A Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) template using Parse Server.
graph LR
A[Parse Server] -- PostgreSQL --> B((Database))
A -- Application ID & Master Key --> C(API Server Template with Node Express)
C -- parse module --> A
C -- send queries --> A
Parse Server: This is the core of the Parse Server app. It handles all requests from the API Server Template app and interacts with the PostgreSQL database to store and retrieve data.
PostgreSQL: This is the database where all data is stored. Parse Server uses PostgreSQL to store data in a structured format.
Application ID and Master Key: These are two unique identifiers that authenticate requests from the API Server Template app. The application ID and master key are generated when you create a Parse Server app.
API Server Template with Node: This is the client-side application that interacts with Parse Server to retrieve, update, or create new data with our custom endpoint. The API Server Template app uses the parse module to communicate with Parse Server.
Parse module: The parse module is a JavaScript library that provides an API for communicating with Parse Server. It simplifies the process of sending queries to Parse Server by handling authentication and error handling.
Send queries: The API Server Template app sends queries to Parse Server using the parse module. For example, a query might retrieve all objects that match a certain criteria, update an existing object, or create a new object.
Install PostgreSQL Locally. Install here.
Install NodeJS and NPM. Install here.
In terminal install parse server globally with this command:
npm install -g parse-server
In PostgreSQL, create a database and extract the URI of the databse server to be use in parse server. To get the URI of the postgres database. Follow this format:
Create file
: For a full list of available options, runparse-server --help
or take a look at Parse Server Configurations.const express = require('express'); const ParseServer = require('parse-server').ParseServer; const parseServer = new ParseServer({ databaseURI: process.env.DATABASE_URI, appId: process.env.APP_ID, masterKey: process.env.MASTER_KEY, serverURL: process.env.SERVER_URL, publicServerURL: process.env.SERVER_URL, }); const app = express(); // Serve the Parse API on the /parse URL prefix const mountPath = process.env.PARSE_MOUNT || '/parse'; // Serve the Parse API on the /parse URL prefix app.use(mountPath, parseServer.app); // Start parse server parseServer.start(); const port = process.env.PORT || 3000; app.listen(port, function () { console.log(`Server is running...`); });
(OPTIONAL) Parse Server Dashboard configuration. For database GUI.
// Parse dashboard config const configDashboard = { "apps": [ { "serverURL": process.env.SERVER_URL, "appId": process.env.APP_ID, "masterKey": process.env.MASTER_KEY, "appName": "First Parse server", } ], "users": [ { "user": process.env.DASHBOARD_USER || 'admin', "pass": process.env.DASHBOARD_PASSWORD || 'admin1' }, ], } const dashboard = new ParseDashboard(configDashboard); app.use('/dashboard', dashboard);
Now you can navigate to the gui by navigating to
In parse, there are two option in which we can perform a CRUD operation. REST API (default) or you can make you of Parse SDK by creating an end point. You can read more on how to perform REST API with parse here and for Javascript SDK here.
thing to do when using parse as REST API set the header to
X-Parse-Application-Id: APP_ID
In mounted parseServerApp path, it is the target for the queries. EG.
. To perform read, set the method to GET and ping<host_name>:<port>/parse/classes/<target_class>
.- host_name: the unique identifier that serves as name of your computer or server
- port: number is a number assigned to uniquely identify a connection endpoint
- classes: by default when using REST API, it will use the tables or classes for parse server.
- target_class: name of the class you want to target.
- objectId: id of the record from the database.
METHOD: GET /// Get all record localhost:3000/parse/classes/SampleClass/ /// Get certain record localhost:3000/parse/classes/SampleClass/<objectId>
METHOD: POST localhost:3000/parse/classes/SampleClass /// Sample json body { "name":"john doe", "age":22 }
METHOD: PUT localhost:3000/parse/classes/SampleClass/<objectId> /// Sample json body { "name":"john doe", "age":23 }
METHOD: DELETE localhost:3000/parse/classes/SampleClass/<objectId>
Parse JS Sdk.
thing to do is to target the class we wish to perform some query. EG.
const sampleClass = new Parse.Query('SampleClass');
now we have to create an end point with different methods to trigger the different action for the sdk.
METHOD: GET /// END POINTS: /// Get all record localhost:3000/get-sample/ localhost:3000/get-sample/<objectId> /// Getting all record const sampleClass = new Parse.Query('SampleClass'); const results = await sampleClass.find(); res.send(results); /// Getting certain record const objectId = req.params.objectId; const sampleClass = new Parse.Object('SampleClass'); sampleClass.id = objectId; const result = await sampleClass.fetch(); res.send(result);
METHOD: POST /// END POINT: /// Creating a record localhost:3000/create-sample/ /// Creating a record const sampleClass = new Parse.Query('SampleClass'); const sampleName = req.body['name']; const sampleAge = req.body['age']; sampleClass.set('name', sampleName); sampleClass.set('age', sampleAge); const result = await sampleClass.save(); res.send(result);
METHOD: PUT /// END POINT: /// Updating a record localhost:3000/update-sample/<objectId> /// Updating a record const sampleClass = new Parse.Object('SampleClass'); const objectId = req.params.objectId; const sampleUpdatedName = req.body['name']; const sampleUpdatedAge = req.body['age']; sampleClass.id = objectId; sampleClass.set('name', sampleUpdatedName); sampleClass.set('age', sampleUpdatedAge); const result = await sampleClass.save(); res.send(result);
METHOD: DELETE /// END POINT: /// Deleting certain record localhost:3000/delete-sample/<objectId> /// Deleting certain record const sampleClass = new Parse.Object('SampleClass'); const objectId = req.params.objectId; sampleClass.id = objectId; const result = await sampleClass.destroy(); res.send(result);
when using parse-dashboard on deployment, it will make the dashboard as deceptive website. Ongoing issue can be found here.
Temporary Solution: add a standalone webservice that the only thing it will do is to access the dashboard, or simply dont use parse-dashboard anymore and just rely with the datatable.
Made with ❤️ at Nuxify