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Quick Start Guide

coryb edited this page Jul 26, 2012 · 31 revisions

download unzip cd AutoScaling- export AWS_AUTO_SCALING_HOME=pwd export AWS_AUTO_SCALING_URL=

./bin/as-create-launch-config lc1 --instance-type t1.micro -I $ACCOUNT_KEY -S $SECRET_KEY --image-id ami-fcf27fcc

./bin/as-create-auto-scaling-group monkey-sacrafice -I $ACCOUNT_KEY -S $SECRET_KEY --launch-configuration lc1 --availability-zones us-west-2a --min-size 1 --max-size 1

Create SIMIAN_ARMY SimpleDB Table

createDomain() {
    timestamp=$(date -u +"%FT%TZ" --date='5 min ago' | sed s/:/%3A/g)
    hash=$(echo -ne "GET\\n/\n$params" | openssl sha256 -hmac "$SECRET_KEY" -binary | base64)
    curl "$params&Signature=$hash"
createDomain SIMIAN_ARMY


git clone cd SimianArmy ./gradlew build edit src/main/resources/

  • set secretKey
  • set account_key
  • set aws.region
  • set isMonkeyTime=true (if on weekend or not in 9-3pm)
  • set default asg.enabled off
  • set monkey-sacrafice.enabled on
  • set monkey-sacrafice.probability=1.0
  • start up, need to fix logging when we terminate something
  • restart if you dont see a termination

$ curl http://localhost:8080/simianarmy/api/v1/chaos [{"monkeyType":"CHAOS","eventType":"CHAOS_TERMINATION","eventTime":1343287826066,"groupType":"ASG","groupName":"monkey-sacrafice"}]

restart to verify another termination does not happpen (will only run once an hour and will not terminate same group again all day)

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