OpenHUD does not store any of your data. Period.
It physically can't, there's nowhere to store it. It doesn't even have a server database to store it. Take a look at the code, and see for yourself: the only outbound communication is with the HUD modules you decide to use.
So even if Mike Postle asked nicely to see your data, there'd be nothing to show him.
HUD modules, however, may potentially store your data or do whatever with it. As an extensible platform, we have no control over it. Make sure you trust the modules you use, and be extra careful with closed-source modules.
These terms may be modified to, for example, reflect changes in the code. You should look at the terms regularly. We'll post notice of modifications to these terms on this page. Changes will not apply retroactively and will become effective no sooner than fourteen days after they are posted. If you do not agree to the modified terms, you should stop using OpenHUD.