Building the What-If Tool has been verified to work with bazel version 0.27. Later versions of bazel are currently untested and may fail to build the package.
- Install Bazel (for building OSS code) and npm. Also, if testing the tool inside TensorBoard, install Docker (for hosting TF models using TensorFlow Serving when testing WIT in TensorBoard)
- Install pip and virtualenv
sudo apt-get install python-pip python3-pip virtualenv
- Create a python 3 virtualenv for WIT development
virtualenv -p python3 ~/tf
(or wherever you want to save this environment) - Create a fork of the official What-If Tool github repo through the GitHub UI
- Clone your fork to your computer
cd ~/github && git clone[yourGitHubUsername]/what-if-tool.git
- Install TensorFlow Serving through docker
docker pull tensorflow/serving
(Only needed if testing WIT in TensorBoard) - Install TensorFlow through pip
pip install tensorflow
to get TensorFlow and TensorBoard.
These steps have been tested when using the bash shell and may not work in other shells. The build steps for local development mostly mirror production builds. To speed this up, you can add the compilation_level="BUNDLE"
flag to the relevant tf_tensorboard_html_binary
build tasks.
- Enter your development virtualenv
source ~/tf/bin/activate
- Run TensorBoard, WIT notebooks, and/or WIT demos
cd ~/github/what-if-tool
- For WIT demos, follow the directions in the README.
bazel run wit_dashboard/demo:<demoRule>
- Navigate to
- For use in notebook mode, build the witwidget pip package locally and use it in a notebook.
rm -rf /tmp/wit-pip
(if it already exists)bazel run witwidget/pip_package:build_pip_package
- Install the package
- For use in Jupyter notebooks, install and enable the locally-build pip package per instructions in the README, but instead use
pip install <pathToBuiltPipPackageWhlFile>
, then launch the jupyter notebook kernel. - For use in Colab notebooks, upload the package to the notebook and install it from there
- In a notebook cell, to upload a file from local disk, run
from google.colab import files uploaded = files.upload()
- In a notebook cell, to install the uploaded pip package, run
!pip install <nameOfPackage.whl>
. If witwidget was previously installed, uninstall it first.
- In a notebook cell, to upload a file from local disk, run
- For use in Jupyter notebooks, install and enable the locally-build pip package per instructions in the README, but instead use
- For TensorBoard use, build and install the tensorboard_plugin_wit package, then run tensorboard with any logdir (e.g. ./), as WIT does not rely on logdir.
- Build the tensorboard_plugin_wit pip package as per instuctions in the tensorboard_plugin_wit release instructions.
- Install the locally-build tensorboard_plugin_wit pip package with
pip install /tmp/wit-pip/release/dist/<packageName>
- WIT needs a served model to query, so serve your trained model through the TF serving docker container.
sudo docker run -p 8500:8500 --mount type=bind,source=<pathToSavedModel>,target=/models/my_model/ -e MODEL_NAME=my_model -t tensorflow/serving
- When developing model comparison, serve multiple models at once using the proper config as seen in the appendix.
sudo docker run -p 8500:8500 --mount type=bind,source=<pathToSavedModel1>,target=/models/my_model1 -e When you want to shutdown the served model, find the container ID and stop the container.MODEL_NAME=my_model_1 --mount type=bind,source=<pathToSavedModel2>,target=/models/my_model_2 -e MODEL_NAME=my_model_2 When you want to shutdown the served model, find the container ID and stop the container.--mount type=bind,source=<pathToConfigFile>,target=/models/models.config -t tensorflow/serving --model_config_file="/models/models.config"
- When developing model comparison, serve multiple models at once using the proper config as seen in the appendix.
- Run TensorBoard
tensorboard --logdir /tmp
- Navigate to the WIT tab in TensorBoard and set-up WIT (
The inferenceAddress and modelName settings point to the model you served in the previous step. Set all other appropriate options and click “accept”. - When you want to shutdown the served model, find the container ID and stop the container.
sudo docker container ls sudo docker stop <containerIdFromLsOutput>
- For WIT demos, follow the directions in the README.
- The python code has unit tests
bazel test ...
- Add/commit your code changes on a branch in your fork and push it to github.
- In the github UI for the master what-if-tool repo, create a pull request from your pushed branch.
For notebook users to see new changes to the code, we need to push out a new version of the witwidget pip packages. Instructions for that can be found in the witwidget release instructions.
For TensorBoard users to see new changes to the code, we need to push out a new version of the tensorboard_plugin_wit pip packages, and then TensorBoard must be updated to use the new tensorboard_plugin_wit package version. Instructions for building and releasing new tensorboard_plugin_wit packages can be found in the tensorboard_plugin_wit release instructions. - the python web backend code for the WIT plugin to TensorBoard. Handles requests from the browser (like load examples, infer examples, …). Loads data from disk. Sends inference requests to servo. Sends responses back to the browser. - UT
utils/ - utilities common to other python files
utils/ - utility functions for running inference requests through a model
utils/ - UT
utils/ - functions specific to the open-source implementation (loading examples from disk, calling to servo)
utils/ - helper functions for UTs
witwidget/notebook/ - WitWidgetBase class definition for using WIT in notebooks. Shared base class for both jupyter and colab implementations
witwidget/notebook/ - WitConfigBuilder class definition for using WIT in notebooks
witwidget/notebook/colab/ - backend for running in colab, along with front-end glue code to display WIT in colab
witwidget/notebook/jupyter/ - backend for running in jupyter
witwidget/notebook/jupyter/js/lib/wit.js - front-end glue code to display WIT in jupyter
wit_dashboard/wit-dashboard.html - top-level polymer element and most of the code for the WIT front-end
wit_dashboard/wit-confusion-matrix.html - polymer element for the confusion matrix
wit_dashboard/wit-inference-panel.html - polymer element for the set-up controls
wit_dashboard/wit-inference-viewer.html - polymer element for the inference results table
wit_dashboard/wit-example-viewer.html - HTML code for polymer element for the individual example viewer/editor
wit_dashboard/wit-example-viewer.ts - Typescript code for polymer element for the individual example viewer/editor
wit_dashboard/demo/wit-*-demo.html - the code for the standalone web demos of WIT that load a tensorflow.js model and some data from json and runs WIT
model_config_list: {
config: {
name: "my_model_1",
base_path: "/models/my_model_1",
model_platform: "tensorflow"
config: {
name: "my_model_2",
base_path: "/models/my_model_2",
model_platform: "tensorflow"