Software Architecture with C++, Second Edition, Published by Packt
Install the following software:
- CMake 3.28
- Conan 2.12
- GCC 14
Assuming you're on Linux or using WSL, configure a local Conan profile and remotes by running:
rm -rf ./build/
conan profile detect --name ./build/conan_profile
Make sure that the profile section [settings]
To build the project, configure the Conan profile as described above, cd to its directory, and then run:
cd build
conan install .. --build=missing -s build_type=Release -pr:a=./conan_profile -of .
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release # build type must match Conan's
cmake --build .
If GCC 14 is not your default compiler, you can tell CMake to use it with the CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER
cd build
conan install .. --build=missing -s build_type=Release -pr:a=./conan_profile -of .
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=`which g++-14` # build type must match Conan's
cmake --build .
To pass the settings directly without a Conan profile, use the command line option --settings:all
or -s:a
, and the keys arch
, build_type
, compiler
, compiler.cppstd
, compiler.libcxx
, compiler.version
, os
rm -rf ./build/ && mkdir build && cd build
conan install .. --build=missing -s:a build_type=Release -s:a compiler=gcc -of .
cmake .. -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release # build type must match Conan's
cmake --build .
To apply Conan dependency as a CMake Dependency Provider, clone this Git repository and then run the next command:
rm -rf ./build/cmake-conan
git clone build/cmake-conan
cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_PROJECT_TOP_LEVEL_INCLUDES=./build/cmake-conan/conan_provider.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build