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Eskimo is an entity-component system written in haxe, focused on having a small codebase, and functionality over performance.

  • git haxelib git eskimo
  • haxelib haxelib install eskimo
  • Create a ComponentManager and EntityManager. myEntityManager.create() to create an entity.
  • Assign any class object as a component to an Entity.
  • Filter entities based on which components they have using a View.
  • Use an EventView to get lists of added, updated, or removed entities. Clear the events after processing with .clear().
  • Use a BufferView to maintain a cache of entity components. Update the buffer with .buffer().
API Overview
  • ComponentManager - component management.
    • .set(entity, myComponent):Void - set an object of any class to an Entity.
    • .get(entity, MyComponentClass):MyComponentClass - get a component of an Entity by class.
    • .remove(entity, MyComponentClass):Void - remove a component of an Entity by class.
    • .has(entity, MyComponentClass):Bool - check if an Entity has a component type.
    • .clear(entity):Void - remove all components of an Entity.
  • EntityManager(ComponentManager) - entity management.
    • .create(?[components]):Entity - create an Entity.
    • .destroy(entity):Void - destroy an Entity.
    • .clear():Void - destroy all Entity objects.
  • Entity
    • .set(myComponent):Void - set an object of any class to this Entity.
    • .get(MyComponentClass):MyComponentClass - get a component of this Entity by class.
    • .remove(MyComponentClass):Void - remove a component of this Entity by class.
    • .has(MyComponentClass):Bool - check if this Entity has a component type.
  • View(filter:IFilter, ?entities) - maintains a list of Entity objects corresponding to the filter.
    • .entities:Array<Entity> - an array of entities currently meeting the criteria of this View.
    • .destroy():Void - destroy this View when no longer used.
  • EventView(filter:IFilter, ?entities) - extends View with entity changes.
    • .added:Array<Entity> - an array of added entities to this View.
    • .updated:Array<Entity> - an array of updated entities.
    • .removed:Array<Entity> - an array of removed entities.
    • .clear():Void - clears added/updated/removed arrays. (User clearAdded()/clearUpdated()/clearRemoved() to clear specific events.
  • BufferView(filter:IFilter, ?entities) - extends View with a component buffer.
    • .previous(entity, MyComponentClass):MyComponentClass - previous component of the passed Entity as buffered by this BufferView.
    • .buffer():Void - buffers the current components of all entities in this View.
  • SystemCreator(entities) - fast way to define some functionality with callbacks.
    • entities(onEntity:Entity->Void, filter:IFilter):Void - calls the callback for all valid entities.
    • added/updated/removed(onEntity:Entity->Void, filter:IFilter, clear = true):Void - calls the callback for all valid entities, also clears the event queue if clear is set to true.
  • IFilter - filter objects to filter entities
    • Filter([IncludeComponents..], ?[ExcludeComponents], ?entities) - basic filtering based on entity components.
    • CallbackFilter(callback:Entity->Bool, [IncludeComponents..], ?[ExcludeComponents], ?entities) - like Filter, with an additional callback that gets called after passing component requirements.
  • SystemManager(entities) - system management and updating.
    • .add(system):Void - adds a System to this manager.
    • .removes(system):Void - removes a System to this manager.
    • .has(SystemClass):Void - check if this manager has a System type.
    • .get(SystemClass):SystemClass - get a System by class.
    • .update(delta):Void - update all active System objects.
  • System(?[SystemDependencies..]) - base class for all systems, can require other System types from the manager before becoming active.
    • .onActivate(systems) - override to handle System activation, with owning SystemManager as argument.
    • .onUpdate(delta) - override to handle System update, with delta time as argument.
    • .onDeactivate(systems) - override to handle System deactivation, with owning SystemManager as argument.
  • [Deprecated] Context - entry point to using eskimo. (Use ComponentManager and EntityManager individually)
    • entities.create():Entity - creates and returns a new Entity.
    • entities.destroy(entity):Void - destroys the passed Entity.
    • using eskimo.utils.ContextTools - for faster access for basic functions on a Context object.
package ;
import eskimo.ComponentManager;
import eskimo.EntityManager;
import eskimo.views.View;

class ComponentA {
	public var string:String;
	public function new(string:String):Void {
		this.string = string;
class ComponentB {
	public var int:Int;
	public function new(int:Int):Void { = int;

class Main {

	static function main():Void {
		var components = new ComponentManager();
		var entities = new EntityManager(components);
		var entity0 = entities.create();
		var entity1 = entities.create();
		var component0a = new ComponentA('Entity 0 with Component A');
		var component0b = new ComponentB(7);
		var component1b = new ComponentB(13);
		var viewab = new View([ComponentA, ComponentB], entities);
		var viewb = new View([ComponentB], entities);
		for (entity in viewab.entities) {
			trace('Entity id: ${}');
		for (entity in viewb.entities) {
			trace('Entity id: ${}');

Eskimo is currently focused on single-threaded execution. hxE2 attempted to address this, but with overkill; every single View would be threadsafe, which is unnecessary (multiple systems running on 1 thread, multiple views in a single system, etc.)

Another problem addressed by Eskimo is the entry point to modifying entity components. Although probably less efficient, it is much clearer than hxE2. Setting and getting components always happens through the Entity instance itself, not through a View. In the future I'll add more performant methods in accessing components, but the concept will be the same - always directly setting/getting to/from the ComponentManager. This means that under the hood, event management becomes simpler and consistent, with views still able to control which events they process.

Components no longer have a base class, and can be any object at all. Like hxE2, using the provided systems and the SystemManager class to run them is completely optional, and considered a utility more than anything else. In the future, I am working on helper macros to save users from tedious house keeping, so that you can get right to coding system logic.

Views have a better defined role in eskimo than in hxE2 - at the core they only manage a list of entities that correspond to its filters. Previous iterations would have Views managing local component storage which only bloated things. I will add several types of views, starting with a basic "state" view, that only manages a list of entities, an "event" view, that will also manage a list of added/updated/removed entities, and a "buffer" view, that will store the previous component state of entities.

Phew. Any questions, make an issue. I'll work on a few samples and a short code demo right here in the description, meanwhile there's already a sample demonstrating the basic functionality. I'll be using this for my own projects and will update as I find things/add things.

Previous Efforts:
  • hxE - lacked functionality, as a system could only process 1 type of Entity by default.
  • hxE2 - had functionality, but was inconsistent, messy codebase due to a bad design choice, and because of this was hard to maintain or debug.

MIT as in free. Use it as you wish. Hopefully ethically and morally.