Preconfigured to OpusCapita defaults react project template
npm install -g @opuscapita/react-showroom-template
showroom init
- create project skeleton in empty foldershowroom add
- add new react component. Includes styles, unit-test, showroom specific files
npm start
- start demopagenpm run lint
- run code lintnpm run publish-release
- patch package version and publish release
- babel - JavaScript compiler
- webpack 2 - modern bundler
- opuscapita-npm-scripts - unified release/build approach for npm package and grails plugin from npm packages
- eslint - code-style checker
- opuscapita-eslint-config - OpusCapita code-style config
- mocha - feature-rich JavaScript test framework
- chai - BDD / TDD assertion library
- enzyme - testing utility for React that makes it easier to assert, manipulate, and traverse your React Components' output
- chai-enzyme - chai.js assertions for enzyme
- sinon - stubs and mocks
- BEM-like notation by default
- PostCSS with autoprefixer
- You can use CSS modules in some cases
You should rename Component.less => Component.module.less*
It also includes OpusCapita bootstrap default styles. This stuff is deprecated and will be removed in future.