Deployment Guide to deploy MS Teams application for resource hub.
To begin, you will need:
An Azure subscription where you can create the following kind of resources:
a. App service
b. App service plan
c. Azure Bot service
d. Azure Monitor/Application Insights
e. Azure Key Vault
f. Azure blob storage
g. Azure Microsoft Bings API
Tools and Software’s required:
a. Visual studio 2022 latest version (Community/Enterprise |
b. Node.js (Download | Node.js (
Register Azure AD applications in your tenant's directory.
Log in to the Azure Portal for your subscription and go to the App registrations blade.
Click New registration to create an Azure AD application.
Click Register to complete the registration.
When the app is registered, you'll be taken to the app's "Overview" page. Copy the Application (client) ID; we will need it later. Verify that the "Supported account types" is set to Multiple organizations.
On the side rail in the Manage section, navigate to the "Certificates & secrets" section. In the Client secrets section, click on "+ New client secret". Add a description for the secret and choose when the secret will expire. Click "Add".
Once the client secret is created, copy its Value; we will need it later.
At this point you should have the following 5 values:
i. Application (client) ID for the Web application.
ii. Client secret for the Web application.
iii. Directory (tenant) ID.
We recommend that you copy the values, we will need them later.
Follow the below steps to create Azure bing search API.
Go to Azure portal where your azure resources are going to be hosted.
Search for “Bing Resources”.
Click on “Add”
Select “Bing Search” from the dropdown menu.
Fill details as shown in below and click on create button.
Once resource get created go the resource and copy the value of Key1 and endpoint from below mentioned section and copy it to some notepad.
Follow the below steps to create Azure Resources ARM Template (azuredeploy.json)
Open the azuredeploy.json from the deployment folder.
Go to Azure Portal.
Search for “custom deployment”.
Click to “Build your own template in editor”.
Paste the content of azuredeploy.json in the text area.
Click on “save”.
Azure will ask you to fill in the template parameter.
Select the subscription and resources group
We recommend, creating a new resource group
The resource group location MUST be in a data center that supports: Application Insights; For an up-to-date list, click here, and select a region where the following services are available
Application insights.
- Enter a “Base resource name”, which the template uses to generate names for the other resource.
The app service name [Base Resource Name], must be available. For example, if you select demoapp as the base name, the names demoapp must be available (not taken); otherwise, the deployment will fail with a conflict error.
Remember the base resource name that you selected. We will need it later.
- Fill in the various IDs in the template:
App Client ID: The application (client) ID is registered in Step 1.
App Client Secret: The client secret registered in Step 1.
Tenant Id: The tenant ID registered in Step 1. If your Microsoft Teams tenant is the same as the Azure subscription tenant, then we would recommend keeping the default values.
App Display Name: The app (and bot) display name.
App Description: The app (and bot) description.
Upn: Specify the Admin user’s UPN ids in comma separated format. Shown as below
Hosting Plan Name: Specifies the name of the app service/hosting plan for web App.
Hosting Plan SKU Size: The pricing tier for the hosting plan. Default value is standard.
Hosting Plan Size: The hosting plan size. Default is 2.
Storage Account name: The name of Azure Storage Account to be deployed.
Bot Name: The name of the azure bot service to be deployed.
Bot App Insights Name: The name of app insights for web app to be deployed.
Location: Location for all resources.
Key Vault Name: Specifies the name of the key vault. Make sure that the values are copied as-is, with no extra spaces. The template checks that GUIDs are exactly 36 characters.
Bing Search Subscription Key: The value bing search service subscription key. „Key1“ value created in step 2.
Bing Search Endpoint: The bing search endpoint values, created in step 2.
Click on Review + Create.
Once the validation of resources is done, click on the create button.
Once the deployment is completed you will be navigated to the deployment overview page.
Click on the output tab in the left navigation menu and copy App ID, App domain.
Go back to the "App Registrations" page here and select the App registration created as part of Step 2.
Under the left menu, select Authentication under the Manage section.
Select 'Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant)' under Supported account types and click "+Add a platform".
Click on Web
Add signin-simple-end under RedirectURLs and click Configure button. Ex: https://[BaseResourceName]
Once the flyout menu closes, scroll bottom to section 'Implicit Grant' and select checkboxes "Access tokens" and "ID tokens" and click "Save" at the top bar.
Under the left menu, select Expose an API under Manage.
Select the Set link to generate the Application ID URI in the form of api://{BotID}. Insert your fully qualified domain name (with a forward slash "/" appended to the end) between the double forward slashes and the GUID. The entire ID should have the form of api://{app-domain-name}/{BotID} .BotID is same as app id during app registration.
e.g. api://[BaseResourceName]
Click on Save button.
Select the Add a scope button. In the panel that opens, enter access_as_user as the Scope name.
Set Who can consent? to "Admins and users".
Fill in the fields for configuring the admin and user consent prompts with values that are appropriate for the access_as_user scope. Suggestions:
Admin consent display name: G&B Teams app
Admin consent description: Allows Teams to call the app’s web APIs as the current user.
User consent display name: Teams can access your user profile and make requests on your behalf
User consent description: Enable Teams to call this app’s APIs with the same rights that you have
Ensure that State is set to Enabled
Select **Add scope **
Note: The domain part of the Scope name displayed just below the text field should automatically match the Application ID URI set in the previous step, with /access_as_user appended to the end; for example api:// [BaseResourceName]
On the same page in the below section Authorized client applications, you identify the applications that you want to authorize to your app’s web application. Each of the following IDs needs to be entered. Click "+Add a client application" and copy-paste the below id and select checkbox "Authorized scopes". Repeat the step for the second GUID.
1fec8e78-bce4-4aaf-ab1b-5451cc387264 (Teams mobile/desktop application)
5e3ce6c0-2b1f-4285-8d4b-75ee78787346 (Teams web application)
Under the left menu, navigate to API Permissions, and make sure to add the following permissions of Microsoft Graph API > Delegated permissions:
Click on the “Add a permission” button to add permission to your app as shown in Figure.
Select “Microsoft Graph”, then select “Delegated Permissions” and check the following permissions by searching for:
User.Read (By default)
Click on “Add Permissions” to commit your changes.
Again, Click on the “Add a permission” button to add permission to your app as shown in Figure.
This time Select “Microsoft Graph”, then select “Application Permissions” and check the following permissions by searching for:
If you are logged in as the Global Administrator else you can skip the step, click on the “Grant admin consent for %tenant-name%” button to grant admin consent, else inform your Admin to do the same through the portal.
Go to Azure Portal and resource group where resources are created as part of the deployment in step 2.
Click on the App service created as part of the deployment in Step 2 and download the publish profile.
Navigate to “Microsoft.Teams.SelfHelp.sln” in the downloaded code base and open solution with Visual studio 2022.
Right-click on the project (Microsoft.Teams.SelfHelp) and build your code.
Publish code to the above app service. It will open the window to browse the publish profile.
Right click on project [Microsoft.Teams.SelfHelp] from solution explorer > select publish profile > import the profile which was downloaded from previous step for <<base resource name>> app service
This step covers the Teams application package creation for Teams scope and make it ready to install in Teams. Create a Teams app package to be used by supplier in Team
There are 3 Manifest that is required to work with this application.
a. Create a Teams app package to be used by users.
i. Open the Manifest\\manifest.json file in a text editor. ii. Change the placeholder fields in the manifest to values appropriate for your organization. 1. 2. developer.websiteUrl 3. developer.privacyUrl 4. Developer.termsOfUseUrl iii. Change the {bot Id} placeholder to your Azure AD application's ID from above. This is the same GUID that you entered in the template under "Bot Client ID". iv. Replace the {appDomain} with your Bot App Service's domain. This will be \[BaseResourceName\] v. Replace {App base URL} with App service base url e.g. https:// \[BaseResourceName\] vi. In Valid domain section replace {app domain} with vii. In the "webApplicationInfo" section, replace the <<Bot ID>> with Client ID of the app created in Step 1. Also replace api://<<applicationurl>>/<<clientId>> with following Application URI appended with client id. This will be as follows for example api:// where resourcehub is the base resource URL used under valid domains and tabs and 19c1102a-fffe-46c4-9a85-016bec13e0ab is the client id.
Create a ZIP package of all three manifest created above each having manifest.json,color.png, and outline.png. The two image files are the icons for your app in Teams.
Make sure that the file top level of the ZIP package, with no nested folders.
Name > Maximum size (in characters)
Name > 32 websiteUrl > 2048 privacyUrl > 2048 termsOfUseUrl > 2048
Access the Teams admin portal through the Admin Center.
Use the Tenant Administrator account to log in.
Navigate to Manage Apps under the left navigation panel.
Click on the ‘Upload’ button and click on ‘Select a file’ under the Upload a custom app dialog box.
Browse the Manifest zip file created in Step 5 and click Open. Once the manifest is successfully uploaded you will get the confirmation.
Once upload successful, got to Permissions Tab and review and Approve permissions.
Click on Review permissions and select admin credentials.
Review and approve the permissions.
Next, Navigate to ‘Setup Policies’ below the manage apps and Click on the ‘Add Apps’ button under Installed Apps.
A new Right panel ‘Add installed apps’ will appear. Select “Global” from the first dropdown.
Search for all three app by name (Resource hub) in the next text box and click on “Add”.
Now scroll down to Pinned apps and click on “Add steps” to add the Bot under pinned app for the User’s Teams.
A new Right panel ‘Add pinned apps ‘will appear. Select “Global” from the first dropdown.
Search for the apps in the next text box and click on “Add” if not already selected.
Scroll down to the Setup Policies page and click on the ‘Save’ button.
A confirmation dialog will appear indicating successful updating.
The end User of the Tenant will now proceed to Login into the Teams application.
Upon successful login, Users can see the app under the pinned sites.
Step 9: Import sample data for learning content (To import sample data user need to use the app once to create the database table automatically at backend)
Download Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer. Download
Open Azure Storage Explorer tool and loging with azure subscription as shown below,
Download sample data from here Sample learning content
Expand respective subscription and storage account and select "LearningEntity" table.
Once import completed update "TitleImageLink" column for all records started with "{App base URL}" shown in below with BaseResourceName.
Replace the {{App base URL}} with your Bot App Service's domain. This will be [BaseResourceName]
Replace {App base URL} with App service base url e.g. https:// [BaseResourceName]
Once replaced click on Update.
Do it for all records started with "{App base URL}" as base URL.