These pages contain the material and assignments for the hands-on programming and measurement tasks of the Advanced Networking course (ELEC-E7321) at Aalto University. The assignment descriptions refer to MyCourse learning platform available for students enrolled on the course. If you are not enrolled on the course, but are just interested on the topic, feel free to try out the tasks nevertheless.
The code examples and assignment templates in this material are provided in the Rust language. However, you can use also other languages for your implementations and experimentation, such as C or C++, or even Python. JavaScript is not a viable option on this course.
Note that the material is still somewhat under development and there will be changes and additions coming during the course. The GitHub repository for the material is available. If you find something to correct or add, feel free to drop an GitHub issue in the repository, or just send E-mail to the author.
Links to currently available content:
Setting up the exercise environment. It is recommended that you read this with thought already before start of the course. The course assignments need to be run in a Linux system with various networking software installed. Therefore you should be able to run a virtual machine in your computer, hosting the Linux guest with needed software.
The assignment descriptions and other possible files needed for assignments are under the assignments folder in this git repository. The assignments also contain program templates implemented in Rust that can be used to help you to get started with the assignment. You may use the templates or implement your own solution from scratch.
One option is to clone or fork this repository to your local system, after which you can start modifying the provided assignment templates, and maintain your work in a forked personal git repository. This makes it easier to synchronize your modifications between different systems, for example if you want to develop you assignment code in your native system and development tools, but run the code in the virtual Linux guest, that is technically a different machine in your system.
The assignments are as follows:
- Task 1: Simple client
- Task 2: TCP server
- Task 3: Data transfer using UDP
- Task: Experimenting with QUIC
- Task: IP Tunnel
- some more may be coming here...