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these are my input file for 5Mw 5MW_ITIBarge_DLL_WTurb_WavesIrr turbine
------- OpenFAST EXAMPLE INPUT FILE -------------------------------------------
FAST Certification Test #22: NREL 5.0 MW Baseline Wind Turbine with ITI Barge Configuration, for use in offshore analysis
---------------------- SIMULATION CONTROL --------------------------------------
True Echo - Echo input data to .ech (flag)
"FATAL" AbortLevel - Error level when simulation should abort (string) {"WARNING", "SEVERE", "FATAL"}
60 TMax - Total run time (s)
0.0125 DT - Recommended module time step (s)
2 InterpOrder - Interpolation order for input/output time history (-) {1=linear, 2=quadratic}
0 NumCrctn - Number of correction iterations (-) {0=explicit calculation, i.e., no corrections}
99999 DT_UJac - Time between calls to get Jacobians (s)
1E+06 UJacSclFact - Scaling factor used in Jacobians (-)
---------------------- FEATURE SWITCHES AND FLAGS ------------------------------
1 CompElast - Compute structural dynamics (switch) {1=ElastoDyn; 2=ElastoDyn + BeamDyn for blades}
1 CompInflow - Compute inflow wind velocities (switch) {0=still air; 1=InflowWind; 2=external from OpenFOAM}
1 CompAero - Compute aerodynamic loads (switch) {0=None; 1=AeroDyn v14; 2=AeroDyn v15}
0 CompServo - Compute control and electrical-drive dynamics (switch) {0=None; 1=ServoDyn}
1 CompHydro - Compute hydrodynamic loads (switch) {0=None; 1=HydroDyn}
0 CompSub - Compute sub-structural dynamics (switch) {0=None; 1=SubDyn; 2=External Platform MCKF}
1 CompMooring - Compute mooring system (switch) {0=None; 1=MAP++; 2=FEAMooring; 3=MoorDyn; 4=OrcaFlex}
0 CompIce - Compute ice loads (switch) {0=None; 1=IceFloe; 2=IceDyn}
0 MHK - MHK turbine type (switch) {0=Not an MHK turbine; 1=Fixed MHK turbine; 2=Floating MHK turbine}
---------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS --------------------------------
9.80665 Gravity - Gravitational acceleration (m/s^2)
1.225 AirDens - Air density (kg/m^3)
1025 WtrDens - Water density (kg/m^3)
1.464E-05 KinVisc - Kinematic viscosity of working fluid (m^2/s)
0 SpdSound - Speed of sound in working fluid (m/s)
0 Patm - Atmospheric pressure (Pa) [used only for an MHK turbine cavitation check]
0 Pvap - Vapour pressure of working fluid (Pa) [used only for an MHK turbine cavitation check]
150 WtrDpth - Water depth (m)
0 MSL2SWL - Offset between still-water level and mean sea level (m) [positive upward]
---------------------- INPUT FILES ---------------------------------------------
"NRELOffshrBsline5MW_ITIBarge4_ElastoDyn.dat" EDFile - Name of file containing ElastoDyn input parameters (quoted string)
"../5MW_Baseline/NRELOffshrBsline5MW_BeamDyn.dat" BDBldFile(1) - Name of file containing BeamDyn input parameters for blade 1 (quoted string)
"../5MW_Baseline/NRELOffshrBsline5MW_BeamDyn.dat" BDBldFile(2) - Name of file containing BeamDyn input parameters for blade 2 (quoted string)
"../5MW_Baseline/NRELOffshrBsline5MW_BeamDyn.dat" BDBldFile(3) - Name of file containing BeamDyn input parameters for blade 3 (quoted string)
"../5MW_Baseline/NRELOffshrBsline5MW_InflowWind_12mps.dat" InflowFile - Name of file containing inflow wind input parameters (quoted string)
"NRELOffshrBsline5MW_AeroDyn_Equil_noTwr.dat" AeroFile - Name of file containing aerodynamic input parameters (quoted string)
"NRELOffshrBsline5MW_ITIBarge4_ServoDyn.dat" ServoFile - Name of file containing control and electrical-drive input parameters (quoted string)
"NRELOffshrBsline5MW_ITIBarge4_HydroDyn.dat" HydroFile - Name of file containing hydrodynamic input parameters (quoted string)
"unused" SubFile - Name of file containing sub-structural input parameters (quoted string)
"NRELOffshrBsline5MW_ITIBarge4_MAP.dat" MooringFile - Name of file containing mooring system input parameters (quoted string)
"unused" IceFile - Name of file containing ice input parameters (quoted string)
---------------------- OUTPUT --------------------------------------------------
True SumPrint - Print summary data to ".sum" (flag)
10 SttsTime - Amount of time between screen status messages (s)
1000 ChkptTime - Amount of time between creating checkpoint files for potential restart (s)
0.0125 DT_Out - Time step for tabular output (s) (or "default")
0 TStart - Time to begin tabular output (s)
1 OutFileFmt - Format for tabular (time-marching) output file (switch) {0: uncompressed binary [.outb], 1: text file [.out], 2: binary file [.outb], 3: both 1 and 2}
True TabDelim - Use tab delimiters in text tabular output file? (flag) {uses spaces if false}
"ES15.7E2" OutFmt - Format used for text tabular output, excluding the time channel. Resulting field should be 10 characters. (quoted string)
---------------------- LINEARIZATION -------------------------------------------
False Linearize - Linearization analysis (flag)
False CalcSteady - Calculate a steady-state periodic operating point before linearization? [unused if Linearize=False] (flag)
3 TrimCase - Controller parameter to be trimmed {1:yaw; 2:torque; 3:pitch} [used only if CalcSteady=True] (-)
0.001 TrimTol - Tolerance for the rotational speed convergence [used only if CalcSteady=True] (-)
0.01 TrimGain - Proportional gain for the rotational speed error (>0) [used only if CalcSteady=True] (rad/(rad/s) for yaw or pitch; Nm/(rad/s) for torque)
0 Twr_Kdmp - Damping factor for the tower [used only if CalcSteady=True] (N/(m/s))
0 Bld_Kdmp - Damping factor for the blades [used only if CalcSteady=True] (N/(m/s))
2 NLinTimes - Number of times to linearize (-) [>=1] [unused if Linearize=False]
30, 60 LinTimes - List of times at which to linearize (s) [1 to NLinTimes] [used only when Linearize=True and CalcSteady=False]
1 LinInputs - Inputs included in linearization (switch) {0=none; 1=standard; 2=all module inputs (debug)} [unused if Linearize=False]
1 LinOutputs - Outputs included in linearization (switch) {0=none; 1=from OutList(s); 2=all module outputs (debug)} [unused if Linearize=False]
False LinOutJac - Include full Jacobians in linearization output (for debug) (flag) [unused if Linearize=False; used only if LinInputs=LinOutputs=2]
False LinOutMod - Write module-level linearization output files in addition to output for full system? (flag) [unused if Linearize=False]
---------------------- VISUALIZATION ------------------------------------------
2 WrVTK - VTK visualization data output: (switch) {0=none; 1=initialization data only; 2=animation; 3=mode shapes}
1 VTK_type - Type of VTK visualization data: (switch) {1=surfaces; 2=basic meshes (lines/points); 3=all meshes (debug)} [unused if WrVTK=0]
true VTK_fields - Write mesh fields to VTK data files? (flag) {true/false} [unused if WrVTK=0]
16 VTK_fps - Frame rate for VTK output (frames per second){will use closest integer multiple of DT} [used only if WrVTK=2 or WrVTK=3]
and the result i got
This program is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0 and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
See the "LICENSE" file distributed with this software for details.
Compile Info:
Compiler: Intel(R) Fortran Compiler 1900
Architecture: 64 bit
Precision: single
OpenMP: No
Date: Mar 08 2022
Time: 10:53:02
Execution Info:
Date: 05/17/2022
Time: 17:25:20+0530
OpenFAST input file heading:
FAST Certification Test #22: NREL 5.0 MW Baseline Wind Turbine with ITI Barge Configuration,
for use in offshore analysis
Running ElastoDyn.
Nodal outputs section of ElastoDyn input file not found or improperly formatted.
Running AeroDyn14.
WARNING: AeroDyn 14 is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Running InflowWind.
Reading a 31x31 grid (145 m wide, 17.5 m to 162.5 m above ground) with a characteristic wind
speed of 12 m/s. This full-field file was generated by TurbSim (v1.06.00, 21-Sep-2012) on
07-Jan-2014 at 12:50:45.
Processed 1442 time steps of 20-Hz full-field data (72.05 seconds).
Running HydroDyn.
Generating incident wave kinematics and current time history.
Reading in WAMIT output with root name ".../5MW_Baseline/HydroData/Barge".
Computing radiation impulse response functions and wave diffraction forces.
Using SS_Radiation Module, with 30 of 30 radiation states
MAP++ environment properties (set externally)...
Gravity constant [m/s^2] : 9.81
Sea density [kg/m^3] : 1025.00
Water depth [m] : 200.00
Vessel reference position [m] : 0.00 , 0.00 , 0.00
FAST_InitializeAll:SetVTKParameters:Cannot do surface visualization without using AeroDyn.
OpenFAST encountered an error during module initialization.
Simulation error level: FATAL ERROR
these are my input file for 5Mw 5MW_ITIBarge_DLL_WTurb_WavesIrr turbine
------- OpenFAST EXAMPLE INPUT FILE -------------------------------------------
FAST Certification Test #22: NREL 5.0 MW Baseline Wind Turbine with ITI Barge Configuration, for use in offshore analysis
---------------------- SIMULATION CONTROL --------------------------------------
True Echo - Echo input data to .ech (flag)
"FATAL" AbortLevel - Error level when simulation should abort (string) {"WARNING", "SEVERE", "FATAL"}
60 TMax - Total run time (s)
0.0125 DT - Recommended module time step (s)
2 InterpOrder - Interpolation order for input/output time history (-) {1=linear, 2=quadratic}
0 NumCrctn - Number of correction iterations (-) {0=explicit calculation, i.e., no corrections}
99999 DT_UJac - Time between calls to get Jacobians (s)
1E+06 UJacSclFact - Scaling factor used in Jacobians (-)
---------------------- FEATURE SWITCHES AND FLAGS ------------------------------
1 CompElast - Compute structural dynamics (switch) {1=ElastoDyn; 2=ElastoDyn + BeamDyn for blades}
1 CompInflow - Compute inflow wind velocities (switch) {0=still air; 1=InflowWind; 2=external from OpenFOAM}
1 CompAero - Compute aerodynamic loads (switch) {0=None; 1=AeroDyn v14; 2=AeroDyn v15}
0 CompServo - Compute control and electrical-drive dynamics (switch) {0=None; 1=ServoDyn}
1 CompHydro - Compute hydrodynamic loads (switch) {0=None; 1=HydroDyn}
0 CompSub - Compute sub-structural dynamics (switch) {0=None; 1=SubDyn; 2=External Platform MCKF}
1 CompMooring - Compute mooring system (switch) {0=None; 1=MAP++; 2=FEAMooring; 3=MoorDyn; 4=OrcaFlex}
0 CompIce - Compute ice loads (switch) {0=None; 1=IceFloe; 2=IceDyn}
0 MHK - MHK turbine type (switch) {0=Not an MHK turbine; 1=Fixed MHK turbine; 2=Floating MHK turbine}
---------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS --------------------------------
9.80665 Gravity - Gravitational acceleration (m/s^2)
1.225 AirDens - Air density (kg/m^3)
1025 WtrDens - Water density (kg/m^3)
1.464E-05 KinVisc - Kinematic viscosity of working fluid (m^2/s)
0 SpdSound - Speed of sound in working fluid (m/s)
0 Patm - Atmospheric pressure (Pa) [used only for an MHK turbine cavitation check]
0 Pvap - Vapour pressure of working fluid (Pa) [used only for an MHK turbine cavitation check]
150 WtrDpth - Water depth (m)
0 MSL2SWL - Offset between still-water level and mean sea level (m) [positive upward]
---------------------- INPUT FILES ---------------------------------------------
"NRELOffshrBsline5MW_ITIBarge4_ElastoDyn.dat" EDFile - Name of file containing ElastoDyn input parameters (quoted string)
"../5MW_Baseline/NRELOffshrBsline5MW_BeamDyn.dat" BDBldFile(1) - Name of file containing BeamDyn input parameters for blade 1 (quoted string)
"../5MW_Baseline/NRELOffshrBsline5MW_BeamDyn.dat" BDBldFile(2) - Name of file containing BeamDyn input parameters for blade 2 (quoted string)
"../5MW_Baseline/NRELOffshrBsline5MW_BeamDyn.dat" BDBldFile(3) - Name of file containing BeamDyn input parameters for blade 3 (quoted string)
"../5MW_Baseline/NRELOffshrBsline5MW_InflowWind_12mps.dat" InflowFile - Name of file containing inflow wind input parameters (quoted string)
"NRELOffshrBsline5MW_AeroDyn_Equil_noTwr.dat" AeroFile - Name of file containing aerodynamic input parameters (quoted string)
"NRELOffshrBsline5MW_ITIBarge4_ServoDyn.dat" ServoFile - Name of file containing control and electrical-drive input parameters (quoted string)
"NRELOffshrBsline5MW_ITIBarge4_HydroDyn.dat" HydroFile - Name of file containing hydrodynamic input parameters (quoted string)
"unused" SubFile - Name of file containing sub-structural input parameters (quoted string)
"NRELOffshrBsline5MW_ITIBarge4_MAP.dat" MooringFile - Name of file containing mooring system input parameters (quoted string)
"unused" IceFile - Name of file containing ice input parameters (quoted string)
---------------------- OUTPUT --------------------------------------------------
True SumPrint - Print summary data to ".sum" (flag)
10 SttsTime - Amount of time between screen status messages (s)
1000 ChkptTime - Amount of time between creating checkpoint files for potential restart (s)
0.0125 DT_Out - Time step for tabular output (s) (or "default")
0 TStart - Time to begin tabular output (s)
1 OutFileFmt - Format for tabular (time-marching) output file (switch) {0: uncompressed binary [.outb], 1: text file [.out], 2: binary file [.outb], 3: both 1 and 2}
True TabDelim - Use tab delimiters in text tabular output file? (flag) {uses spaces if false}
"ES15.7E2" OutFmt - Format used for text tabular output, excluding the time channel. Resulting field should be 10 characters. (quoted string)
---------------------- LINEARIZATION -------------------------------------------
False Linearize - Linearization analysis (flag)
False CalcSteady - Calculate a steady-state periodic operating point before linearization? [unused if Linearize=False] (flag)
3 TrimCase - Controller parameter to be trimmed {1:yaw; 2:torque; 3:pitch} [used only if CalcSteady=True] (-)
0.001 TrimTol - Tolerance for the rotational speed convergence [used only if CalcSteady=True] (-)
0.01 TrimGain - Proportional gain for the rotational speed error (>0) [used only if CalcSteady=True] (rad/(rad/s) for yaw or pitch; Nm/(rad/s) for torque)
0 Twr_Kdmp - Damping factor for the tower [used only if CalcSteady=True] (N/(m/s))
0 Bld_Kdmp - Damping factor for the blades [used only if CalcSteady=True] (N/(m/s))
2 NLinTimes - Number of times to linearize (-) [>=1] [unused if Linearize=False]
30, 60 LinTimes - List of times at which to linearize (s) [1 to NLinTimes] [used only when Linearize=True and CalcSteady=False]
1 LinInputs - Inputs included in linearization (switch) {0=none; 1=standard; 2=all module inputs (debug)} [unused if Linearize=False]
1 LinOutputs - Outputs included in linearization (switch) {0=none; 1=from OutList(s); 2=all module outputs (debug)} [unused if Linearize=False]
False LinOutJac - Include full Jacobians in linearization output (for debug) (flag) [unused if Linearize=False; used only if LinInputs=LinOutputs=2]
False LinOutMod - Write module-level linearization output files in addition to output for full system? (flag) [unused if Linearize=False]
---------------------- VISUALIZATION ------------------------------------------
2 WrVTK - VTK visualization data output: (switch) {0=none; 1=initialization data only; 2=animation; 3=mode shapes}
1 VTK_type - Type of VTK visualization data: (switch) {1=surfaces; 2=basic meshes (lines/points); 3=all meshes (debug)} [unused if WrVTK=0]
true VTK_fields - Write mesh fields to VTK data files? (flag) {true/false} [unused if WrVTK=0]
16 VTK_fps - Frame rate for VTK output (frames per second){will use closest integer multiple of DT} [used only if WrVTK=2 or WrVTK=3]
and the result i got
This program is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0 and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
See the "LICENSE" file distributed with this software for details.
Compile Info:
Execution Info:
OpenFAST input file heading:
FAST Certification Test #22: NREL 5.0 MW Baseline Wind Turbine with ITI Barge Configuration,
for use in offshore analysis
Running ElastoDyn.
Nodal outputs section of ElastoDyn input file not found or improperly formatted.
Running AeroDyn14.
WARNING: AeroDyn 14 is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Running InflowWind.
Reading a 31x31 grid (145 m wide, 17.5 m to 162.5 m above ground) with a characteristic wind
speed of 12 m/s. This full-field file was generated by TurbSim (v1.06.00, 21-Sep-2012) on
07-Jan-2014 at 12:50:45.
Processed 1442 time steps of 20-Hz full-field data (72.05 seconds).
Running HydroDyn.
Generating incident wave kinematics and current time history.
Reading in WAMIT output with root name ".../5MW_Baseline/HydroData/Barge".
Computing radiation impulse response functions and wave diffraction forces.
Using SS_Radiation Module, with 30 of 30 radiation states
MAP++ environment properties (set externally)...
Gravity constant [m/s^2] : 9.81
Sea density [kg/m^3] : 1025.00
Water depth [m] : 200.00
Vessel reference position [m] : 0.00 , 0.00 , 0.00
FAST_InitializeAll:SetVTKParameters:Cannot do surface visualization without using AeroDyn.
OpenFAST encountered an error during module initialization.
Simulation error level: FATAL ERROR
Aborting OpenFAST.
PS C:\jb\r-test-061441958a2eef7f494d69ee097f8ec050d5a129\glue-codes\openfast\5MW_ITIBarge_DLL_WTurb_WavesIrr>
kindly give me the solution
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