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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 23, 2023. It is now read-only.

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executable file
203 lines (187 loc) · 13.1 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
203 lines (187 loc) · 13.1 KB

Near term tasks (someone is already working on these)

  • Revisit bluetooth based bootloader for initial programming on SW102 - I think I have a good plan
  • Update wiki instructions on how to develop for 850C/SW102
  • Work with 0.20 motor code (ideally by detecting protocol version and let the same build work with either 0.19 or 0.20 motors)
  • Please use M Key!!! You use M also for edit Parameters, please use it also for leaving edit mode. Thanks!

TODO tasks for beta release

We define beta releases as: Feature complete, only fixing bugs from that point until release 1.0. Note: there will probably be a few alpha releases based on user bug reports and the following work items. Once this list is complete we will declare beta.

Tasks for after release 1.0

  • report pedal power via strava
  • now that we have inset_y, remove descender_y - I don't think it is needed anymore rows:
  • fix bluetooth notifications (so battery SOC/cadence periodically updates in android app)
  • when graphRender is invoked but it isn't yet time to redraw just add the current value to a sum and then later divide by # skipped updates to get a nice average value. Much better than just sampling a single value every 3500ms.
  • stop using ui32_g_layer_2_can_execute for mutual exclusion with the ISR
  • add instrumentation to measure times of key operations (main loop, frame update etc)
  • check that linker is stripping all unused functions (for both platforms)
  • dramatically shrink the buttons.c code
  • remove ui8_***_imperial (by making auto scaling smarter in render)
  • 850C doesn't seem to do proper dependency checking - changes to .h files should cause new builds
  • Per @lowPerformer: We can also extend the fonts by our "special" characters we need, f.i. ASCII ':' can be a 'W'. I did that with MY_FONT_8X12 where 0x1F is a '°' like in °C.
  • show units on config screen
  • make is_selected in screen.c always imply blink
  • add the concept of Subscreens, so that the battery bar at the top and the status bar at the bottom can be shared across all screens
  • setup the local analog comparator to compare Vbat to a min voltage (19V or whatever). If it falls below that voltage assume user just killed the power at the battery and quickly write settings to flash. Only feasible if oscope timing shows we have enough time before the CPU voltage fails for this to be worth bothering with.
  • clean up buttons_clock by treating all buttons uniformly and getting rid of the enormous copypasta switches

TODO tasks remaining before initial alpha release

We define alpha releases as: Not feature complete, but functional and probably safe. None.

Completed TODO work items

  • DONE merge 850C style rx comms code with the existing SW102 code
  • DONE merge the 850C style tx comms code with the existing SW102 code
  • DONE merge the 850C eeprom code, keeping as much as possible in common
  • DONE call the rx/tx comms loop every 20ms from the main loop (needed to fix app timers first)
  • DONE make the rtc stubs do something
  • DONE turn on eeprom writing
  • DONE semi-cruftily port over the 850C button code
  • DONE make accel button presses work
  • DONE make all other button presses (excluding config) work
  • DONE add a logical buttons abstraction and callbacks for screen button handling
  • DONE turn on system power / turn off system power per button press
  • DONE wait for last flash write to complete before powering down
  • DONE show current selection in selection menus
  • DONE make config entry presses work
  • DONE handle hierarchical menu entry/exit correctly
  • DONE Make short press of UP-DOWN (really should be power) - cycle to next screen. make screens a loop: main, config, power tuning?, fault (optional)
  • DONE fix exititing editor via pwr press
  • DONE make walk assist press work
  • DONE test bootloader with pixel 3
  • DONE test to make sure only one EEPROM record is getting written
  • DONE test with real motor (after triple checking wiring color questions)
  • DONE make config system (hopefully usable on other platforms)
  • DONE make width 0, and height 0 mean "auto select based on display size"
  • DONE make release_build task to generate end user usable bins
  • DONE figure out why assert(gc_done) fails in eeprom_hw.c - it requires softdevice to be running
  • DONE make selection cursor and editor box blink
  • DONE make editor presses work correctly
  • make all fields white on black
  • add a border line between each config entry
  • add motorsim so I can move my real motor to my bike but still continue dev
  • make a boot screen with version info, battery voltage (detected locally), and "looking for motor" (show until we've had motor comms for 5 seconds)
  • soc battery capacity needs a larger stepsize
  • install on kevin's bike
  • use battery icon
  • Run layer2 from a 100ms timer tick
  • BUG: Soc is wrong on bike, debug in simulator (starts at 0% SOC and goes up to 200% after 20% of battery consumed)
  • improve sim a bit for soc dev
  • show volts or SOC in top left
  • idle shutdown timer
  • retest SOC on bike
  • retest walk assist - power boost is way too low
  • let button press exit fault screen (or have it timeout?)
  • review new 850C changes from new 850C branch, changes after 7/22
  • use a bigger font for motor power (more like the spec)
  • when editables are selected invert the entire background, not just each character (current approach has an ugly black line between chars) possibly just fix the bug in ugui putstring
  • make selection in menus prettier
  • fix hang when saving after turning on motor temp - something seems wonky in FDS land?
  • test that we only allow walk mode when speeds are legal
  • fix startup boost config entries
  • save ODO to flash on shutdown
  • put secondary data on a new "info" screen
  • move trip distance to info screen
  • move motor temp to info screen
  • put speed back into main screen
  • add cadence back to main screen (if it fits readably, otherwise move the info screen)
  • investigate to see if OLED is pwmed, becuase it flickers in my camera. i.e. if we change the pwm interval we can make it brighter
  • do eeprom GC if flash is full (currently only done at boot)
  • LowPerformer idea to only use the numbers for bigger fonts to save flash. (USE_FONT_24X40 costs 30KB of flash space for instance)
  • Currently we run OLED at 100% brightness, lower it back to 0xbf by default and let the user have a setting to select what they want. Or possibly dim the screen if the headlight is on.
  • assist level not getting saved on real bike
  • include release notes: how to install (with openocd links), working features, not yet working features, etc...
  • to support readonly (but dynamic) config values, if value changes set dirty on the field (only need to check the small number of visible editables)
  • move font selection out of Field and into FieldLayout
  • delete dead code in mainscreen.c
  • merge walk/brake into a single status line with other faults
  • show units
  • include units on speed
  • save 15Kish of flash by turning off USE_FONT_10X16 and pulling just the digits from that font into a new less flash consuming font
  • label assist on main screen (#26)
  • Stop using the redundent tx buffer #24
  • dim screen when the headlight is on
  • Make a better implementation for APP_ERROR_CHECK, that includes FILE and LINENO of the caller
  • merge with 850C code somewhat? (sharing behavior - just different UX layer and HAL)
  • clean up button handling and take advantage of extra button on the SW102
  • don't bother wasting CPU cycles to update Fields that are currently not being shown to the user
  • add a graph field type which can be used to graph any parameter vs time. Allow this new graph type to be plopped into any of the standard layouts/screens
  • utils
  • remove UG_PutString_with_length copypasta
  • ugui
  • fonts BITS_FONT_61X99 BITS_FONT_45X72
  • state
  • uart
  • fault
  • screen
  • implement C_TRANSPARENT on 850C
  • rtc
  • buttons - test in sw102
  • mainscreen (excluding graphs)
  • configscreen
  • add screen looping
  • make sim motor work (based on adc voltage detection)
  • add fault screen
  • fix button press handling
  • not properly blinking the edit cursor - getting covered by item beneath?
  • we are redrawing menus when we should not (due to blink event handling probably?)
  • we are redrawing speed when we should not (also, don't do the fillrect and borders unless we are from scratch, instead don't use c_transparent in the font)
  • show labels properly on hte 850C layouts
  • more implement fault.c for 850C
  • add a hard fault handler to catch and print bad ptr accesses
  • use the slick 850C battery graphic case as a new renderBattery function
  • show a wider bar for BorderFat - scale based on screen height (to make config screen look better)
  • fix configscreen to be prettier (use color backgrounds, show units, bigger font, use color arrow for selection)
  • labels should be center aligned
  • fix boot screen layout to be prettier - add URL to github project
  • add graphs
  • FIXME - pingpong between two rx buffers, current implementation allows ISR to overwrite the buffer being used by the GUI thread. Use two buffers + a ptr.
  • make trip distance work with imperial again (see FIXME in lcd.c) - applies to all imperial data
  • fix trip time to use a readonly fieldtype (so it lays out correctly on mainscreen)
  • heading is busted on SW102 menus
  • make warnings work
  • still need to change eeprom.c (change most of 850C version to be a HAL similar to eeprom-hw.c)
  • show temp warnings on main screen
  • show motor faults promenantly on main screen
  • make the 850C display local ADC report voltage, so bootscreen/sim-motor can check it (and warn user/enter sim mode).
  • let user completely customize which fields show in the various layout positions of the screens. said differently: make fields fully customizable like the garmin UI or this note from casainho:
  • let user exit setting screen correctly on sw102
  • add info screens to sw102
  • turn bluetooth back on (so flash writes work)
  • update sw102 to use customizable fields and do a sw102 release
  • check that lights work on info screen
  • implement a watchdog function *Max weel speed can set only to 24 km/h. 2 Times the display is frozen during switch to the menus (no watchdog timer?) only pull the Battery was working (no Key by me :evil: ).

Misc notes from kevin not yet formatted

stlink setup: You have to connect the following 4 lines: SWDIO, SWCLK, VCC and GND. <- best next steps

eclipse debug setup:

other work items:

  • changing # of digits drawn forces a full redraw of the field, which produces a very slight visible flash as the label is erased and redrawn
  • delay_ms(120) seems to wait a lot longer than 120ms
  • uart_get_rx_buffer_rdy in the 850C might be a little bit race conditiony - eval and fix
  • change lcd brightenss eeprom value to a pctage in the 850C
  • set_lcd_backlight(); // fix backlight levels - FIXME, I'm calling this from interrupt context here which is probably ungood
  • tell others to gcc 7.3.1 (and make a or something to tell others, also mention use eclipse formatting rules) -
  • make most usages use renderDrawPtrText