Issue Tracking Form
Please use this form to report issues arising from operation of the Omicron Server. This form will be used to track issues arising from operation of the API, as well as any issue arising from client usage that impacts the Omicron Project's business logic.
I am
- filing a bug report found in Omicron Server
- filing a feature request
- asking a question about the system
- filing an issue relating to an issue in the OmicronClient
Please stay tuned to this issue! We may contact you through GitHub to ask you more questions about it. If you like, we may also contact you through an alternate form of communication, i.e. email. If this is the case, transcripts of these communiques may be posted to the site, in order to allow all contributors to act on the information provided.
I can be contacted by: (Please provide instructions for how to contact you)
- I authorize the Omicron Project to publish transcripts of my interactions with the Omicron Project.
Related Issues
Please attach a link to the issue to which this issue pertains, using the following format
My issue pertains to [#1](
My issue pertains to: #
Bug Reports
Please state the criticality of the bug
- showstopper, stops the site from functioning
- critical, prevents a part of the site from functioning in a way that breaks the feature
- annoying, mis-aligned images, bad CSS, text overflowing its container box
Provide a description of the bug below
Feature Requests
Feature Title
Provide a brief title for your FR. This and the issue number will be used as shorthand to work on issues.
Title: (Title Here)
(Provide a description of your feature. The more thorough, the better!)
General Inquiries
Ask away! We won't bite!
My question is:
(question here)