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A visually appealing, feature-rich, and easy-to-develop new web-based visual novel engine
Who needs to code to create visual novels? Welcome to experience WebGAL Visual Editor
Demo video:
A short example:
A complete game:
WebGAL Development Documentation
Download WebGAL Graphical Editor
Write once, run everywhere, no web development background needed, learn all syntax in 3 minutes, start creating your own visual novel as soon as inspiration strikes!
Beautiful and elegant graphical user interface and interaction effects, all for a better user experience.
Supports almost all features of mainstream visual novel engines, plus you can use Pixi.js to add custom effects to your game.
Whether using WebGAL scripts or the visual editor for development, everything is simple and natural.
Developers who want to participate in engine development, please read the participation guide for this project
WebGAL is an open-source software, so you can use this software for free under the scope of the MPL-2.0 open-source license, and it is available for commercial use.
Even so, your sponsorship can provide motivation for the developers to move forward and make this project even better.