Our training pipeline is based on mmcv and mmdet3d. To train a DriveAdapter model, you could use:
#In DriveAdapter/open_loop_training/ directory
#We train on 16 A100 for 4 days
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7, python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --master_port=22023 train.py configs/driveadapter.py --work-dir=work_dirs/driveadapter --launcher="pytorch"
For single GPU debug, you could simply use:
#In driveadapter/open_loop_training/ directory
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train.py configs/driveadapter.py --work-dir=work_dirs/debug
We give the structure of the training code. Note that We only introduce those folders/files are commonly used and modified.
├── ckpt # Checkpoints
├── configs # Hyper-Parameter
├── work_dirs # Training Log
├── code # Preprocessing, DataLoader, Model
│ ├── apis # Training pipeline for mmdet3D
│ ├── core # The hooks for mmdet3D
│ ├── datasets # Preprocessing and DataLoader
| | ├── pipelines # Functions of Preprocessing and DataLoader
│ | ├── samplers # For DDP
│ | └── carla_dataset.py # Framework of Preprocessing and DataLoading
│ ├── model_code # Neural Network
| | ├── backbones # Module of Encoder
| | └── dense_heads # Module of Decoder and Loss Functions
│ └── encoder_decoder_framework.py # Entrance of Neural Network
└── train.py # Entrance of Training
- Change is_dev in open_loop_training/configs/driveadapter.py to True when you develop your model and to False during training
- Set is_full in open_loop_training/configs/driveadapter.py to False would only use the same number of data as TCP while to True would use all possible data recorded in dataset/dataset_metadata.pkl.
- Your could start with open_loop_training/code/encoder_decoder_framework.py when you want to learn about the neural network and open_loop_training/code/datasets/carla_dataset.py when you want to learn about data.