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jpulgarin edited this page Oct 3, 2011 · 14 revisions

The best way to help keep our exercises bug free is to go through our [issues in the Issue Tracker]((

Most issues have a link that you can use to test the exercise from your browser. For every issue that you review, please take note of the following:

  • Many of the issues are not bugs, and are the result of the user misunderstanding the question, or a calculation error. If the problem needs to be clarified feel free to leave a comment with suggestions.
  • If the issue is describing an actual bug you can leave a comment saying as such, comment about the source of the bug, or submit a pull request to fix the bug yourself.

Note that you can append &debug to the end of the exercise URL (ex: addition_1.html?seed=144&problem=0&debug) to see the values of the variables used in the problem.