Vite 6
+ React 19
+ Typescript
+ Vitest 3
+ React Testing Library
+ Prettier
+ Husky
+ lint-staged
+ Eslint 9
+ relevant ESLint plugins
This template is based on create-vite's react-swc-ts template and is intended for production applications. It provides a React + Vite setup along with useful configuration: a correct Vitest + RTL setup and CI/CD tooling with a robust set of ESLint plugins.
Degit can be used to copy this repository
npx degit Neues/vite-neues-starter my-app
There are several dozen React + vite community templates but I found many have not yet made it to React 19, had not moved to the eslint flat config, remain on ESLint version 8, and lacked CI/CD configuration. I could also not find any templates which provided RTL along with the relevant linting. This motivated me to make my own template.
@vitejs/plugin-react-swc uses SWC for Fast Refresh
Typed Linting via typescript-eslint which uses TypeScript APIs to provide ESLint rules with type information to provide more powerful linting and safer code.
Vitest test runner along with user-centric testing via React Testing Library, correctly set up with eslint-plugin-testing-library
This template is using ESLint 9 and an ESLint flat config file with the following ESLint plugins:
@eslint/js with recommended rules
typescript-eslint with recommended-type-checked and stylistic-type-checked rules
eslint-plugin-react with recommended rules
- React files should match the glob
and test files should match the glob['**/__tests__/**/*.[jt]s?(x)','**/?(*.+(spec|test).[jt]s?(x)']
defined ineslint.config.js
, though this can be changed to suit your needs.