2 个 pull request:
💚 #4547 fix(taro component): 1.3.9版本误删,导致无法衔接滚动, by neuyu
💚 #4522 修改taro基础框架内拦截器的abort方法判断更加严谨, by TigerHee


上周有 49 个 pull request 更新:
💛 #4548 Add alipay types, by iugo
💛 #4526 feat(cli): 引入第三方原生组件支持, by cloudZQY
💛 #4503 fix4375 解决快应用中路由跳转API不支持相对路径的问题, by Qiyu8
💛 #4495 fix: 解决babel插件path.hub 中无法获取文件名, by newset
💛 #4457 Feat dingtalk, by angus1105
💛 #4434 chore(deps-dev): bump @babel/core from 7.1.6 to 7.6.0, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💛 #4411 feat(cli): 添加第三方包browser入口支持, by WingGao
💛 #4401 chore(deps): bump inquirer from 5.2.0 to 7.0.0, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💛 #4385 fix#simulateComponents 使用策略模式构建快应用组件模拟系统, by Qiyu8
💛 #4381 feat(audio): ts定义问题, by mraiguo
💛 #4334 feat(taro): 添加env.js的测试用例和taro包的测试依赖, by yuxino
💛 #4324 chore(deps-dev): bump sinon from 6.3.5 to 7.4.1, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💛 #4314 chore(deps): [security] bump mixin-deep from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💛 #4299 chore(deps): [security] bump eslint-utils from 1.3.1 to 1.4.2, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💛 #4273 fix: fix type RouterInfo, by hujiulong
💛 #4242 fix4220 去除重复的imports, by Qiyu8
💛 #4222 fix(taro): ts类型异常, by guxingke201
💛 #4209 feat(taro-components): picker组件支持自定义header, by flytrap
💛 #4183 修正chooseImage参数count无效的问题, by zhuxianguo
💛 #4170 up cli copy ignore, by aoxiang78
💛 #4107 feature:scroll-view onScrollToUpper&&onScrollToLower新增事件传递, by xiaoxintang
💛 #4020 chore(deps): [security] bump remarkable from 1.7.1 to 1.7.4, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💛 #3972 fix(cli): 修复使用npm link时导致小程序打包后js里npm包的路径不正确, by ignous
💛 #3965 chore(deps): [security] bump fstream from 1.0.11 to 1.0.12, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💛 #3829 fix(h5): http状态码为204时报错的问题, by yuanwen0327
💛 #3819 fix(cli): exclude the crypto module, by tc-imba
💛 #3778 fix(h5): h5模式下支持链接symlink的递归;排除隐藏文件的处理, by WingGao
💛 #3765 chore(deps): [security] bump lodash.template from 4.4.0 to 4.5.0, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💛 #3690 chore(deps): bump handlebars from 4.0.11 to 4.1.2 in /packages/taroize, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #3641 chore(deps-dev): bump nerv-test-utils from 1.3.7 to 1.4.3, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💛 #3640 chore(deps): update less-loader requirement from 4.1.0 to 5.0.0, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💛 #3639 chore(deps): bump postcss-modules-values from 1.3.0 to 3.0.0, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💛 #3638 chore(deps): bump postcss-modules-local-by-default from 1.2.0 to 3.0.2, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💛 #3637 chore(deps-dev): bump babel-preset-jest from 22.4.4 to 24.6.0, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💛 #3614 chore(deps): bump omit.js from 1.0.0 to 1.0.2, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💛 #3611 chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-promise from 3.8.0 to 4.2.1, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💛 #3606 修复文档表格, by broven
💛 #3153 fix(monorepos): 支持 monorepo 依赖提升, by grepug
💛 #2946 add more types, by vace
💛 #2865 feat: 新增file文件, by Rahim-Chan
💛 #2719 fix(buildSingleComponent): 已编译组件不再重复编译, by excxapp
💛 #2629 Config新增disableSwipeBack 属性, by zpzxgcr
💛 #2507 feat(cli): 支持自定义项目入口文件, by deepcoldy
💛 #2459 Weapp dll, by qianzhaoy
💛 #2403 fix(transformer): 修复由于路径错误导致读取父类文件报错, by mengqingshen
💛 #2226 fix(cli): 修复没有全局安装 @tarojs/cli 依赖的时候执行 npm run XXX 报错, by shaodahong
💛 #2106 1.connect增加默认函数 weapp navigateTo函数增加params功能, by fangkyi03
💛 #1354 Activating Open Collective, by monkeywithacupcake
💛 #1294 强力压缩, by liangxingchen


上周 merge 了 3 个 pull request:

💜 #4520 修正快应用依赖环境安装时,因系统不同造成的命令执行问题, by Issacpeng
💜 #4519 fix: Picker组件需要为iOS8添加webkit前缀, by frontendnote
💜 #4474 fix: 修复h5环境下plugins-sass配置不生效的问题, by Liaozzzzzz


上周共有 13 个 提交:

🛠️ fix(router): 修复hash模式下tabbar不展示的问题 by Littly
🛠️ chore: add github actions by yuche
🛠️ fix(types): upload map components types fix #4328 by ZakaryCode
🛠️ feat(h5): browser forward / back hide map #4255 by ZakaryCode
🛠️ fix(components): iOS8需要添加webkit前缀 (#4519) by frontendnote
🛠️ fix(mobx): 修复 H5 及 RN 端使用 inject 装饰且具有继承关系中父类 constructor 不被调用的问题(#4507) by nanjingboy
🛠️ fix(cli): 修正快应用依赖环境安装时,因系统不同造成的命令执行问题 (#4520) by Issacpeng
🛠️ chore: changelog by luckyadam
🛠️ chore(release): publish v1.3.19 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(taro-alipay): 修复支付宝小程序 onTabItemTap 事件不触发的问题,close #4517 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(cli): 支付宝构建时需要处理安装的 UI 库中的文件路径,将 @ 替换为 _,close #4490 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(cli): 修复h5环境下plugins-sass配置不生效的问题 (#4474) by Liaozzzzzz
🛠️ fix(cli): ui 库编译支持文件循环引用,close #4427 by luckyadam


上周共有 8 名独立贡献者:

👤 Littly
👤 yuche
👤 ZakaryCode
👤 frontendnote
👤 nanjingboy
👤 Issacpeng
👤 luckyadam
👤 Liaozzzzzz



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You all are the stars! 🌟

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taro-bot bot commented Sep 28, 2019

欢迎提交 Issue~

如果你提交的是 bug 报告,请务必遵循 Issue 模板的规范,尽量用简洁的语言描述你的问题,最好能提供一个稳定简单的复现。🙏🙏🙏

如果你的信息提供过于模糊或不足,或者已经其他 issue 已经存在相关内容,你的 issue 有可能会被关闭。

Good luck and happy coding~

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