Imports MonkerWare ranges, a proprietary directory structure used by MonkerViewer.
Useful for tinkering with MonkerViewer ranges (.rng
files) downloaded from RangeConverter.
Install the library with npm install monkerware
import { RangeImporter } from 'monkerware';
// Import a single .rng file (single branch)
// Returns a Map from hand representations (e.g. 'AA', 'AKs', 'AKo') to { p, ev } objects
// p = probability of playing the hand in this range as part of the GTO mixed strategy
// ev = expected value (in small blinds) when playing the hand in this range
const range = RangeImporter.importFile({ path: '/some/path/0.rng' });
// Import a directory with .rng files (full strategy)
// Returns a Map from branch names (e.g. '0', '' to ranges (as returned from importFile)
const ranges = RangeImporter.importDirectory({ path: '/some/path/' });