A powerful Node.js library for easy interaction with the Politics and War API
To start using this library, simple do
npm install @apocalypsecalculator/pnw.js
(I will unscope this package later)
This library is Promise-based.
There is an api client, as well as a user client. Use the user client at your own risk as it may be against the game rules at any given moment.
Example usage of the API client:
const pnw = require('pnw.js');
const client = new pnw.APIClient('apikey');
client.keyInfo().then(info => {
Example usage of the user client:
const pnw = require('pnw.js');
const userclient = new pnw.UserClient('email', 'password');
userclient.login().then(s => {
userclient.commend(somenationid).then(res => {
}).catch(err => console.log(err));
This is still under development, check back in a few days!