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Deployment instructions for Kubernetes

Installation via a Helm chart and configuration to deploy the WES service as well as MongoDB, Celery, RabbitMQ, Flower and Autocert. This was tested with Helm v3.0.0.


  1. A working kubernetes cluster and access to the kubectl command.
  2. A dynamic storage provisioner (StorageClass) that can provide volumes in ReadWriteMany (RWM) access mode. You can find a list of internal provisioners that support this. We deployed cwl-WES successfully with an external NFS volume provisioner.
  3. If you are planning to use cwl-WES in FTP mode you need an FTP server that supports TLS encryption. Choose from options:
    1. Use system wide certificate manager, see Jetstack for install. Instance of ClusterIssuer is needed, YAML could look like:
      kind: ClusterIssuer
        name: [name]
          name: [name]
            name: [name]
          - http01:
                class: nginx
      Also you need system wide ingress and load balancer configuration, see Rancher Nginx and K8S RKE. If you choose this option, in values.yaml set autocert.createJob: "false" and ingress.letsencryptSystem: "true"
    2. Install ingress and autocert from WES (set autocert.createJob: "true" and ingress.letsencryptSystem: "false"). For Autocert, see section below.
  4. A working TES installation like TESK or Funnel exposed via an endpoint. If you are planning to use cwl-WES in FTP mode, then your TES endpoint must also support FTP.

Deploying in FTP mode

  1. Create a new namespace in Kubernetes in which to deploy WES:
kubectl create namespace <new-namespace-name>
  1. Change the following values in values.yaml (for a detailed list of configuration values look further down):
    1. clusterType: Set to "kubernetes".
    2. wes.netrcMachine: the endpoint of your FTP service.
    3. wes.netrcLogin: the username of your FTP service.
    4. wes.netrcPassword: the password of your FTP service. It is important that your FTP login and password do not contain any special characters used in URLs like (#,&,?,etc) because they can cause errors to be produced.
  2. Change the application configuration:
    1. Change the following values in /cwl_wes/config/app_config.yaml:
      1. storage.remote_storage_url: The endpoint and folder of the FTP service that will be used for remote storage: ftp://endpoint//path
      2. tesk.url: The endpoint of your TES Service.
  3. Navigate into the deployment/ directory and issue the following command:
helm install <name-of-your-deployment> . -f values.yaml -n <new-namespace-name>

Helm should provision volumes for Rabbitmq, MongoDB and cwl-WES:

kubectl -n <new-namespace-name> get pvc 

Moreover you should see 5 new pods created in the new namespace (they should all settle in Running status after a while):

kubectl -n <new-namespace-name> get pods

Deploy in shared-volume mode.


Test using the hashspitter workflow:

curl -X POST \
	 --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
	 --header 'Accept: application/json' \
	 -F workflow_params='{"input":{"class":"File","path":"<add_a_path_to_a_file_here>"}}' \
	 -F workflow_type='CWL' \
	 -F workflow_type_version='v1.0'  \
	 -F workflow_url='' \


The helm chart utilizes scheduled TLS certificate fetching from Let's Encrypt.

To do

  • Test autocert with vanilla Kubernetes

Description of values in values.yaml

See values.yaml for default values.

Key Type Description
applicationDomain string where to reach the Kubernetes cluster
autocert.apiServer string where to reach the Kubernetes API server
autocert.createJob string create autocert cronjob string email to inject into the certificate
autocert.image string container image to be used to run Autocert
autocert.schedule string schedule for certificate refreshment
autocert.testCert string whether to use Let's Encrypt staging so as not to exceed quota
celeryWorker.appName string name of the Celery app on Kubernetes cluster
celeryWorker.image string container image to be used for the Celery application
clusterType string type of Kubernetes cluster; either 'kubernetes' or 'openshift'
ingress.letsencryptSystem string for K8S, whether use system LetsEncrypt or not
ingress.nginx_image string for K8S, container image to be used to run nginx
ingress.scope.annotations.clusterissuer string for K8S, name of instance of letsencrypt cert manager
ingress.scope.annotations.ingressclass string for K8S, name of class that takes care of ingress
ingress.scope.annotations.tlsacme string for K8S, true if letsencrypt should be used
mongodb.appName string name of MongoDB app on Kubernetes cluster
mongodb.databaseAdminPassword string admin password for MongoDB
mongodb.databaseName string name of MongoDB database to be used in application
mongodb.databasePassword string user password for MongoDB
mongodb.databaseUser string username for MongoDB
mongodb.image string container image to be used to run MongoDB
mongodb.mountPath string for K8S, where to mount the PVC
mongodb.pullPolicy string pull Policy for container image
mongodb.securityContext.enabled string for K8S, whether security is enabled (to solve issues with newly created PVC)
mongodb.securityContext.fsGroup string for K8S, fsGroup that can access the PVC
mongodb.securityContext.runAsUser string for K8S, user that can access the PVC
mongodb.securityContext.runAsNonRoot string for K8S, run as non root
mongodb.volumeSize string size of volume reserved for MongoDB database
rabbitmq.appName string name of RabbitMQ app on Kubernetes cluster
rabbitmq.image string container image to be used to run RabbitMQ
rabbitmq.volumeSize string size of volume reserved for RabbitMQ broker
storageAccessMode string access mode for MongoDB and RabbitMQ PVC
tlsSecret string secret for TLS encryption
wes.appName string name of the main application on Kubernetes cluster
wes.image string containger image to be used for the main application
wes.netrcLogin string login name for accessing the sFTP server
wes.netrcMachine string host name of sFTP server
wes.netrcPassword string password for accessing the sFTP server
wes.storageClass string type of storageClass for WES, must have RWX capability
wes.volumeSize string size of volume reserved for the main application
wes.redirect boolean Activate/deactivate the '/' to '/ga4gh/wes/v1/ui/' redirection