In order to accept donations for OBF online, SPI needs the following information (to be submitted to, see template):
- E-mail address where donation notifications should be sent.
- Donation description: Donation to support the Open Bioinformatics Foundation (O|B|F) and its member projects. O|B|F is volunteer-run and dedicated to promoting the practice and philosophy of Open Source software development and Open Science within the life sciences. Member projects include the widely used Bio* and EMBOSS programming toolkits. O|B|F runs the annual Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC); participates as an umbrella organization in the Google Summer of Code program; and organizes developer-centric "Hackathon" events. Your contribution helps O|B|F to fund activities towards maintaining, nurturing, and growing a vibrant community of people committed to developing reusable open-source software for advancing biological research.
- Receipt message (up to 800 characters). Thank you for your contribution to support the Open Bioinformatics Foundation, its mission, and its member project communities.
- Do you want a donation URL that only lists your project. Yes, if possible.