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项目周报 (2020 年 8 月 29 日 - 2020 年 9 月 5 日) #7534

taro-bot2 bot opened this issue Sep 5, 2020 · 1 comment

项目周报 (2020 年 8 月 29 日 - 2020 年 9 月 5 日) #7534

taro-bot2 bot opened this issue Sep 5, 2020 · 1 comment


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taro-bot2 bot commented Sep 5, 2020


上周有 67 个新 issue。
34 个 issue 已经被关闭,33 个 issue 仍然保持打开状态。


💚 #7533 vant的 props和slot转换无效, by fatesq
💚 #7532 taro 3.0.8版本使用WxParse报错, by alwaysRemember
💚 #7531 dangerouslySetInnerHTML 渲染 html 时,转义字符没有被正确转义,比如空格  , by wangxiaocuo
💚 #7524 taro3.0.8版本中无法渲染使用dangerouslySetInnerHTML渲染HTML, by alwaysRemember
💚 #7523 taro组件在原生环境表现异常, by Cjmmmua
💚 #7522 fix(h5): uncompiled es syntax, by huanz
💚 #7518 fix(taro): 完善pxTransform的d.ts,增加第二个参数designWidth, by xiaoyao96
💚 #7517 chore(deps-dev): bump @types/node from 12.12.38 to 14.6.3, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💚 #7516 chore(deps-dev): bump @vue/compiler-core from 3.0.0-beta.14 to 3.0.0-rc.10, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💚 #7514 代码运行成微信小程序报错了 运行成H5页面不会报错 , by zzh3319
💚 #7512 多个文件import 同一个文件的变量, by shengbowen
💚 #7509 在Android 上(华为P20)onClick 中使用e.stopPropagation() 阻止事件冒泡,同时调用会导致组件重新Render的方法,阻止事件冒泡会失效, by allendongyx
💚 #7507 希望支持Map组件的自定义气泡窗口[customCallout]功能, by itcat99
💚 #7506 fix: 完善ref类型推导, by SyMind
💚 #7505 taro next升级之后index.js:2581 Uncaught TypeError: ComponentClass is not a constructor, by ztfstar
💚 #7504 next 版本在部分android 手机上 随机无规律 element 不显示, by aniu2016
💚 #7501 升级到3.0.8 ,taro-ui 不会按需加载, by allendongyx
💚 #7498 webview支付宝小程序表现异常, by Junzibuzhengyibuqi
💚 #7496 chore(deps): bump mini-css-extract-plugin from 0.8.0 to 0.11.0, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💚 #7495 chore(deps): bump @babel/register from 7.9.0 to 7.11.5, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💚 #7493 taro3.0.8 微信小程序启用代码热重载不生效, by ll929
💚 #7486 opentype设置为share,无法调用支付宝小程序的分享, by 179778978
💚 #7485 useMemo 在2.x 的版本中是否可以用来包转return 的jsx , by allendongyx
💚 #7483 taro2.2.13 项目打包后wxml未压缩, by xwJin
💚 #7481 字节小程序swiper组件列表无法动态渲染数据, by ZhengXiaowei
💚 #7476 Error: Unable to resolve module ./answer_styles from rn_temp/pages/question/index.js:, by qindachang
💚 #7475 wx-open-launch-weapp h5无法使用, by Junzibuzhengyibuqi
💚 #7474 Taro 3.0.8 H5路由未找不触发componentDidNotFound , by huanz
💚 #7472 Text设置 webkit-line-clamp 及text-overflow 后在H5 里出现渲染异常, by xiehui999
💚 #7471 Redmi k30 pro变焦版 今日头条 app 打开taro创建的小程序报错, by raoxb
💚 #7470 期望能多平台实现微信小程序的【wx.onAppRoute 】路由监听API, by wangxiaocuo
💚 #7468 taro1.3.15版本uploadFile方法上传文件,文件无法传给后台, by fuguxu
💚 #7467 项目周报 (2020 年 8 月 22 日 - 2020 年 8 月 29 日), by taro-bot2[bot]


❤️ #7530 Dependabot can't resolve your JavaScript dependency files, by dependabot-preview[bot]
❤️ #7529 Dependabot can't resolve your JavaScript dependency files, by dependabot-preview[bot]
❤️ #7528 Dependabot can't resolve your JavaScript dependency files, by dependabot-preview[bot]
❤️ #7527 Dependabot can't resolve your JavaScript dependency files, by dependabot-preview[bot]
❤️ #7526 Dependabot can't resolve your JavaScript dependency files, by dependabot-preview[bot]
❤️ #7525 Dependabot can't resolve your JavaScript dependency files, by dependabot-preview[bot]
❤️ #7521 chore(release): publish 3.0.9, by Chen-jj
❤️ #7520 chore(cli): 暂时 convert 只能转换为 react app, by Chen-jj
❤️ #7519 fix(h5): 修复H5端onPageScroll不触发的问题,fix #7435, by Chen-jj
❤️ #7515 docs: 修复react.md文案错误, by Pasoul
❤️ #7513 taro next 没升级的小伙伴别升级了,全是坑!!!!!!!, by ztfstar
❤️ #7511 taro云开发初始化生成文件异常引起的微信小程序云函数无法正常部署bug, by songyunbiao
❤️ #7510 getRealtimeLogManager无效, by fred8617
❤️ #7508 Feat/wx components, by Chen-jj
❤️ #7503 fix(mini-runner): 修复UI库link到本地使用时Current值错误的问题, by Chen-jj
❤️ #7502 我也遇到这个问题了,解决了吗?, by wayung
❤️ #7500 如何方便的切换taro2和3, by lxzy-yun
❤️ #7499 taro3.0 externalClasses 外部样式类 hooks 写法好像无法接收到父组件传递的class , by yxwwk
❤️ #7497 chore(deps-dev): bump @types/node from 12.12.38 to 14.6.2, by dependabot-preview[bot]
❤️ #7494 如何获取 ScrollView 可滚动区域的高度(不是设置的ScrollView固定的高度), by giantss
❤️ #7492 fix(runner-utils): 修复 require.context 问题,fix #6920, by Chen-jj
❤️ #7491 刚升级了3.0.8,发现useEffect和useLayoutEffect的执行时机和预期的不一致,无法在其中获取元素宽高, by allendongyx
❤️ #7490 Input onInput 事件 报错 Cannot read property 'isSameLayer' of null 并失去焦点, by hlsky1988
❤️ #7489 [Vue warn]: Duplicate keys detected, by renzhao1113
❤️ #7488 fix(webpack-runner): 修复 WDS 设置 host 的问题,fix #7291, by Chen-jj
❤️ #7487 打包成组件之后。使用该组件,发现组件 Taro.Current && Taro.Current.router 为null, by wkh2
❤️ #7484 createContext useContext ,可不可以不共享变量, by allendongyx
❤️ #7482 taro哪个生命周期对应的是 onUnload, by PresByter2015
❤️ #7480 头条小程序运行报错:Cannot read property 'code' of undefined, by Fangsiyu
❤️ #7479 头条小程序运营报错:Cannot read property 'code' of undefined, by Fangsiyu
❤️ #7478 docs: 修复文字错误, by Mario34
❤️ #7477 taro3 与之对应的快应用平台版本, by hlsky1988
❤️ #7473 fix(components): 修复 H5 虚拟列表滚动后不能点击的问题,fix #7140, by Chen-jj
❤️ #7469 taro3版本希望能够支持微信小程序下面的原生 taro的混合开发, by wuyanwen


上周有 25 个 pull request 被创建、更新或 merge。


上周有 11 个 pull request 更新:
💛 #7522 fix(h5): uncompiled es syntax, by huanz
💛 #7518 fix(taro): 完善pxTransform的d.ts,增加第二个参数designWidth, by xiaoyao96
💛 #7517 chore(deps-dev): bump @types/node from 12.12.38 to 14.6.3, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💛 #7516 chore(deps-dev): bump @vue/compiler-core from 3.0.0-beta.14 to 3.0.0-rc.10, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💛 #7506 fix: 完善ref类型推导, by SyMind
💛 #7496 chore(deps): bump mini-css-extract-plugin from 0.8.0 to 0.11.0, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💛 #7495 chore(deps): bump @babel/register from 7.9.0 to 7.11.5, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💛 #7466 chore(deps): bump sass-loader from 6.0.7 to 10.0.1, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💛 #7397 chore(deps-dev): bump @types/detect-port from 1.1.0 to 1.3.0, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💛 #7396 chore(deps-dev): bump memfs from 3.1.2 to 3.2.0, by dependabot-preview[bot]
💛 #6960 chore(deps-dev): bump @types/webpack-dev-server from 3.10.0 to 3.11.0, by dependabot-preview[bot]


上周 merge 了 14 个 pull request:

💜 #7521 chore(release): publish 3.0.9, by Chen-jj
💜 #7520 chore(cli): 暂时 convert 只能转换为 react app, by Chen-jj
💜 #7519 fix(h5): 修复H5端onPageScroll不触发的问题,fix #7435, by Chen-jj
💜 #7515 docs: 修复react.md文案错误, by Pasoul
💜 #7508 Feat/wx components, by Chen-jj
💜 #7503 fix(mini-runner): 修复UI库link到本地使用时Current值错误的问题, by Chen-jj
💜 #7492 fix(runner-utils): 修复 require.context 问题,fix #6920, by Chen-jj
💜 #7488 fix(webpack-runner): 修复 WDS 设置 host 的问题,fix #7291, by Chen-jj
💜 #7478 docs: 修复文字错误, by Mario34
💜 #7473 fix(components): 修复 H5 虚拟列表滚动后不能点击的问题,fix #7140, by Chen-jj
💜 #7465 fix(convert): 修复 taro convert 后 react 项目报错的问题, by luckyadam
💜 #7462 RouterInfo add shareTicket scene from app.tsx, by xuchengzone
💜 #7460 refactor(template): 优化小程序 base 模板体积, by Chen-jj
💜 #7450 fix(runner): 修复样式条件编译问题,close #7410, by luckyadam


上周共有 22 个 提交:

🛠️ chore(release): publish 3.0.9 by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(h5): 修复H5端onPageScroll不触发的问题,fix #7435 (#7519) by Chen-jj
🛠️ chore(cli): 暂时 convert 只能转换为 react app (#7520) by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(mini-runner): 修复UI库link到本地使用时Current值错误的问题 by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(convert): 修复 taro convert 后 react 项目报错的问题 (#7465) by luckyadam
🛠️ chore: update snapshot by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(shared): 部分组件支持 animation 属性,fix #7455 by Chen-jj
🛠️ feat(apis): 支持微信小程序调试相关 API, #7510 by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(shared): 组件Image支持onLongPress,#7061 by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix: ci by Chen-jj
🛠️ feat(components): 增加对MatchMedia组件的支持,#7381 by Chen-jj
🛠️ feat(components): 增加微信小程序ScrollView新增属性,#7393 by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(webpack-runner): 修复 WDS 设置 host 的问题,fix #7291 by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(runner): 修复样式条件编译问题,close #7410 (#7450) by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(shared): 画布组件不再设置默认 type,fix #7314 by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix: ci by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(shared): 修复小程序 key 取值错误问题,fix #7327 by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix: ci by Chen-jj
🛠️ refactor(template): 优化小程序 base 模板体积 by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(runner-utils): 修复 require.context 问题,fix #6920 by Chen-jj
🛠️ RouterInfo add shareTicket scene from app.tsx by xuchengzone
🛠️ fix(components): 修复 H5 虚拟列表滚动后不能点击的问题,fix #7140 by Chen-jj


上周共有 3 名独立贡献者:

👤 Chen-jj
👤 luckyadam
👤 xuchengzone



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taro-bot2 bot commented Sep 5, 2020

您的 Issue 没有按照规范从 Taro Issue Helper 创建,因此会被直接关闭。


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