- Updated dependencies
- Contributors: Kevin Hallenbeck
- Allow zoom up to 16x
- Contributors: Kevin Hallenbeck
- Forgot to remove cv_bridge in package.xml
- Contributors: Kevin Hallenbeck
- Fixed frame_id not set properly in stereo node
- Lock stereo threads with a mutex
- Inline functions for Camera class getters
- Removed OpenCV dependency
- Contributors: Kevin Hallenbeck
- SDK downloads point to download.ros.org to support the legacy build-farm
- Contributors: Kevin Hallenbeck
- Updated amd64, i386, and armhf for uEye SDK 4.60
- Contributors: Kevin Hallenbeck
- Allow discrete-only pixelclocks cameras
- Contributors: Kevin Hallenbeck, Fran Real
- Added pre-compiled uEye SDK for arm architecture
- Fixed macro conversion of version numbers to text. Fixes #8
- Contributors: Kevin Hallenbeck
- Updated download locations of pre-compiled uEye SDK
- add camera_id argument to change camera
- Contributors: Kevin Hallenbeck, Yutaka Kondo <yutaka.kondo@youtalk.jp>
- Initial release into build system.