This section explains how to run the OSLC4J Bugzilla Adapter and the NinaCRM example application.
You’ll be using Eclipse and some add-ons to simplify the setup.
You need Eclipse 3.6 or later. Download Eclipse here. Download the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers.
After you install Eclipse, start the Eclipse application.
In the Workspace Launcher window, create a new directory for your Eclipse workspace or accept the default Workspace location.
All of the samples are in Git source control; EGit provides a GUI to work with Git repositories.
- In Eclipse, click Help → Install New Software.
- In the Install window, in the Work with field paste in the following:
- Click Add….
- In the Add Repository window, in the Name field, type something memorable like
, then click OK. - Select Eclipse Git Team Provider and click Next.
- On the Install Details page, click Next.
- On the Review Licenses page, review the license, select I accept the terms of the license agreement and click Finish.
- After EGit installs, on the Software Updates window click Yes to restart Eclipse.
Our samples use the Maven build automation tools; you’ll use the M2Eclipse Maven plugin to manage Maven from Eclipse.
- In Eclipse, click Help → Install New Software.
- In the Install window, in the Work with field paste in the following:
- Click Add….
- In the Add Repository window, in the Name field, type something memorable like
, then click OK. - Select Maven Integration for Eclipse and click Next.
- On the Review Licenses page, review the license, select I accept the terms of the license agreement and click Finish.
- After M2Eclipse installs, on the Software Updates window, click “Yes” to restart Eclipse.
- In Eclipse, open the Git Repositories view. (Window → Show View → Other, search for
Git repo
and click OK.) - Click Clone a Git Repository.
- In the Clone Git Repository window, in the URI field paste the following:
The Host and Repository fields will autofill. Leave the Username and Password fields empty. - Click Next.
- On the Branch Selection page, select master and click Next.
- For the Destination, select a folder for the files or accept the default of your Eclipse workspace.
- Click Finish.
will appear in the Git Repositories view. - In the Git Repositories view, right-click org.eclipse.lyo.core and click Import Projects.
- In the Import Projects from Git Repository wizard, select Import existing projects and click Next.
- Select all components of OSLC4J core (this is the default) and click Finish.
Next, build the OSLC4J project.
- In Eclipse, open the Project Explorer view. (Window → Show View → Project Explorer)
- In the Project Explorer view, expand
- Right-click on pom.xml, then click Run as → Maven Clean.
- Right-click on pom.xml, then click Run as → Maven Install. In the Console view, you’ll see a lot fly by; it should end with
Landfill is an always-running, open Bugzilla server that you can use if you don’t want to use your own Bugzilla application or set up a new one.
The Eclipse Lyo documentation Git repository has the Bugzilla Adapter and NinaCRM sample applications.
- In Eclipse, open the Git Repositories view. (Window → Show View → Other, search for
Git repo
and click OK.) - Click Clone a Git Repository.
- In the Clone Git Repository window, in the URI field paste the following:
The Host and Repository fields will autofill. Leave the Username and Password fields empty. - Click Next.
- On the Branch Selection page, select master and click Next.
- For the Destination, select a folder for the files or accept the default of your Eclipse workspace.
- Click Finish.
will appear in the Git Repositories view. - Repeat steps 2–7 for the server repository at
Next, import the documentation projects:
- In the Git Repositories view, right-click and click Import Projects.
- In the Import Projects from Git Repository wizard, select Import existing projects and click Next.
- Select org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.bugzilla and ninacrm and click Finish.
Finally, import the server projects:
In the Git Repositories view, right-click org.eclipse.lyo.server and click Import Projects.
In the Import Projects from Git Repository wizard, select Import existing projects and click Next.
Select the following projects:
- org.eclipse.lyo.server.oauth.consumerstore
- org.eclipse.lyo.server.oauth.core
- org.eclipse.lyo.server.oauth.webapp
and click Finish.
Configure the Bugzilla adapter to point to your Bugzilla application.
In Eclipse, open the Project Explorer view. (Window → Show View → Project Explorer)
In the Project Explorer view, find and edit the file
. -
Edit the
property to the URL of your Bugzilla server. If you’re using Bugzilla Landfill, it will look similar to this:bugzilla_uri=
There are multiple versions of Bugzilla running at; be sure to select the version where you have a user ID.
For the
property, provide your Bugzilla user ID. For Bugzilla Landfill, it will be the email address you used when you created your
(This is the ID you will use to log in to the OAuth application).
First, update the project configurations for the projects.
In Eclipse, open the Package Explorer view. (Window → Show View → Package Explorer)
In the Package Explorer view, select the following packages:
- ninacrm
- org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.bugzilla
- org.eclipse.lyo.server.oauth.consumerstore
- org.eclipse.lyo.server.oauth.core
- org.eclipse.lyo.server.oauth.webapp
Right-click and select Maven → Update Project.
In the Update Maven Project window, verify that those 5 projects are selected and click OK.
Next, install the projects:
In the Package Explorer view, expand org.eclipse.lyo.server.oauth.core.
Find the file pom.xml
Right-click on pom.xml and select Run as → Maven Clean.
Right-click on pom.xml and select Run as → Maven Install. You should eventually see a success message in the Console view.
Repeat steps 1–3 for the following packages in this order:
- org.eclipse.lyo.server.oauth.consumerstore
- org.eclipse.lyo.server.oauth.webapp
- org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.bugzilla
- ninacrm
- In Eclipse, click Run → Run Configurations.
- In the Run Configurations window, expand Maven Build.
- Click OSLC4JBugzilla.
- Click Run. This will start the application.
You will see a lot of messages in the Console view. The application will be running when you see this:
[INFO] Started Jetty Server
[INFO] Starting scanner at interval of 5 seconds.
In your web browser navigate to the OSLC Catalog at http://localhost:8080/OSLC4JBugzilla/services/catalog/singleton
Log in with your Bugzilla user ID and password.
- In Eclipse, click Run → Run Configurations.
- In the Run Configurations window, expand Maven Build.
- Click Launch NinaCRM.
- Click Run. This will start the application.
When the server starts, in your web browser navigate to http://localhost:8181/ninacrm to see the NinaCRM example.