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Challenges with std::string appunto

Special String Again

Solutions to Special String Again

  • Solution1
    • Complexity: O(N) time and O(1) Space

String Reversing

Solutions to String Reverse Challenge at Hackerrank

  1. The char by char string reversion
  • It is simply solved with an O(N) loop from rbegin() to rend()
  1. The word by word string reversion
  • It is solved with a 2 step approach
    • First an O(N) char by char string reversion using the previous solution
    • Then an O(N) word explode, using getline() specifing the ' ' delimiter and reversing each specific word

Substring Find

  • The Substring finding in 2 Strings on Hackerrank
  • The goal is to check if 2 substrings has a common string but not to return the actual substring
  • This makes the actual problem much easier than it seems as a necessary and sufficient condition is they share a char so the proposed solution1 focuses on solving this equivalent challenge
  • It is implemented representing a string as an unordered_map of its chars (store O(1), loop O(N)) and then iterating over the other string looking up for each char in the other string (lookup O(1), loop O(N))