Below you will find a list of functions and detailed descriptions including use cases for Cmdlets and features the PowerShell Framework provides.
Type | Return Value | Description |
Cmdlet | PowerShell Object | Check Object containing values and handling warning / error states |
The IcingaCheck
is the basic start point for determining on how a certain value is performing. Checks will provide a bunch of internal commands within the PowerShell Object to analyse a value and get the Icinga result Ok
, Warning
, Critical
including performance metrics.
Checks are always used within Check Plugins to have a standardised method for properly handling the input.
It will be used like in this example:
$IcingaCheck = New-IcingaCheck -Name 'My Check' -Value 25 -Unit '%';
You will have to provide a Name
for each check which must be unique within each Check Plugin. This will make it easier to differentiate between checks for results. The Value
is mandatory as this will be the basis for each single check to fetch the actual status.
For performance metrics you can provide a Unit
to ensure your graphing is displaying values as the should be
Argument | Input | Mandatory | Description |
Name | String | * | The unique name of each check within a plugin. Will be display in the check output. |
Value | Object | * | The value all comparison is done with. In general this should be a Numeric or String value |
Unit | Units | Specify the unit for a value to display graph properly | |
Minimum | String | The minimum value which is displayed on your graphs | |
Maximum | String | The maximum value which is displayed on your graphs | |
ObjectExists | Bool | If you are using values coming from objects, like Services, you can use this argument to determin if the object itself exist or not. In case it doesn't, you will receive a proper output on the check result | |
Translation | Hashtable | In case you want to map values to certain descriptions, you can place a hashtable at this argument which will then map the value to the description on the check result. For example this would apply to service running states | |
NoPerfData | Switch | Disables Performance Data output for this check object |
Unit | Name | Description |
% | Percentage | The input value is a percentual value |
s | Seconds | The input is indicated as time seconds |
ms | Milliseconds | The input is indicated as time in milliseconds |
us | Microseconds | The input is indicated as time in microseconds |
B | Bytes | The input is indicated as quantity in bytes |
KB | Kilobytes | The input is indicated as quantity in Kilobytes |
MB | Megabytes | The input is indicated as quantity in Megabytes |
GB | Gigabytes | The input is indicated as quantity in Gigabytes |
TB | Terabytes | The input is indicated as quantity in Terabytes |
c | Counter | A continues counter increasing values over time |
The New-IcingaCheck
Cmdlet will return a custom PowerShell object which provides a bunch of functions to easier manage the handling of the output.
Please note that most of the listed functions below will return itself as object, which means you will have to drop the content with | Out-Null
after calling them.
$IcingaCheck.WarnOutOfRange(10) | Out-Null
An example for a nested function call could be this
$IcingaCheck.WarnOutOfRange(10).CritOutOfRange(20) | Out-Null
For most parts it is recommended to use the OutOfRange
functions for warning
and critical
checks as the user is able to dynamicly set the range with the arguments of the plugins. For string values the Like
and Match
functions should be used.
Function | Parameters | Description | Example |
WarnOutOfRange | Warning | This will make use of the Icinga Threshhold handling, like 10 , ~:10 , @10:20 and properly return the correct ok / warning state of the plugin |
$IcingaCheck.WarnOutOfRange(10) |
CritOutOfRange | Critial | This will make use of the Icinga Threshhold handling, like 10 , ~:10 , @10:20 and properly return the correct ok / critical state of the plugin |
$IcingaCheck.CritOutOfRange(10) |
WarnIfLike | Warning | Will return warning in case the input is like the value |
$IcingaCheck.WarnIfLike('*running*') |
WarnIfNotLike | Warning | Will return warning in case the input is not like the value |
$IcingaCheck.WarnIfNotLike('*running*') |
WarnIfMatch | Warning | Will return warning in case the input is matching the value |
$IcingaCheck.WarnIfMatch('running') |
WarnIfNotMatch | Warning | Will return warning in case the input is not matching the value |
$IcingaCheck.WarnIfNotMatch('running') |
CritIfLike | Critial | Will return critical in case the input is like the value |
$IcingaCheck.CritIfLike('*running*') |
CritIfNotLike | Critial | Will return critical in case the input is not like the value |
$IcingaCheck.CritIfNotLike('*running*') |
CritIfMatch | Critial | Will return critical in case the input is matching the value |
$IcingaCheck.CritIfMatch('running') |
CritIfNotMatch | Critial | Will return critical in case the input is not matching the value |
$IcingaCheck.CritIfNotMatch('running') |
Function | Parameters | Description | Example |
WarnIfBetweenAndEqual | Min, Max | Will return warning in case the input is between or equal the min and max value |
$IcingaCheck.WarnIfBetweenAndEqual(10, 20) |
WarnIfBetween | Min, Max | Will return warning in case the input is between the min and max value |
$IcingaCheck.WarnIfBetween(10, 20) |
WarnIfLowerThan | Warning | Will return warning in case the input is lower than the value |
$IcingaCheck.WarnIfLowerThan(10) |
WarnIfLowerEqualThan | Warning | Will return warning in case the input is lower or equal than the value |
$IcingaCheck.WarnIfLowerEqualThan(10) |
WarnIfGreaterThan | Warning | Will return warning in case the input is greater than the value |
$IcingaCheck.WarnIfGreaterThan(10) |
WarnIfGreaterEqualThan | Warning | Will return warning in case the input is greater or equal than the value |
$IcingaCheck.WarnIfGreaterEqualThan(10) |
CritIfBetweenAndEqual | Min, Max | Will return critical in case the input is between or equal the min and max value |
$IcingaCheck.CritIfBetweenAndEqual(10, 20) |
CritIfBetween | Min, Max | Will return critical in case the input is between the min and max value |
$IcingaCheck.CritIfBetween(10, 20) |
CritIfLowerThan | Critial | Will return critical in case the input is lower than the value |
$IcingaCheck.CritIfLowerThan(10) |
CritIfLowerEqualThan | Critial | Will return critical in case the input is lower or equal than the value |
$IcingaCheck.CritIfLowerEqualThan(10) |
CritIfGreaterThan | Critial | Will return critical in case the input is greater than the value |
$IcingaCheck.CritIfGreaterThan(10) |
CritIfGreaterEqualThan | Critial | Will return critical in case the input is greater or equal than the value |
$IcingaCheck.CritIfGreaterEqualThan(10) |
Simple check item which will return critical
as the value is 37
and we want throw warning
above 20
and critical
above 35
$IcingaCheck = New-IcingaCheck -Name 'My Check' -Value 37 -Unit '%';
$IcingaCheck.WarnOutOfRange(20).CritOutOfRange(35) | Out-Null;
Check item with ObjectExists
argument including Translation
. As the input status 4
is an integer, we will convert the status to the string value Running
and use the Translation
argument to properly print the output in human readable strings
$Service = Get-IcingaServices -Service 'icinga2';
$ConvertedStatus = ConvertTo-ServiceStatusCode -Status 4;
$StatusRaw = $Service.Values.configuration.Status.raw;
$IcingaCheck = New-IcingaCheck -Name 'Icinga 2 Service' -Value $StatusRaw -ObjectExists $Service -Translation $ProviderEnums.ServiceStatusName;
$IcingaCheck.CritIfNotMatch($ConvertedStatus) | Out-Null;
Output after parsed into New-IcingaCheckResult
[CRITICAL]: Icinga 2 Service Stopped is not matching Running