"Woman Wearing Headphones and Using Cellphone Near a Bus Stop" by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
OpenStreetMap Screenshot with Map data from OpenStreetMap
OpenStreetMap logo by Ken Vermette from OpenStreetMap based on https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:OpenStreetMap-Logo-2006.svg licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
"todo list" by Vectors Point from Noun Project licensed under CC BY 3.0 / Removed "Created by ..." text
"Navigation" by Vectors Point from Noun Project licensed under CC BY 3.0 / Removed "Created by ..." text
"under construction" by Vectors Point from Noun Project licensed under CC BY 3.0 / Removed "Created by ..." text
Apple und das Apple-Logo sind Marken der Apple Inc.
Google Play und das Google Play-Logo sind Marken von Google LLC.
"TU Chemnitz Hauptbahnhof" by TU Chemnitz/Jacob Müller