I use this repository to upload custom CSL-M styles and highlight my CSL styles that are uploaded in the official repository.
Českou dokumentaci najdete zde.
You can find my CSL styles in the official GitHub and Zotero repositories.
- Masaryk University, Faculty of Law
- ČSN ISO 690 full-note
- Právník (use CSL-M style instead, see below)
- The Lawyer Quarterly
- Jurisprudence
- Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica (AUCI; use CSL-M style instead, see below)
- Časopis pro právní vědu a praxi
- Právny obzor
- pravny-obzor (GitHub)
Since CSL-M is not the official CSL language, CSL-M styles cannot be found in the official repositories. Therefore, you can find them only here. They are made primarily for Zotero; other citation managers can have issues with them.
- Právník (Recommended instead of the CSL style due to a locale issue)
- Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica (AUCI, recommended instead of the CSL style due to a locale issue)
If you find any issues with the styles, open a new issue here. I will try to fix them as soon as possible.