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Installing python-openzwave on Windows

Install Microsoft tools

This package use MSBuild.exe to build openzwave code.

You can find it in Visual Studio 2017 or Visual Studio 2015.

It's also possible to get it as a separate package.

Only release 14.0 and 15.0 of Microsft Build Tools are tested.

You nust use the C++ compiler used to build your version of python :

Install other tools

You need git to clone the repository and python (32 bits or 64 bits). Add it to your PATH.

Install dependencies :

  • for python 2.7 :

    (venvX) pip install Cython six Louie
  • for python 3 :

    (venvX) pip install Cython six PyDispatcher

clone repositories

Clone python-openzwave:

git clone

And clone open-zwave inside python-openzwave :

cd python-openzwave
git clone openzwave

It's mandatory to clone the previous repository in a directory called openzwave (not open-zwave)

Visual studio

Copy vs2010 in a new directory vs2017 (or vs2015 depending of which Visual Studio you use) :

xcopy openzwave\cpp\build\windows\vs2010 openzwave\cpp\build\windows\vs2017 /s /e /h

Open the project (openzwavecppbuildwindowsvs2017OpenZWave.sln) in your Visual Studio. If you want to build for 64bits, add a new target for it. And finally close it.


Build and install python-openzwave :

python install --flavor=dev
sysargv ['', 'install']
<pyozw_setup.DevTemplate object at 0x03BAD690>thon install --flavor=dev
Requirement already satisfied: Cython in c:\program files (x86)\python36-32\lib\site-packages
{'name': 'libopenzwave', 'sources': ['src-lib/libopenzwave/libopenzwave.pyx'], 'include_dirs': ['openzwave/cpp/src', 'openzwave
/cpp/src/value_classes', 'openzwave/cpp/src/platform', 'openzwave/cpp/build/windows', 'src-lib/libopenzwave', 'openzwave/cpp/bu
ild/windows/vs2017/Release/'], 'define_macros': [('PY_LIB_VERSION', '0.4.4'), ('PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN', 1), ('PY_LIB_FLAVOR', 'dev')
, ('PY_LIB_BACKEND', 'cython')], 'libraries': ['setupapi', 'msvcrt', 'ws2_32', 'dnsapi'], 'extra_objects': ['openzwave/cpp/buil
d/windows/vs2017/Release//OpenZWave.lib'], 'extra_compile_args': [], 'extra_link_args': [], 'language': 'c++'}
['six', 'PyDispatcher>=2.0.5', 'Cython']
Requirement already satisfied: Cython in c:\program files (x86)\python36-32\lib\site-packages
running install
flavor --flavor=dev                      c:\program files (x86)\python36-32\lib\site-packages
running build_openzwave
Found MSBuild.exe : c:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe
Found arch : Win32 wave
Found Visual Studio project : vs2017 (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe
Found build path : openzwave/cpp/build/windows/vs2017/Release/
byte-compiling C:\Program Files (x86)\Python36-32\Lib\site-packages\python_openzwave\scripts\ to __init__.cpython-36
running install_egg_info
running egg_info
writing python_openzwave.egg-info\PKG-INFO
writing dependency_links to python_openzwave.egg-info\dependency_links.txt
writing entry points to python_openzwave.egg-info\entry_points.txt
  this script is executed for all users
  delete/rename it if you dont need it
Page de codes active�: 437

And finally, test it :

pyozw_check -l -d COM2 -t 30
Define options for device COM2
Start network
Wait for network awake (30s)
Network is awaked. Talk to controller.
Get python_openzwave version : 0.4.4
Get python_openzwave config version : Original Z-Wave 2.78
Get python_openzwave flavor : dev
Get openzwave version : 1.4.2942
Get config path : C:\Program Files\Python36\lib\site-packages\python_openzwave\ozw_config
Controller capabilities : {'primaryController', 'staticUpdateController'}
Controller node capabilities : {'listening', 'primaryController', 'beaming', 'staticUpdateController'}
Nodes in network : 4
Wait for network ready (30s)
Network is ready. Get nodes
1 - Name :  ( Location :  )
 1 - Ready : True / Awake : True / Failed : False
 1 - Manufacturer : Aeotec  ( id : 0x0086 )
 1 - Product : DSA02203 Z-Stick S2 ( id  : 0x0001 / type : 0x0002 / Version : 3)
 1 - Command classes : set()
 1 - Capabilities : {'listening', 'primaryController', 'beaming', 'staticUpdateController'}
 1 - Neighbors : {4} / Power level : None
 1 - Is sleeping : False / Can wake-up : False / Battery level : None
2 - Name :  ( Location :  )
 2 - Ready : True / Awake : True / Failed : False
 2 - Manufacturer :   ( id : 0x0000 )
 2 - Product :  ( id  : 0x0000 / type : 0x0000 / Version : 2)
 2 - Command classes : set()
 2 - Capabilities : {'listening', 'routing'}
 2 - Neighbors : {3} / Power level : None
 2 - Is sleeping : False / Can wake-up : False / Battery level : None
3 - Name :  ( Location :  )
 3 - Ready : False / Awake : True / Failed : True
 3 - Manufacturer :   ( id : 0x0000 )
 3 - Product :  ( id  : 0x0000 / type : 0x0000 / Version : 3)
 3 - Command classes : set()
 3 - Capabilities : {'listening', 'routing', 'beaming'}
 3 - Neighbors : set() / Power level : None
 3 - Is sleeping : False / Can wake-up : False / Battery level : None
4 - Name :  ( Location :  )
 4 - Ready : True / Awake : True / Failed : False
 4 - Manufacturer : GreenWave  ( id : 0x0099 )
 4 - Product : PowerNode 6 port ( id  : 0x0004 / type : 0x0003 / Version : 4)
 4 - Capabilities : {'listening', 'routing', 'beaming'}
 4 - Neighbors : {1} / Power level : None
 4 - Is sleeping : False / Can wake-up : False / Battery level : None
Driver statistics : {'SOFCnt': 49, 'ACKWaiting': 0, 'readAborts': 0, 'badChecksum': 0, 'readCnt': 49, 'writeCnt': 46, 'CANCnt':
 0, 'NAKCnt': 1, 'ACKCnt': 30, 'OOFCnt': 0, 'dropped': 17, 'retries': 0, 'callbacks': 0, 'badroutes': 0, 'noack': 4, 'netbusy':
 0, 'nondelivery': 0, 'routedbusy': 0, 'broadcastReadCnt': 0, 'broadcastWriteCnt': 9}
Stop network