This benchmark is based on the publicly available PacBio CCS 15kb dataset of the Ashkenazim son HG002/NA24385. We provide each step how to reproduce the final metrics with publicly available tools.
Please let us know, if you find mistakes or want your tool added.
At 28-fold coverage:
Run | F1^ % | Precision % | Recall % | FP | FN | FP+FN |
pbsv | 96.29 | 94.61 | 98.02 | 538 | 191 | 729 |
svim | 94.12 | 93.76 | 94.48 | 606 | 532 | 1138 |
sniffles | 93.56 | 93.30 | 93.83 | 650 | 595 | 1245 |
Coverage titration for 5, 10, and 28-fold:
Information how to install conda
and add the bioconda
channel is available
conda create --name sv python=3.6
source activate sv
conda install pbmm2 pbsv==2.2 svim==0.4.3 sniffles==1.0.10
- Create directory structure:
mkdir -p fastqs ref alns alns_merged tools/{pbsv,sniffles} giab
- Download genome in a bottle annotations:
curl -s ${FTPDIR}/NIST_SVs_Integration_v0.6/HG002_SVs_Tier1_v0.6.bed > giab/HG002_SVs_Tier1_v0.6.bed
curl -s ${FTPDIR}/NIST_SVs_Integration_v0.6/HG002_SVs_Tier1_v0.6.vcf.gz > giab/HG002_SVs_Tier1_v0.6.vcf.gz
- Make sure that you have exact truvari version (check that all python dependencies are met, not described):
git clone
(cd truvari; git reset --hard 600b4ed7)
- Download hg19 reference with decoys and map non-ACGT characters to N:
curl -s > ref/human_hs37d5.fasta.gz
gunzip ref/human_hs37d5.fasta.gz
sed -i '/^[^>]/ y/BDEFHIJKLMNOPQRSUVWXYZbdefhijklmnopqrsuvwxyz/NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN/' ref/human_hs37d5.fasta
- Download hg19 tandem repeat annotations:
curl -s > ref/human_hs37d5.trf.bed
- Download all
for fastq in $(curl -s -l ${FTPDIR} | grep -E '.fastq$'); do curl -s ${FTPDIR}${fastq} > fastqs/${fastq}; done
- Index reference:
pbmm2 index ref/human_hs37d5.fasta ref/human_hs37d5.mmi --preset CCS
- Align each movie, can be done in parallel:
for i in fastqs/*.fastq; do
pbmm2 align ref/human_hs37d5.mmi $i "alns/hg19.${FILEPREFIX}.bam" --preset CCS \
--sort --rg '@RG\tID:${FILEPREFIX}' --sample HG2
8a) Discover SV signatures for each alignment, can be done in parallel:
for i in alns/*.bam; do
pbsv discover $i "tools/pbsv/${FILEPREFIX}.svsig.gz" --tandem-repeats ref/human_hs37d5.trf.bed
8b) Call and polish SVs:
pbsv call ref/human_hs37d5.fasta tools/pbsv/*.svsig.gz tools/pbsv/hg2.pbsv.vcf --ccs -t INS,DEL
bgzip tools/pbsv/hg2.pbsv.vcf
tabix tools/pbsv/hg2.pbsv.vcf.gz
9a) Merge and re-sort alignments:
ls alns/*.bam > alns_merged/bam_list.fn
samtools merge -b alns_merged/bam_list.fn alns_merged/hs37d5.all.bam
samtools sort -n alns_merged/hs37d5.all.bam > alns_merged/hs37d5.all.querysorted.bam
9b) Run svim:
svim alignment --cluster_max_distance 1.4 tools/svim alns_merged/hs37d5.all.querysorted.bam
9c) Prepare for truvari:
cat tools/svim/final_results.vcf \
| sed 's/INS:NOVEL/INS/g' \
| sed 's/DUP:INT/INS/g' \
| sed 's/DUP:TANDEM/INS/g' \
| awk '{ if($1 ~ /^#/) { print $0 } else { if(($5=="<DEL>" || $5=="<INS>") && $6>40) { print $0 } } }' \
> tools/svim/hg2.svim.vcf
bgzip tools/svim/hg2.svim.vcf
tabix tools/svim/hg2.svim.vcf.gz
10a) Add MD tag to BAM:
samtools calmd -bS alns_merged/hs37d5.all.bam ref/human_hs37d5.fasta > alns_merged/
10b) Run sniffles:
sniffles -s 3 --skip_parameter_estimation -m alns_merged/ -v tools/sniffles/hg2.sniffles.vcf --report_seq
10c) Prepare for truvari:
cat <(cat tools/sniffles/hg2.sniffles.vcf | grep "^#") \
<(cat tools/sniffles/hg2.sniffles.vcf | grep -vE "^#" | \
grep 'DUP\|INS\|DEL' | sed 's/DUP/INS/g' | sort -k1,1 -k2,2g) \
| bgzip -c > tools/sniffles/hg2.sniffles.vcf.gz
tabix tools/sniffles/hg2.sniffles.vcf.gz
- Compare to ground truth:
truvari/ -f ref/human_hs37d5.fasta -b giab/HG002_SVs_Tier1_v0.6.vcf.gz\
--includebed giab/HG002_SVs_Tier1_v0.6.bed -o bench-pbsv --passonly\
--giabreport -r 1000 -p 0.00 -c tools/pbsv/hg2.pbsv.vcf.gz
truvari/ -f ref/human_hs37d5.fasta -b giab/HG002_SVs_Tier1_v0.6.vcf.gz\
--includebed giab/HG002_SVs_Tier1_v0.6.bed -o bench-svim --passonly\
--giabreport -r 1000 -p 0.00 -c tools/svim/hg2.svim.vcf.gz
truvari/ -f ref/human_hs37d5.fasta -b giab/HG002_SVs_Tier1_v0.6.vcf.gz\
--includebed giab/HG002_SVs_Tier1_v0.6.bed -o bench-sniffles --passonly\
--giabreport -r 1000 -p 0.00 -c tools/sniffles/hg2.sniffles.vcf.gz
- Parse results:
function sumsv() { cat $1 | grep ':' | tr -d ',' |sed "s/^[ \t]*//"| tr -d '"' |\
tr -d ' ' | tr ':' '\t' | awk '{ for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
a[NR,i] = $i } } NF>p { p = NF } END { for(j=1; j<=p; j++)
{ str=a[1,j]; for(i=2; i<=NR; i++){ str=str" "a[i,j]; } print str } }' |\
tail -n 1 | awk '{ printf "%1.4f\t%1.4f\t%1.4f\t%10.0f\t%10.0f\t%10.0f\n", $2,$4,$11,$1,$8,$1+$8 }';}
cat <(echo -e "Run\tF1\tPrecision\tRecall\tFP\tFN\tFP+FN")\
<(cat <(for i in bench*; do printf $i"\t";sumsv $i/summary.txt;done) |\
sed 's/bench//g;s/-//g' | sort -k 2 -n -r) | column -t
Or for markdown:
cat <(echo -e "Run\tF1\tPrecision\tRecall\tFP\tFN\tFP+FN")\
<(echo -e ":-:\t:-:\t:-:\t:-:\t:-:\t:-:\t:-:")\
<(cat <(for i in bench*; do printf $i"\t";sumsv $i/summary.txt;done) |\
sed 's/bench//g;s/-//g' | sort -k 2 -n -r) | tr '\t' ' ' | tr -s ' ' | tr ' ' '|' | awk '{print "|"$0"|"}'
- Create a new base folder for each coverage and subsample the merged BAM with MD:
samtools view -bS -s 0.35 alns_merged/ > ../10x/alns_merged/
samtools view -bS -s 0.18 alns_merged/ > ../5x/alns_merged/
Repeat steps to run pbsv, sniffles, and svim.
For pbsv, run discover
only once for this merged BAM.
- Extract TP information:
cat bench-pbsv/tp-base.vcf| grep -v '#' | awk '{ split($8,a,";"); for(i in a) { split(a[i],b,"="); if (b[1] == "SVLEN" || b[1] == "PctSizeSimilarity" || b[1] == "SizeDiff") printf(b[2] "\t"); } print "pbsv" }' > pbsv.tpbase
cat bench-svim/tp-base.vcf| grep -v '#' | awk '{ split($8,a,";"); for(i in a) { split(a[i],b,"="); if (b[1] == "SVLEN" || b[1] == "PctSizeSimilarity" || b[1] == "SizeDiff") printf(b[2] "\t"); } print "svim" }' > svim.tpbase
cat bench-sniffles/tp-base.vcf| grep -v '#' | awk '{ split($8,a,";"); for(i in a) { split(a[i],b,"="); if (b[1] == "SVLEN" || b[1] == "PctSizeSimilarity" || b[1] == "SizeDiff") printf(b[2] "\t"); } print "sniffles" }' > sniffles.tpbase
- Run truvari, computing sequence similarity (unsupported by svim):
truvari/ -f ref/human_hs37d5.fasta -b giab/HG002_SVs_Tier1_v0.6.vcf.gz\
--includebed giab/HG002_SVs_Tier1_v0.6.bed -o bench-seq-pbsv --passonly\
--giabreport -r 1000 -p 0.01 -c tools/pbsv/hg2.pbsv.vcf.gz
truvari/ -f ref/human_hs37d5.fasta -b giab/HG002_SVs_Tier1_v0.6.vcf.gz\
--includebed giab/HG002_SVs_Tier1_v0.6.bed -o bench-seq-sniffles --passonly\
--giabreport -r 1000 -p 0.01 -c tools/sniffles/hg2.sniffles.vcf.gz
Extract seq info
cat bench-pbsv/tp-base.vcf | grep -v '#' | awk '{ split($8,a,";"); for(i in a) { split(a[i],b,"="); if (b[1] == "SVLEN" || b[1] == "PctSeqSimilarity") printf(b[2] "\t"); } print "pbsv" }' > pbsv.tpbaseseq
cat bench-sniffles/tp-base.vcf | grep -v '#' | awk '{ split($8,a,";"); for(i in a) { split(a[i],b,"="); if (b[1] == "SVLEN" || b[1] == "PctSeqSimilarity") printf(b[2] "\t"); } print "sniffles" }' > sniffles.tpbaseseq
16a) Compute perfect SV size matches:
tp1 = fread("~/pbsv.tpbase")
tp2 = fread("~/svim.tpbase")
tp3 = fread("~/sniffles.tpbase")
tp = bind_rows(tp1,tp2,tp3)
names(tp) = c("length", "pct", "diff", "tool")
tp = tp %>% mutate(type=ifelse(length<0,"DEL","INS"))
tp$length = abs(tp$length)
tp %>% mutate(bin=abs(diff)) %>% group_by(tool,bin) %>% summarize(count=n()) %>% filter(bin == 0) %>% group_by(tool) %>% summarize(sum(count)/9641)
16b) Plot TP by bins
x = bind_rows(tp %>% filter(type=="INS") %>% filter(length<1000) %>% mutate(bin=ceiling(abs(length)/100)*100) %>% group_by(tool,bin,type) %>% summarize(count=n()),
tp %>% filter(type=="DEL") %>% filter(length<1000) %>% mutate(bin=ceiling(abs(length)/100)*100) %>% group_by(tool,bin) %>% summarize(count=n()) %>% mutate(bin=-1*bin))
gs=ggplot() +
geom_rect(data=x%>%filter(tool=="pbsv"), aes(xmin=bin-30*m,xmax=bin-10*m,ymin=10,ymax=count,fill=tool))+
geom_rect(data=x%>%filter(tool=="svim"), aes(xmin=bin-10*m,xmax=bin+10*m,ymin=10,ymax=count,fill=tool))+
geom_rect(data=x%>%filter(tool=="sniffles"), aes(xmin=bin+10*m,xmax=bin+30*m,ymin=10,ymax=count,fill=tool))+
y = bind_rows(tp %>% filter(type=="INS") %>% filter(length<10000 & length>=1000) %>% mutate(bin=round(abs(length)/1000)*1000) %>% group_by(tool,bin) %>% summarize(count=n()),
tp %>% filter(type=="DEL") %>% filter(length<10000 & length>=1000) %>% mutate(bin=round(abs(length)/1000)*1000) %>% group_by(tool,bin) %>% summarize(count=n()) %>% mutate(bin=-1*bin))
gl=ggplot() +
geom_rect(data=y%>%filter(tool=="pbsv"), aes(xmin=bin-300*n,xmax=bin-100*n,ymin=0,ymax=count,fill=tool))+
geom_rect(data=y%>%filter(tool=="svim"), aes(xmin=bin-100*n,xmax=bin+100*n,ymin=0,ymax=count,fill=tool))+
geom_rect(data=y%>%filter(tool=="sniffles"), aes(xmin=bin+100*n,xmax=bin+300*n,ymin=0,ymax=count,fill=tool))+
xlab("True SV size")+
g = ggarrange(gs,gl,ncol=1,
nrow = 2,
common.legend = TRUE,
legend="bottom",labels=c("A","B"), align='hv'
16c) Plot sequence similarity for insertions
tpseq1 = fread("~/pbsv.tpbaseseq")
tpseq3 = fread("~/sniffles.tpbaseseq")
tpseq = bind_rows(tpseq1,tpseq3)
names(tpseq) = c("length", "seqpct", "tool")
tpseq = tpseq %>% mutate(type=ifelse(length<0,"DEL","INS"))
tpseq$length = abs(tpseq$length)
x = tpseq %>% group_by(tool, type, seqpct) %>% summarize(count=n()) %>% arrange(desc(seqpct)) %>% mutate(s=cumsum(count))
g = ggplot(x %>% filter(type == "INS")) +
geom_line(aes(seqpct, s,col=tool),geom="line")+
xlim(c(1.0,0.8)) +
xlab("Sequence similarity")+
ylab("Cumulative insertion counts")+