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Releases: PaulSquires/WinFBE

WinFBE Version 2.1.5

08 May 18:49
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  • Changed: Running WinFBE for first time with no existing WinFBE.ini config file will automatically create entries for User Tools that exist in the Tools folder.
  • Fixed: The 64 bit translation of the SCNotification type structure for Scintilla notifications was incorrect. This caused problems setting the flag for when code parsing should happen which in turn caused issues with Autocompete and displaying of Sub/Function names in the Explorer.
  • Fixed: AutoInsert, AutoComplete, and CodeTips are disabled if current position is within a single or multiple line comment block.
  • Fixed: Additional checks for ensuring subs/functions names correctly added to Explorer and popup F4 Function List when source code is modified. If AutoComplete is disabled, then Sub/Function will not appear until corresponding End Sub / End Function is typed.

Visual Designer:

  • Fixed: Label hot coloring could sometimes not reset if the label immediately next to oroverlaps another control.
  • Fixed: DateTimePicker control would not show correctly the FormatCustom visually at design time. Worked at run time only.
  • Fixed: Changing DateTimePicker DateFormat property now destroys and recreates the window control in order to properly set the styles.
  • Fixed: Form WindowState property not correctly setting Minimized/Maximized/Normal states.
  • Fixed: Lassoing control(s) was not updating the Toolbox Property List with the correct active selected control.

WinFBE Version 2.1.4

26 Apr 18:22
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  • Changed: Updated David Robert's User Tools for SetCompilerPathsII, SetCompilerSwitchsII, and ArchSettings to the latest version.
  • Fixed: WinFBE would not correctly save its startup size/position if the editor had been "Aero snapped" via a Windows docking action such as docking it to the left hand side of the screen via a Winkey+LeftArrow keypress.
  • Fixed: Duplicate controls would result if reloading a Form file modified by an external program.

Visual Designer:

  • Added: Keyboard shortcuts for cut/copy/paste now works for visual designer controls.
  • Added: FormReady event for Forms that fires when the Form is ready for user interaction.
  • Changed: Control ID identifiers for all controls on a Form now start at 9000 and increment +1 for each added control.
  • Fixed: Controls with Image properties would not correctly show the actual image when the form is loaded into the editor.
  • Fixed: Corrected regression whereby duplicate definition errors for Form file if it is also the MAIN code file.
  • Fixed: Statusbar control identifier was hardcoded as 100 potentially causing conflict with CreateWindowEX controls that may be added by the user.
  • Fixed: Statusbar Editor initially set colors needed a mouseover in order for the correct colors to display.

WinFBE Version 2.1.3

18 Apr 16:26
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Visual Designer:

  • Fixed: Errors occuring in MAIN file for a visual designer project would cause "WinFBE_VD_MAIN.bas" to be loaded into the editor. The correct designated MAIN file is now loaded.
  • Fixed: wfxTextBox.SelectionLength() was returning negative lengths.

WinFBE Version 2.1.2

16 Apr 21:51
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  • Added: An additional "Code Editor" page of "Environment Options" because the number of options had filled the first Code Editor page.
  • Changed: Refactored the logic for displaying brace highlighting to be the same as used by ScintillaNET.
  • Changed: Improved the visibility of brace highlighting by changing the alpha values of the highlight colors.
  • Fixed: Turning off Brace matching would not uncolor any braces that were active at the time the option was changed.

Visual Designer:

  • Fixed: Regression whereby new projects created via template not setting MAIN file and dispaying it in the correct Main Explorer treeview branch.

WinFBE Version 2.1.1

14 Apr 18:43
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  • Added: Brace highlight matching. Settings to enable/disable and to set colors for match and no match.
  • Added: New Compiler setup option: "Disable successful compile sound".
  • Added: Environment Options dialog now remembers last selected option and will display that option window on subsequent opens.
  • Added: Shift+F7 as keyboard shortcut key for "Environment Options".
  • Added: F6 Goto Definition will now find functions in class methods that are not prefixed with the "this" keyword.
  • Added: Codetip popups will now find functions in class methods that are not prefixed with the "this" keyword.
  • Changed: AutoInsert now correctly implements TABs for indentation if the editor option "Treat Tab as spaces" is unchecked.
  • Fixed: Code Editor option called "Position searches to middle of screen" was not positioning in all envisioned scenarios.
  • Fixed: The keyword "Chr" and "RTrim" were incorrectly mixed capitalized in the freebasic_keywords.txt settings file. Users will need to manually change that keyword to all lowercase "chr" and "rtrim" in order for keyword highlighting to be correct.
  • Fixed: Corrected situation whereby non-project related notes could get reset when switching between non-project files and projects.
  • Fixed: Logic error when saving project file names/paths to Most Recently Used list when the project resided on a drive different than the WinFBE application. This situation involved the incorrect application of the {CURDRIVE} parameter.

Visual Designer:

  • Added: ToolBox window size and position is now saved and restored between sessions.
  • Added: Error message displayed if using "Project Options" to add manifest and resource files but the WinFBE_manifest.xml and/or WinFB_resource.rc files are missing from WinFBE Settings folder.
  • Fixed: Forms with BorderStyle property set to FormBorderStyle.SizeableToolWindow were incorrectly displayed in the visual designer.
  • Fixed: Code generation error if last line of main code file does not have trailing CR/LF.

WinFBE Version 2.1.0

06 Apr 18:24
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  • Added: New caching system that should speed up large project loading. Parser database saved between sessions.
  • Added: New Environment Option "Enable fast project cache" in support of the newly added project caching system that was added.
  • Added: New WinFBE_Suite updates will no longer overwrite existing WinFBE.ini, user_snippets.ini, and freebasic_keywords.txt files.
  • Added: Environment Settings / Code Editor option called "Position searches to middle of screen" to enable/disable positioning search found text to the middle of the screen.
  • Added: Find in Files new options to restrict search to "Current Document, "All Open Documents, or "Current Project".
  • Added: Two new buttons on Explorer. "New File" and "New Project".
  • Changed: Find In Files dialog is now modeless.
  • Changed: All file operations now use Streams (using CFileStream or CTextStream classes) to replace built in FB Get/Put commands.
  • Fixed: In certain cases, (Get) or (Set) would be included in the autocomplete text being entered int othe editor after selection.
  • Fixed: GPF when pressing F6 on a #Include statement to load that file into the editor.
  • Fixed: Non-Project user entered Command Line parameters were not being passed to compiled EXE beng run.
  • Fixed: Various screen flicker during File/Save or Compile operations.
  • Fixed: Improved the screen updating time for Block Comment and Block UnComment on large files.
  • Fixed: Find/Replace could change the name of a sub/function. The Explorer treeview and Functions combobox are now correctly updated in the code editor.

Visual Designer:

  • Added: Image Manager ability to manually edit the filename rather than having to remove and invalid path image and re-add the correct path image.
  • Changed: You no longer have to manually add #Include statements for your Form files in your main .bas file.

WinFBE Version 2.0.9

20 Mar 14:35
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Version 2.0.9 (March 20, 2020)

  • Added: From anywhere on the current line pressing Ctrl+ENTER creates a new line immediately below the current line and positions the cursor to the start of that new line.
  • Added: F4 popup Function List will now select the current active sub/function name (previously it would always select the parent document node).
  • Added: Pressing F6 on a TYPE name will reposition you to the TYPE/END TYPE structure definition. Shift+F6 to return to previous editing position.
  • Added: F3 and Shift+F3 finding of current highlighted text will now do wrap around searching of the text buffer.
  • Added: OPERATOR / END OPERATOR auto insert.
  • Added: Keyboard Shortcuts help file (replaces the previous Editing Tips file). Can display from the Help menu.
  • Added: CodeTips for functions will redisplay after closing an AutoComplete list popup.
  • Added: Will now recognize 'TODO: in addition to the existing ' TODO: (notice the difference is the removal of the space between apostrophe and TODO:).
  • Fixed: Refactored some of the parsing engine to better display autocomplete popup and codetips.
  • Fixed: The word "HEADER" was not appearing in the status bar for opn files in the editor marked as a header file.
  • Fixed: Improved the AutoInsert for SELECT CASE when text already exists on the SELECT CASE line itself.

Visual Designer:

  • Added: Notepad example project. Located at \Examples\Visual_Designer_Projects\Notepad
  • Added: MessagePumpHook event added to Form objects.
  • Added: TextBox/RichEdit SelectionChanged event.
  • Added: TextBox/RichEdit TextChanged event.
  • Added: TextBox/RichEdit LinePosition property and ColumnPosition property.
  • Changed: Removed the MaxLength property for Edit and RichEdit controls. Limits are now Edit (32K), RichEdit(1GB). Change via code if needing higher limits.
  • Fixed: Changing RichEdit WordWrap property at runtime will now recreate the control.

WinFBE Version 2.0.8

09 Mar 20:23
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  • Fixed: Corrected internal parser to recognize byref variable declareations: "dim byref var1 as".
  • Fixed: DShow_PlayClip example project was corrupted.
    Visual Designer:
  • Added: TreeView control.
  • Added: wfxPopupMenu class.
  • Fixed: Label text was limited to MAX_PATH characters. Code changed to allow unlimited characters.
  • Fixed: WM_DROPFILES message was only being handled by the Form. Any controls with AllowDrop = True are now correctly handled.
  • Fixed: Form now has its own Text property handlers because the base wfxControl version calls AfxRedrawWindow and that tends to hide existing Frame controls.

WinFBE Version 2.0.7

02 Mar 21:53
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  • Added: Checks to detect multiple calls to the Application.Run function for visual designer projects. Warning shown on compile.
  • Added: If Application.Run already exists in visual designer project then any newly created forms will have that call automatically commented out in the code editor.
  • Added: New User Tool action option: "Invoke immediately after WinFBE starts". This will run (or show) the user tool immediately after the main WinFBE window is displayed.
  • Added: For convenience added POINT variable to the e EventArgs. This is essentially the e.x and e.y window screen positions combined.
  • Added: wfxPoint class now has Convert method to transform screen coordinates to client coordinates (instead of having to use MapWindowPoints api).
  • Changed: The Explorer pane now uses FullRowSelect style for its TreeView.
  • Fixed: Better setting of initial folder for Open / SaveAs when projects are active.
  • Fixed: Smoother redrawing of Explorer treeview when large number of files are expanded or collapsed (much more pleasing visual experience).
  • Fixed: ProgressBar drawing with Value property now better updates control visually (Windows issue with Themes).
  • Fixed: Regression - somehow old corrupted wfbe project files for the Sample_Projects were included in the 2.0.4, 2.0.5 and 2.0.6 releases.

WinFBE Version 2.0.6

23 Feb 01:57
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  • Added: Refresh method for the StatusBar Panel class so only a particular Panel is redrawn rather than the whole statusbar.
  • Added: The WinFBE.ini config file is automatically reloaded should an external tool or program modify it (prior to this change it was only reloaded before to a compile).
  • Added: Some missing codetips for StatusBar Panels and UpDown control.
  • Changed: Image filenames are now stored in the form files as relative paths to the form file.
  • Fixed: Crash in certain cases when attempting to invoke the "Open Templates" dialog (via the menu or dropdown toolbar button).
  • Fixed: Changing StatusBar text at runtime did not immediately update the text displayed in the panel.
  • Fixed: Listview would crash if Listview.BeginUpdate was followed by Listview.Items.Clear.
  • Fixed: Frame controls could "disappear" if a modal dialog was shown during the Form's Load event.
  • Fixed: MenuEditor crash if trying to Insert new item prior to first item in list (WinFBE64.exe).
  • Fixed: ListBox ItemHeight not properly returned when multiple ListBoxes existed on a Form.