Here is a list of research projects that use OpenRL. If you use OpenRL in your research projects, feel free to tell us about it and join the list.
Description: The Multi-agent Quadruped Environment (MQE) is a novel platform designed to facilitate the development and evaluation of multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) algorithms in realistic and dynamic scenarios.
- Paper: MQE: Unleashing the Power of Interaction with Multi-agent Quadruped Environment
- Authors: Ziyan Xiong, Bo Chen, Shiyu Huang, Wei-Wei Tu, Zhaofeng He, Yang Gao
- Main Page:
- Github:
Description: LLMArena is a novel and easily extensible framework for evaluating the diverse capabilities of LLM in multi-agent dynamic environments.
- Paper: LLMArena: Assessing Capabilities of Large Language Models in Dynamic Multi-Agent Environments
- Authors: Junzhe Chen, Xuming Hu, Shuodi Liu, Shiyu Huang, Wei-Wei Tu, Zhaofeng He, Lijie Wen
- Code:
Description: TiZero is a reinforcement learning agent for Google Research Football full game, trained with distributed self-play.
- Paper: TiZero: Mastering Multi-Agent Football with Curriculum Learning and Self-Play(AAMAS 2023)
- Authors: Fanqi Lin, Shiyu Huang, Tim Pearce, Wenze Chen, Wei-Wei Tu
- Github:
Description: Recent algorithms designed for reinforcement learning tasks focus on finding a single optimal solution. However, in many practical applications, it is important to develop reasonable agents with diverse strategies. In this paper, we propose an on-policy framework for discovering multiple strategies for the same task. Experimental results show that our method efficiently finds diverse strategies in a wide variety of reinforcement learning tasks.
- Paper: DGPO: Discovering Multiple Strategies with Diversity-Guided Policy Optimization(AAAI 2024)
- Authors: Wenze Chen, Shiyu Huang, Yuan Chiang, Tim Pearce, Wei-Wei Tu, Ting Chen, Jun Zhu
- Github: