OpMon is a game that has a long history; many people came to work on it in addition to the original developers. They helped not only on the game but also its developers. So, in this file are mentionned not only the people that helped developing this version of the game but also those who helped the project in all the different iterations it took along the years, from its beginning to what it is now, along the numerous reboots that made us grow up. Thanks a lot to all of them, to all of you.
- Cyrielle Centori – Main programmer, co-creator, project organisator
- Navet56 – Game and graphics designer, co-creator
- Olivier Grech – Programming, launched the Godot Project, helped with organisation and important decisions.
- Has Jam On – Programming, quality-of-life improvements
- alkaloid99 – Level design, player’s house and room
- Kuromeruk – Programming, Moves animation system
- Kévin Bernard-Allies – Huge help with C++ programming
- Gautier Berthou – Huge help with C++ programming
- inkyFR
- rjphares
- Jo
- Cheesecake
- dogmotion
- imZeRRkA
- atxtechcrew
- jseutter
- Imperator
- Silvermoon
- Stelyus
- Rixem
- Bircoum
- louracame
- Samurai413x
- jubalh
- torq
- JonnyPtn
- Bobor
- Qwam
- Reuun
- sergioag
- CxxSpren
- f0ffee