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Supported 55 instructions:

Category Instruction Description
Arithmetic addi Add immediate (with sign-extension).
Arithmetic addiu Add immediate unsigned (no overflow).
Arithmetic addu Add unsigned (no overflow).
Logical and Bitwise AND.
Logical andi Bitwise AND immediate.
Branch b Unconditional branch.
Conditional Branch beq Branch on equal.
Conditional Branch beqz Branch if equal to zero.
Conditional Branch bgez Branch on greater than or equal to zero.
Conditional Branch bgtz Branch on greater than zero.
Conditional Branch blez Branch on less than or equal to zero.
Conditional Branch bltz Branch on less than zero.
Conditional Branch bne Branch on not equal.
Conditional Branch bnez Branch if not equal to zero.
Logical clz Count leading zeros.
Arithmetic divu Divide unsigned.
Unconditional Jump j Jump.
Unconditional Jump jal Jump and link.
Unconditional Jump jalr Jump and link register.
Unconditional Jump jr Jump register.
Data Transfer lb Load byte.
Data Transfer lbu Load byte unsigned.
Data Transfer lui Load upper immediate.
Data Transfer lw Load word.
Data Transfer lwr Load word right.
Data Transfer mfhi Move from HI register.
Data Transfer mflo Move from LO register.
Data Transfer move Move between registers.
Data Transfer movn Move conditional on not zero.
Data Transfer movz Move conditional on zero.
Data Transfer mtlo Move to LO register.
Arithmetic mul Multiply (to produce a word result).
Arithmetic multu Multiply unsigned.
Arithmetic negu Negate unsigned.
No Op nop No operation.
Logical not Bitwise NOT (pseudo-instruction in MIPS).
Logical or Bitwise OR.
Logical ori Bitwise OR immediate.
Data Transfer sb Store byte.
Logical sll Shift left logical.
Logical sllv Shift left logical variable.
Comparison slt Set on less than (signed).
Comparison slti Set on less than immediate.
Comparison sltiu Set on less than immediate unsigned.
Comparison sltu Set on less than unsigned.
Logical sra Shift right arithmetic.
Logical srl Shift right logical.
Logical srlv Shift right logical variable.
Arithmetic subu Subtract unsigned.
Data Transfer sw Store word.
Data Transfer swr Store word right.
Serialization sync Synchronize shared memory.
System Calls syscall System call.
Logical xor Bitwise XOR.
Logical xori Bitwise XOR immediate.

To run:

  1. Load a program into a state, e.g. using LoadELF.
  2. Patch the program if necessary: e.g. using PatchGo for Go programs, PatchStack for empty initial stack, etc.
  3. Implement the PreimageOracle interface
  4. Instrument the emulator with the state, and pre-image oracle, using NewInstrumentedState
  5. Step through the instrumented state with Step(proof), where proof==true if witness data should be generated. Steps are faster with proof==false.
  6. Optionally repeat the step on-chain by calling MIPS.sol and PreimageOracle.sol, using the above witness data.