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Socket programming basics

Socket is the basic programming interface between user space applications and operating system. Commonly, socket encapsulates one communication session between the local application and a remote peer, for example in most common case, one TCP connection. Sockets can, however, also be used as a control interface between applications and kernel, for example to control network routing behavior.

Different types of sockets

The two most common socket types are stream sockets and datagram sockets.

Stream socket is used for transmitting reliable byte streams between two end points. Stream socket is connection oriented: a connection needs to be established first before data transmission can begin, to set up needed communication state at both ends of the connection. Once connection is established, either end of the connection can send and receive data. The data is handled as bidirectional byte pipe: the bytes that are sent at one end of the connection, are received in the same order at the other end of the connection. The underlying transport protocol -- almost always TCP -- takes care of reliable delivery of data: if packets are lost, they will be retransmitted, and data is buffered at both ends of the connection, so that the bytes can be delivered in order to the receiving application, without any data missing. The byte stream abstraction means that application cannot see the packet boundaries, but just continuous stream of bytes. Possible retransmission and congestion management operations may cause significant delays in delivery of the bytes, however.

Datagram socket is used for transmitting datagrams of specific size to given destination. Datagram socket is not connection oriented, but it can be connected to a specific destination if one-to-one communication is desired. Datagram sockets can also be used for one-to-many communication, for example based on multicast or broadcast IP delivery. Unlike with stream sockets, datagram socket preserves the boundaries of a datagram, and if datagram fits into single IP packet, it will transmitted as a single packet over the network. However, reliable delivery of datagram is not guaranteed: if a packet is lost in the network, the datagram is lost as well. Commonly datagrams are transmitted over UDP protocol, that is a very lightweight protocol without any buffering or other connection-specific state. Therefore, when datagram is successfully delivered, there typically are no additional delays, apart that what happens inside network due to queueing and other behaviors.

The socket type to selected based on the needs of the application. Much of the traditional internet traffic has consisted of transmitting files and data objects of various types, these days commonly using web browsers and HTTP protocol. For such transfers the stream sockets are more suitable alternative for its properties (although recently, with HTTP/3, this is not anymore exactly the case, but more about that later). Some internet transfers have stricter time constraints, for example real-time video calls or many real-time multiplayer games. In such cases loss of few packets may cause less harm than unbounded delays on traffic due to network conditions, and therefore datagram socket is a better alternative. It is good to remember, though, that even with datagram sockets in internet traffic always has delays that cannot be controlled by the end host.

There are also other, less commonly used, and is some cases system-specific socket types: Raw sockets can be used when one needs to send packets over IP protocol using some other protocol than TCP or UDP, for example ICMP or some of the routing protocols. Linux has Netlink sockets that are not intended for sending any data to network, but are used as a two-way configuration channel between Linux kernel protocol stack and user-space applications. For example, the routing tables and various network interface configurations can be managed using Netlink sockets. Both these socket types require superuser rights.

Addresses and names

IP addressing

IP address identifies a host in internet communication. There are different types of IP addresses, depending on the scope of intended communication, and typically an end host (e.g. a laptop computer or mobile phone) can have multiple IP addresses simultaneously in use. Furthermore, there are two versions of IP protocol, with different length allocated for IP address. The traditional IPv4 protocol is still in wide-spread use, and has 32 bits allocated for IP address. Later, IPv6 protocol was specified, with 128 bits allocated for IP address, along with other changes. Despite its potential benefits over the older protocol, adoption of IPv6 has taken its time. Therefore, these days the network stacks in operating systems support these both protocol versions, and it is possible to see traffic using either protocol, depending on the destination.

In the below material we use the Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) form of describing IP address blocks. If you are not familiar with the concept, e.g. Wikipedia gives a quick overview. Wikipedia is also a good initial source, if you are not familiar with IPv6 address representations.

The different types of IP addresses are:

  • Host-local (or loopback) addresses (e.g. in IPv4:, or in IPv6 ::1), that are not forwarded outside of the local machine. These are useful, for example, when developing network applications, and testing their interoperation in local system.

  • Link-local addresses are available for communication between the hosts in the same subnetwork, but are not routed forward by IP routers. They can be used, for example, by configuration or discovery protocols with a single office of an organization. The address blocks reserved for subnetwork-local addresses are in IPv4, or fe80::/64 in IPv6.

  • Private addresses are not intended for global internet communication, and must not be routed to the global internet, but can be used within organizational networks. The benefit for organizations for doing so is that these addresses do not need to be specifically allocated from network operators (which typically involves cost), but can be allocated by local decision. Private addresses are commonly seen also in home networks: often a home subscriber is allocated only a single global IP address. Because commonly there are multiple IP devices at home (computers, mobile devices, playstations, ...), the gateway allocates private addresses to these devices, and substitutes the address to a shared global address before forwarding packets to the Internet, i.e., performing Network Address Translation (NAT). There are different private address spaces, for example in IPv4:,, In IPv6 addresses with prefix fc00::/7 and fd00::/8 are in such use.

There are also a few other special address ranges, which we omit for now, but most addresses not in the above-mentioned ranges can be assumed to be global IP addresses.

When a device joins a network, either wirelessly or through Ethernet cable, it usually learns its IPv4 address (and some other configuration information) using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). IPv6 supports stateless address autoconfiguration for this purpose, although DHCP can also be used to manage IPv6 addresses. DHCP shows how broadcast address ( can be used in a discovery mechanism. The host first sends a discovery message using UDP to a particular UDP port using the broadcast message. If there is a DHCP server in the local network, it will respond by offering an IP address, along with some other configuration information. The DHCP server tracks which addresses are allocated and which are free, i.e., it is stateful (and therefore a possible failure point in the network). The address allocations have a lease time, after which they can be released to other use. Therefore a client machine needs to refresh the allocation periodically.

Name resolution

Applications rarely use IP addresses directly, but DNS names are used to map more or less human-readable names into IP addresses. DNS is a distributed database service traditionally built over UDP, although these days also other protocols can be used. DNS is also often used as a tool for load balancing and service distribution over larger content delivery networks. For now we do not go into the DNS operation in more detail, but take a look at it from network application programmer's perspective.

In classic socket programming, only IP addresses and transport ports are used to identify sockets in binary socket address structures. Therefore, when given a DNS name, a client application needs to take a separate step to resolve a given name into IP address. DNS name resolution can take time, and it may give multiple IP addresses in response to a name query. For a given name, there may be address entries for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. If one of the addresses does not respond, for example, because it is an IPv6 address, but local network does not support IPv6 routing, a client application may need to try several of the provided addresses before a connection succeeds.

Transport-level addressing: ports

Because modern systems typically run several networked applications in parallel, IP address is not sufficient to identify the socket where a packet and its data is destined to. Therefore, in addition to IP address, a 16-bit port number is needed to exactly identify the socket where data should be delivered. For connection-oriented TCP, a connection can be identified with a four-tuple: all packets belonging to same connection should have same source and destination IP addresses, and source and destination ports.

In addition to their primary purpose of providing multiplexing of traffic between hosts, ports are also used to identify different services at the server. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) has allocated specific ports for specific services in the Internet. For example, it is agreed that the ssh protocol server listens to incoming TCP connections at port 22, non-secure HTTP listens to connections at port 80, and TLS-secured HTTPS listens to connections at port 443. Port numbers below 1024 are called well-known ports as being allocated for widely deployed services. In most systems server has to be executed with superuser permissions to be able to bind to use these ports. Port numbers between 1024 and 49152 need to be registered with IANA for a particular service, but are usually available without superuser permissions.

Also the client side of connection needs to allocate port, but the exact port number is not important for the purpose of identifying a service. Unless application specifically pick (i.e., "bind") a port, the system automatically chooses an available number from the ephemeral ports, between 49152 and 65535.

Traditional C sockets

Although many of the later examples will use Rust, it is useful to see a basic C program that resolves name, opens a connection and writes and reads some data to socket. In most operating systems, the native interface between applications and kernel is defined in C language, that compiles to a binary interface between the two parts, and therefore getting a view of how connection is established in C helps in understanding how the application/OS interface works, also when using higher-level interfaces in other programming languages.

We will only give a brief tutorial of socket programming in C. If you are interested to learn more, for example the Beej's guide tells a little bit more about the topic.

Next, we will walk through the C example that can be found in the examples directory of our GitHub repository. Assuming you have GNU C compiler in your system, you can compile the program on your command line terminal by:

gcc simple-client.c

And, assuming compile is successful, execute the program by:

./a.out <name/address> <service/port> <string>

To test the little program, you can use the netcat tool to play a TCP server socket as follows, to listen for a TCP connection on port 2000:

nc -l 2000

and then, on another terminal window run:

./a.out localhost 2000 hello

Type something on the netcat window to send back a string to the socket to complete the program.

Next, we will walk through what the program does. The most interesting part happens in tcp_connect function, that is called in the beginning of the main function, after parsing command line arguments. The function resolves given DNS name (or IP address) and service name (or TCP port) into a socket address structure that contains needed information for the kernel to try establishing TCP connection.

tcp_connect first calls the getaddrinfo function, that returns a linked list of addrinfo structures. For a given name, there may be multiple IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in the DNS database, hence the tcp_connect function iterates through each of these until connection is successful. This structure contains all necessary parameters needed to create a socket and open a connection.

if ( (n = getaddrinfo(host, serv, &hints, &res)) != 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Failure in name resolution\n");
    return -1;

When creating a socket, ai_family in the returned addrinfo structure is the address family, typically either AF_INET (IPv4) or AF_INET6 (IPv6). ai_socktype tells whether the socket is stream or datagram socket. In this case it is always a stream socket, i.e. TCP, because we specified that in incoming hints parameter to the function. ai_protocol contains a more detailed specification of transport protocol, in case it would not be TCP, that is the default for stream sockets.

If socket creation is successful, the connect call establishes the connection. This starts TCP three-way handshake, and the call completes when handshake is completed. Note that this may take time in some cases: the TCP SYN segment may be dropped in the network, in which case TCP tries to retransmit it -- multiple times if necessary. If the destination is unreachable, by default TCP tries for 1-2 minutes before giving up, in which case the connect call would return an error, so the execution of the program could block to this call for some time in worst case.

The ai_addr parameter that is given to the connect call is a sockaddr structure, more specifically, sockaddr_in in the case of AF_INET address family and IPv4 address.

struct sockaddr_in {
    short            sin_family;   // e.g. AF_INET
    unsigned short   sin_port;     // e.g. htons(3490)
    struct in_addr   sin_addr;     // see struct in_addr, below
    char             sin_zero[8];  // zero this if you want to

struct in_addr {
    unsigned long s_addr;  // load with inet_aton()

Essentially, this structure contains a 32-bit IPv4 address and a 16-bit TCP port. A common practice in Internet standardization is, that all binary numbers larger than a byte are encoded in big endian byte order, also known as network byte order. Most current systems, particularly Intel processors and current Apple processors are little-endian, and therefore the byte order needs to be swapped before values are passed to the function. In C, functions ntohs (for 16 bits) and ntohl (for 32 bits) are intended for this purpose. These functions do the byte order swapping, if program is compiled on a little-endian system, or they do nothing, if the program is compiled in a big-endian system. For IPv4 addresses we are accustomed to see the dotted decimal notation of four 8-bit decimal numbers separated by dots, but this is just a representation format for a 32-bit value.

After tcp_connect has established the connection, the main function writes a string that has been given as command line argument to the TCP connection. The return value of the write function call tells how many bytes were written, or -1 if there was an error. In network programming it is well possible that not all of the data can be written with a single write call, especially when writing larger amounts of data. In this case, because we know that there are less than 160 bytes to write, that should not happen however, because the data should fit into single TCP segment, and the socket send buffers are empty. What write actually does, is that it just copies the data to the kernel-side socket buffers, from where the TCP starts working on the data, taking congestion control and retransmissions into account. The write call may block, if the socket send buffer is full, until more space becomes available (i.e., the receiver TCP has acknowledged it has received some data).

Finally the program reads data from the same socket and prints it to the terminal. Again, if there are much data to read, a single read call may not read all the content in single call. There are delays in network transmission, and possibly retransmissions, which may cause the data delivery to pause for the moment, because TCP promises to deliver all data in correct order. The read call may also block indefinitely, if there is no data to read in the socket receive buffer.

Network programming in Rust

Now we will take a look similar program than above, but implemented in Rust. The program is available at the examples directory of our GitHub repository (you may want to open the code in parallel window while reading this section). In Rust, like many other modern languages, the network API is a little easier to use than the original Posix API in C. TCP socket is encapsulated in TcpStream class, and the connect function can be used to create a new socket instance. The connect function combines name resolution and TCP connection establishment, similarly as we implemented ourselves in the C example. Otherwise read and write calls have similar semantics than in the C API: data is copied to and from the socket buffers, and it is possible that the functions only read or write part of the expected data, and therefore one needs to be prepared to call them repeatedly until all data is read or written.

In Rust, the data read and written to socket is passed as u8 array that contains the data as 8-bit unsigned integers. If we assume that the data is actually text, and we would like to operate it as string, the data needs to be explicitly converted into string, and vice versa, because Rust is specific about data types. In our example program, function as_bytes() converts a string into a byte slice (a reference to a byte array) that can be passed as an argument to write call. Conversely, to convert an array of bytes into string, we can use std::str::from_utf8, assuming UTF-8 encoding. Note that the program needs to prepare for the situation that the conversion is not successful. In our example we are optimistic: unwrap causes the program to terminate in panic in such case. Usually in production code, one should process the errors in more robust way.

The main function returns a Result type that is commonly used in Rust. It can have two variants: an Ok type return value when function is successful or Err type return value if there has been an error. No need to use a specific integer value, such as -1 to indicate errors anymore! The question mark at the end of a function call statement propagates a possible error value to the upper-layer function interrupting the current function. In this case it terminates the main function and the program execution.

As of now, the standard C++ does not have any object-oriented convenience methods for network programming, but the same Posix API is used as with C. There are libraries, however, that provide easier methods for network programming, such as Boost Asio or Qt.

Byte order conversion and data alignment

As discussed above, 16-, 32- and 64-byte number values can be encoded either in big-endian or little-endian byte order in a computer system. While currently the little-endian byte order is prevalent in commonly used computers, this was not always so earlier, and by common agreement in most protocol specifications these values are encoded in big-endian byte order, also known as network byte order.

In Rust, the byte order conversions between big-endian and little-endian integers can be done using from_le_bytes, from_be_bytes, to_le_bytes and to_be_bytes functions. When writing a portable program, you generally cannot assume whether it is compiled in little-endian or big-endian architecture. Therefore there are also functions to_ne_bytes and from_ne_bytes, to represent "native byte order". For example, here you can find documentation and examples for these functions for unsigned 32-bit integers.

In addition to byte order, systems may differ in how they place variables in memory, especially in data structures. For example, when writing a binary protocol header into network, one might just make a structure and write its contents as such. However, when there are fields of different lengths inside a data structure, there maybe be empty padding spaces between the fields to force the larger number values at word boundaries in computer memory, to make their processing more efficient. Below picture illustrates the situation.

Data struct alignment

A simple, but inefficient, way to write such structure could be to do it field by field as separate write calls. However, both Rust and C have a way to tell the compiler that padding is not desired for a particular structure, but the fields should be "packed" to have no such spaces between them. Therefore, a more efficient way is to declare a packed structure and write its contents in a single write call to the network after necessary byte order conversions.

Take a look at a simple example "tcpheader", that introduces the TCP header fields in a Rust structure, and then converts it to a u8 byte array that can be written to the network, and vice versa. In Rust one can use #[repr(C, packed)] in front of the structure, to tell that it should be built to be compatible with C binary interface, and that the fields should be packed to not have padding. Later the code uses the byte order conversion functions separately for each field to translate them to network byte order and vice versa. As a reminder, TCP header is illustrated below (from RFC 9293):

TCP header

Socket buffers and flow control

The below picture illustrates a sending and receiving system, and the involved buffers. After socket is created and opened, the write call copies data to the kernel-side socket buffer. After this the TCP protocol implementation starts sending data one or more packets at a time, depending on, for example, the current congestion window. TCP headers and IP headers will be added to the beginning of the packet before it is sent. Currently most packets in the Internet are 1500 bytes long, this means that each TCP segment can include maximum of 1460 bytes of data, depending on options used in the header.

Sockets and buffers

After TCP segment is sent, it is not yet removed from the send buffer, because it is possible that packet is lost in the network and TCP may need to retransmit it. When the segment arrives at the receiver, it is placed in the socket receive buffer, until application calls read to copy data from receive buffer to application. At this point the receive buffer space can be released. When the segment arrives, the TCP receiver sends an acknowledgment of received data. When acknowledgment arrives at the sender, it can remove the data from the socket send buffer. Note that reception of acknowledgment does not mean that receiving application has yet read the data from the buffer. The acknowledgment contains also a 16-bit window advertisement field, that tells how much space there is still available in the socket receive buffer. If the available buffer goes to zero, TCP sender cannot send any more data, until there is more room.

TCP promises to deliver data reliably in order. Therefore, if a packet is lost, the following segments arriving at receive buffer cannot be delivered to the application until the missing segment is successfully delivered. In some cases this may cause significant delay in data delivery.