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File metadata and controls

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Working with Cloudformation

Set Up

Before you deploy with Cloudformation you need to set up your parameters.json file. There is an example copy called parameters.json-dist that you can copy and edit. It should look something like this:

    "ParameterKey": "ServiceName",
    "ParameterValue": "mediawiki"
    "ParameterKey": "Environment",
    "ParameterValue": "sandbox"
    "ParameterKey": "SSHKeyName",
    "ParameterValue": "my_key"
    "ParameterKey": "TechnicalOwner",
    "ParameterValue": "my-email@domain.dom"
    "ParameterKey": "AmiId",
    "ParameterValue": "ami-abcdef123"


The ServiceName is the name of this service. For Mozilla deployments this should be the name of a real service as noted in inventory


The environment is one of sandbox, stage or prod. For this (and all manual deployments) you will set this to sandbox.


This is the name of an existing ssh key that you have either created or uploaded to AWS.


The technical owner should be a valid email or distribution list which is monitored by the team responsible for maintaining this service.


You will collect this as output from nubis-builder. Once the build is complete nubis-builder will display the ami id which you will need to manually copy into the parameters.json file. You will need to do this after every successful build.

Commands to work with CloudFormation

NOTE: All examples run from the top level project directory.

In these examples the stack is called nubis-mediawiki. You will need to choose a unique name for your stack as their can only be one nubis-mediawiki stack at a time.


To create a new stack:

aws cloudformation create-stack --template-body file://nubis/cloudformation/main.json --parameters file://nubis/cloudformation/parameters.json --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --stack-name nubis-mediawiki


To update and existing stack:

aws cloudformation update-stack --template-body file://nubis/cloudformation/main.json --parameters file://nubis/cloudformation/parameters.json --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --stack-name nubis-mediawiki

Update Consul

After creating or updating a stack you might need to update Consul. Run this command to take any (properly described) Cloudformation outputs and insert or update them in Consul:

nubis-consul --settings nubis/cloudformation/parameters.json --stack-name nubis-mediawiki get-and-update


If you have only one EC2 instance and your ssh keys are on the jumphost, you can login by:

ssh -A -t "ssh -A -t ubuntu@$(nubis-consul --settings nubis/cloudformation/parameters.json --stack-name nubis-mediawiki get-ec2-instance-ip)"

Visit site

The stack creates a route53 hosted zone and a cname record. You can set that up in your dns system or you can simply visit the dns name of the your zone by: To get the list of nameservers for the HostedZone:

nubis-consul --stack-name nubis-mediawiki get-route53-nameservers

Or you can simply add one of the IPs from the dns name of the load balancer. To get the dns name of the load balancer:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --query 'Stacks[*].Outputs[?OutputKey == `ELBDNSName`].OutputValue' --output text --stack-name nubis-mediawiki


To delete the stack:

aws cloudformation delete-stack --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --stack-name nubis-mediawiki

After deleting the stack, be sure to remove the Consul data"

nubis-consul --settings nubis/cloudformation/parameters.json --stack-name nubis-mediawiki delete

Nested Stacks

We are using nested stacks to deploy the necessary resources. You can find the nested stack templates at nubis-stacks.