Now with 100% LESS C# voodoo.
The old version is under the full_docker
- Setup a venv with
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run a redis instance. DB 1 and 2 are used for live and staging.
For some random notes about this project, including what tools you might find useful, see
A (partial) history of CurseMeta sits in this gist.
The website uses Font Awesome Pro 5. (Dries007's personal license)
The FA files must be added in Frontend/static
, to css
and js
They CAN NOT be checked into version control.
Some of the icons may be missing with the free version.
should contain a script that purges any external caches.
First time you need to also run python -mFrontend db init
. venv/bin/activate
export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`
export CONFIG_ENV="live"
NAME="venv LIVE"
COLOR="$(tput setaf 1)"
BOLD="$(tput bold)"
RESET="$(tput sgr0)"
export PS1="\[${BOLD}\][\u \[${COLOR}\]${NAME}\[${RESET}${BOLD}\] \W]$\[${RESET}\] "
cd run
set -o errexit # Exit at first error
. ~/live # activate live env + cd to run + prompt + PYTHONPATH + CONFIG_ENV
git pull
pip install -qr ../requirements.txt
# update DB
python -mFrontend db migrate
python -mFrontend db upgrade
# Reload everything
touch ../config/*.ini