Things Completed
Contract side
- Profile / User creation
- Profile / User updation
- Fetching User/s according to address
- Products addition
- Products updation
Frontend side
- AUTH Functions (account link + fetch + validate)
- Profile basic form
- Profile/user details fetch
- Profile/user update
Things Left
Contract side
- Borrowing product (with all conditions)
- Order structure and other related functions
- Transactions handling in orders
Frontend side
- Profile/user addition (for new users) (using flag / something else)
- Product Addition / updation / fetch (form + contract call)
- Dashboard basic functions (account/profile + products)
- Redirecting in each page and forwarding to profile page (with all conditions)
- Order booking (transactions handling)
- Personal/sensitive details view after booking
- Order return (if possible and returns)
- What about transaction and deposit amout?
Things which can be done if time persists
- Cart
- Staking of products