This directory contains tests and testing docs for KFServing
- Unit tests currently reside in the codebase alongside the code they test
- End-to-end tests:
- They are in
- They are in
has a few integration tests which requires mock apiserver
and etcd, they get installed along with kubebuilder
To run all unit tests:
make test
To run the e2e tests, you need to have a running environment that meets the e2e test environment requirements.
First have kfserving installed in a cluster.
To setup from local code, do:
make undeploy
make deploy-dev
Install pytest and test deps:
pip3 install pytest==6.0.2 pytest-xdist pytest-rerunfailures
pip3 install --upgrade pytest-tornasync
pip3 install urllib3==1.24.2
pip3 install --upgrade setuptools
Go to python/kfserving
and install kfserving deps
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 install --force --user
Then go to test/e2e
Run kubectl create namespace kfserving-ci-e2e-test
For KIND/minikube:
- Run
export KFSERVING_INGRESS_HOST_PORT=localhost:8080
- In a different window run
kubectl port-forward -n istio-system svc/istio-ingressgateway 8080:80
- Note that not all tests will pass as the pytorch test requires gpu. These will show as pending pods at the end.
Run pytest > testresults.txt
Tests may not clean up. To re-run, first do kubectl delete namespace kfserving-ci-e2e-test
, recreate namespace and run again.
Optionally for more detailed info, in another window do kubectl get pod -n kfserving-ci-e2e-test -w > podwatch.txt