the mocap_optitrack provides accurate indoor localization service, which recognizes position of the robot with respect to markers on the robot. To use it run its application on the PC, in the lab and open the project saved in the default directory with name agribot to set and apply all settings required to have the position of the robot published in the ROS platform.
for more information take a look at mocap_optitrack
please run the roscore command on the Raspberry Pi or remote PC, before running the mocap_optitrack application on the server PC in the lab.
To launch the agribot_visualservoing simply run:
$ roslaunch mocap_optitrack mocap.launch
to have full functionality of navigation, you will need a localization service running to provide position of the robot. In case which you use the robot in the lab, use mocap system as main localization service.
Node [/mocap_node]
- /agribot/pose2d [geometry_msgs/Pose2D]
- /amcl_pose [geometry_msgs/PoseStamped]
- /rosout [rosgraph_msgs/Log]
- /tf [tf2_msgs/TFMessage]
- None
- None
- None
the topic /amcl_pose is the topic which navigation uses to run algorithms and is defined in /mocap frame.
And /mocap frame has a static link to /map with a relative shift to set the origins together. the link is defined in the /mocap.launch.
by: Alireza Ahmadi
University of Bonn- Robotics & Geodetic Engineering