##Install env
In order to contribute just git clone the repository and then run:
git clone git@github.com:mgonto/restangular.git
cd restangular
npm install grunt-cli --global
npm install
Be sure to have PhantomJS installed as Karma tests use it. Otherwise, in Mac just run
brew install phantomjs
All changes must be done in src/restangular.js
Please submit a Pull Request or create issues for anything you want :). If your code is super small, nobody will blame
you for doing it from master to master. Otherwise, please try to create a branch features/[name of your awesome feature]
##Testing and styling
Before submiting any PR, you should run grunt test
to validate your didn't break anything. If you just added a new
feature, please consider also adding tests for it. And when you're done with your code, run grunt jshint
to check
if you code follow the same simple coding design as the rest of the project.