Learning Objectives:
LO8a: Understand the basic concepts and the viewpoints of different stakeholders in public engagement with science, both in science communication and community science efforts (knowledge).
LO8b: Understand the different approaches to citizen science, how to involve a larger audience in your research and limitations & pitfalls (knowledge).
LO8c: Understand the different approaches to target groups/audiences and communication channels, who to involve in what kind of communication, and how to do it strategically and with which tools (knowledge).
LO8d: Develop either a citizen science program to empower non-academics interested in your research field, or a personal communication strategy to bring your research to a wider audience (tasks).
Science Communication
Basics and principles of science communication, public outreach and engagement, and their relationship to Open Science.
Different stakeholders and audiences in public engagement and science communication, and how to shape messages for each of them.
Press releases and interacting with the media.
Different forms of social media:
How and why to blog about your research.
Using Twitter for outreach, conferences and networking.
How to use video and audio for outreach.
How to connect with citizen science initiatives, public advocacy groups, and patient organizations in your research area.
How to take your research to the stage (e.g., FameLab, Science Slam, Cosy Science).
When sh*t hits the fan - basics in crisis communication.
Citizen/Community Science
- Content will come here ;-)
Individuals: Dawn Bazely, Melanie Smallman, Lou Woodley, Caren Cooper, Shannon Dosemagen, Muki Hakley, Karen James, Elodie Chabrol, Andre Lampe, Egle Ramanauskaite, Luc Henry, Lucy Patterson.
Organisations: Public Labs, European Citizen Science Association,
Other: AAAS
The 'Up-Goer' five text editor (XKCD).
Citizen Science Course with a full training platform available here.
Research Articles and Reports
Towards an Analytical Framework of Science Communication Models (Trench, 2008).
An introduction to social media for scientists (Bik and Goldstein, 2013).
Ten simple rules of live tweeting at scientific conferences (Ekins and Perlstein, 2014).
Crowd science: The organization of scientific research in open collaborative projects (Franzoni and Sauermann, 2014).
Why did the proton cross the road? Humour and science communication (Reisch, 2014).
Science communication as political communication (Scheufele, 2014).
Why should we promote public engagement with science? (Stilgoe et al., 2014).
Bridging science education and science communication research (Baram-Tsabari and Osborne, 2015).
Opinion: Lay summaries needed to enhance science communication (Kuehne and Olden, 2015).
Identifying what matters: Science education, science communication and democracy (Lewenstein, 2015).
Best practices for managing intellectual property rights in citizen science: A guide for researchers and citizen scientists (Scassa and Chung, 2015).
Global change and local solutions: Tapping the unrealized potential of citizen science for biodiversity research (Theobald et al., 2015).
Emerging problems of data quality in citizen science (Lukyanenko et al., 2016).
Youth-focused citizen science: Examining the role of environmental science learning and agency for conservation (Ballard et al., 2017).
Contribution of citizen science towards international biodiversity monitoring (Chandler et al., 2017).
Citizen Science Terminology Matters: Exploring Key Terms (Eitzel et al., 2017).
Leveraging the power of place in citizen science for effective conservation decision making (Newman et al., 2017).
Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2017: Expanding Horizons.
Setting up crowd science projects (Scheliga et al., 2016).
Citizen science (Hecker et al., 2018).
Key posts:
Public-friendly Open Science, Matteo Cantiello.
Guidelines for good science Public Relations, Wissenschaft im Dialog and the Bundesverband Hochschulkommunikation.
Effective communication, better science, Mónica I. Feliú-Mójer.
Five strategies for identifying an audience, Lisa Willemse.
Policy: The art of science advice to government, Peter Gluckman.
Guidance: Principles of scientific advice to government, Government Office for Science (UK).
Getting started with science communication, Sam Illingworth.
Open Science Monitor, Citizen Science (European Commission).
Cientópolis (Citizen science and open science platform for Latin America).
Citizen Science & Open Science: Synergies & Future Areas of Work, Doing it Together Science (ECSA).
How to effectively communication science and scientific research to a broad audience (Robinson, 2009).
Collection: Plain language summaries of research (Rodgers et al., 2017).
Crowdfunding platforms:
Search and make a short list of your institution's people involved in outreach, PR etc. Do you know everybody important for what you do?
Read a press release from your institution.
- How does it compare to the research article itself?
Write a blog post summarising a selection of your research papers to date.
Start a blog and post them!
If possible, connect this to your main website.
Respond to discussions on (social) media about your topic of research.
Use hashtags to find relevant conversations.
Who is popular in your field? What do you notice about their style of engagement?
Identify relevant citizen science initiatives on social media.
Add them to your contacts.
Reach out to them and open a conversation on how you could mutually benefit from shared research.
How would you communicate with protesters in front of your institute?
What policy-level consultations are open at the moment at a national level?
Are any of them in a discipline or topic related to yours?
If so, draft a short response based on your understanding of the relevant research.