Welcome! Genvisis is a Java-based software suite that automates best practices for processing and visualizing genomic data.
- Call copy number variants (CNVs)
- Call mitochondrial DNA copy number
- Export genotype data to VCF format so that it can be imputed to a reference panel
- Detect mosaic chromosomal alterations (MCAs)
- Correct for batch effects
- Visualize CNV and mosaic events
- Visualize marker quality
- Visualize the genetic distance between individuals
- Determine the number of X and Y chromosomes in a subject
- Compare the relative effect sizes of different genetic signals
- Visualize genetic signals across all loci in the genome
- Identify deviation from the expected distribution of p-values
This documentation is for Genvisis x.x.x (released 20xx-xx-xx). If you are working offline, or using a Genvisis project built in an older version, you can find relevant documentation within Genvisis (in the Toolbar, go to Help > Documentation).
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