The purpose of this document is to collect use cases, deployment scenarios, requirements, and design goals in a document in order to guide the work of the DIF SDS WG. At present, we are collecting information. After the information gathering phase, we will go through a ranked choice vote in order to prioritize each use case, scenario, requirement, and design goals.
The following four use cases have been identified as representative of common usage patterns (though are by no means the only ones).
I want to store my information in a safe location. I don't want the storage provider to be able to see any data I store. This means that only I can see and use the data. I don’t even want the storage provider to be able to see metadata like file names, file sizes, directory topology, or who I’ve granted access to something.
Over time, I will store a large amount of data. I want to search the data, but don't want the service provider to know what I'm storing or searching for.
I want to share my data with other people and services. I can decide on giving other entities access to data in my storage area when I save the data for the first time or in a later stage. The storage should only give access to others when I have explicitly given consent for each item.
I want to be able to revoke the access of others at any time. When sharing data, I can include an expiration date for the access to my data by a third-party.
I want to back up my data across multiple storage locations in case one fails. These locations can be hosted by different storage providers and can be accessible over different protocols. One location could be local on my phone, while another might be cloud-based. The locations should be able to masterless synchronize between each other so data is up to date in both places regardless of how I create or update data, and this should happen automatically and without my help as much as possible.
Alice sets up replication to a backup instance so that she does not lose her data in case her primary instance is damaged/lost etc.
- Replication for purposes of data backup
- Either involves periodic full-sync replications, or a combination of realtime replication and full-syncs.
- Typically involves unidirectional replication (from an "active" source instance to the target backup instance).
Alice has multiple instances, and would like to synchronize their contents among all of them. When her local instance is offline, Alice wants to still be able to make updates to it. When that instance reconnects, it is expected to hand off all of the changes that occurred while it was disconnected (and receive changes from the other instances). This is useful for many different situations:
- Airplane / any other vehicle
- Sleeping with the phone off
- Cloud vendor experiences technical difficulties
- Power outage at home
- A combination of full-sync and realtime replication.
- Bidirectional replication among two or more instances.
- Updates to objects can occur at any instance, and are expected to propagate to all the other ones.
An organization has two geographically distributed instances. Updates to one instance are expected to propagate as soon as possible to the other instance. If one of those goes down, read and write traffic can be redirected to the remaining one, with minimal interruption in data availability.
- Primarily realtime replication (with fallback to full-sync if connection is ever severed).
- Bidirectional replication among one or more active instances.
Alice wants to be able to store data that is plaintext anonymous visible, but authenticated. Alice does not want anyone to prevent Alice from publishing public plaintext data.
Alice wants to be able to store plaintext and plaintext metadata on servers that she does not operate.
1.6. Enable storage of semantic data and the ability to retrieve it via a self-describing API (based on its schema, type, etc.)
- As a user, I want to add Offer objects so that anyone in the world can crawl it and create a decentralized app that displays the salable goods.
- As a developer, I want to create a DID for my code package and publish its repo/code data as a SoftwareSourceCode object so anyone can crawl it and create a decentralized app to visualize packages across the DID- based ‘DPM’ (think NPM, but decentralized)
- As a business owner, I want to publish various schema-based objects that define what my business is.
As a user, I would like a mechanism where other entities can send me actionable message objects that are synced across my SDS instances, so that I can act on them in whatever way is appropriate for the type of message. If subsequent messages are exchanged as a result of an initiating message, the subsequent messages should be referentially tied together (e.g. thread back to the parent).
1.8. Alice wants to upload executable code or configuration management that service providers will run based on an event system.
Event Types, Event Subscriptions, Event Handlers, data and program should be storable in SDS. Similar to systems which watch file changes and transpile, or forward messages... "IF this THEN that"... could be set of predefined workflows, or executable code. Examples of similar systems: Github Actions, Zapier, IFTT, OpenFaaS.
Ensure users have the ability to terminate a relationship with one or more service providers in a manner that does not disclose anything about the future state or location of the user’s data. Ensure the user can verify or obtain a verifiable certification from service provider that their data has been, if requested, purged from the provider's system (confirming right to be forgotten).
Ensure users have the ability to shard their data, or create M of N key scenarios across one or multiple providers. Provide options to the user which allow for either the service provider to manage sharding or allow sharding that is completely hidden from a service provider.
Would it make sense to try and distill a Focal Use Case from Adrian Gropper's Covid Use Case document?
I'm happy to take a crack at the distillation into a first draft if I get confirmation that it's not wasted effort.
I think it might be productive to double-check that the functional requirements 1.3 & 1.9, as well as the technical requirements of 3.2, make sense across a change of SDS provider.
Virtual Asset Custody by analogy to safe deposit box in the physical world. Intentionally vague about mechanisms of delegation, multisig, authentication, and authorization-- should work across multiple version of all those.
Each jurisdiction is different, but Alice is American and Bob works for an American bank so we can assume:
- Alice is over 18 and has property rights as a legal resident
- Proof of identity is required to meet KYC requirements
- Bob's bank is an actual bank licensed to offer digital asset custody services
- At no point does the bank know the contents of the storage-- it is an encrypted blob
Bank customer Alice has some valuable digital assets (already-encrypted files containing blueprints for a missile) that she wants securely put into bank custody. She needs to know that the bank cannot access them in clear text. Bank manager Bob will be helping her set up her digital "safe deposit box". Alice needs to give access to her wife Carroll. Alice authenticates herself (with KYC) and signs an agreement for her custodial service, which includes assuming costs for key rotations/replacements. Alice also delegates access to Carroll, who is also authenticated and KYCed before receiving access as well.
Once a month, Carroll checks out the contents out for an hour, decrypts them, sometimes adds or subtracts content before re-encrypting and filing them back in storage. Each time, she has to be authenticated. These events are timestamped and logged but otherwise privacy rights are preserved. There may be other restrictions on access in the contract, by analogy to real-world safe deposit boxes [1], or arbitrary frictions or delay having to do with relevant banking regulations [2].
Due to a severe fire, every electronic copy of Alice's key is lost. As per the contract, her access (and Carroll's) can be restored for a fee.
Carroll's key needs to be revoked without affecting any other aspects or assumptions. Carroll opens a separate account and places her own assets in it.
Special Agent Dave has been investigating Alice's work at the missile plant, and decides her possession of those blueprints is a criminal act of industrial espionage. He gets a court order to seize the assets, "drilling into" the virtual safe deposit box and extract the contents. After this point, Alice cannot get access to her files, although Dave's court order to get the necessary key material to decrypt them is out of scope.
Without her ex's financial support, Carroll cannot stay on top of her banking bills. As per her contract, after a grace period, the contents are seized and become property of the bank, auctioned off to pay outstanding dues, encrypted or not.
[1] We can restrict access to your box for any reason, including but not limited to past due rent and fees, information we receive in court documents, our inability to obtain information that satisfies our “Know Your Customer” requirements, and any unexpected circumstances (natural or manmade). The safe deposit vault will be open during Bank business hours except when access is prevented by reasons beyond our control or we deem it prudent to deny or limit access. The bank’s business hours may be changed at any time without notice to you.
(Source: Chase Safe Deposit Box Lease Agreement) Source Draft report from Sovrin Compliance and Payments Task Force: [2]
The following company names and scenarios are hypothetical.
In order to benefit from NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) per revised rules, auto manufacturers will now be required to demonstrate that seventy percent of their steel and aluminum purchases originated in North America. They need to make this information available to regulators and customers, without providing unnecessary visibility to competitors. US-based steel manufacturer Steel Inc can generate a mill test report as evidence of steel origins across all processing steps. This mill report (potentially structured as a verifiable credential issued by Steel Inc.’s decentralized identifier keys) can be saved in a secure data store (stored in a discoverable way, one or more locations). Steel Inc can specify that only keys held by their customer Advanced Automotive, as well as audit and regulatory bodies in the US Government (like USTR), will be accepted to decrypt and access the plain text mill certificate data (sharing with explicit consent). Other parties will be required to request access, which Steel Inc may choose to provide depending on the audience. Some attributes included in the mill certificate may be more publicly available, such as the type of steel product, specification/grade, and location where it was melted and poured. These data fields are still securely stored with the rest of the mill certificate, but they do not require authentication to view.
Super Fresh Market had several customers get sick after consuming a cabbage and romaine lettuce mix. The company is worried about another E. coli scare and wants to quickly identify where the product came and what other stores it may be in. Their staff member Carlos scans a QR code on the salad mix and authenticates as an employee. After logging in he can see origin and transport details not available to the general public, such as the fact that the lettuce came from Sunbright Farms in California, and that it was transported in refrigerated vehicles the prior week by two different third party logistics providers. Carlos can reach out to request that these logistics companies provide more detailed information about their cold storage temperature readings and transit routes. Given the potential recall situation each logistics company chooses to grant Carlos access to view this information. Carlos is able to identify a spike in produce temperature during the final leg of distribution, meaning that product in three of their stores may be impacted. The salad mix is immediately removed from the three stores as the investigation continues. In this scenario Carlos, acting as a Super Fresh Market employee, is already able to authenticate and view some information in a secure data store. He can also quickly be granted access to more information based on the urgency of the recall scenario. However on a daily basis he does not need to see trade route information for logistics companies, which is typically considered a trade secret.
by Adrian Gropper, edited by Juan Caballero
[Note: This is extracted from a longer, more detailed use case including helpful flow diagrams and an enrollment section which is stored here:
Alice’s health report is a short narrative impression of as little as one session of care signed by Dr. Bob to be presented to her employer and/or filed in her electronic health record for access by other care providers. Alice's records are held in trust by a "personal record service" recommended to her by her local public library. This service consists of an SDS and an authorization server she uses to access records in that SDS, as well as to grant read and/or write access to others. This server does not need to use SSI, but it MUST be an interoperable one she can change for another at any time. (This swappability of SSI for non-SSI authorization servers may well be a crucial investment in SSI migration for health records). For the sake of familiarity, we could use UMA as the server and OAuth as the interoperability standard for this server, but other forms of prior art might be more relevant in some contexts. [1]
This use case's main virtues for the purposes of the SDS specification is that it has complex authorization requirements and data privacy requirements, some of which are best met by having a separation of concerns between authorization and storage which would ensure maximum prevention of vendor lock-in by ensuring authorization and storage are separately interchangeable/competitive.
- Each jurisdiction is different, but Alice is American and Dr. Bob practices so-called "direct medicine," meaning he needs direct access to a medical record under Alice's control rather than relying on a hospital-based or insurer-based medical record.
- A trusted community institution, like a church or community center or, in this case, a public library, can operate a privacy-by-default server for people like Alice to manage their own health records. See the link above for a more detailed use-case about the enrollment/establishment of this small- scale trust framework. See also the MyData Operator paper linked in this use case's references section [2].
- Alice trusts the Library to recommend a compatible agent and/or secure data store. Bob trusts the Library to recommend a mobile wallet for signing health records as verified credentials.
- Dr. Bob’s credentials, e.g. a medical license number, are public information that should be broadly accessible.
- Public health authorities publish guidelines for a health report that Dr. Bob can follow and Alice’s employer accepts as a verifier.
Note: These steps are clarified greatly with an adoption-oriented flowchart included in the longer version of this use case [3].
Library: The Library installs Issuer/Verifier software and displays a list of compatible mobile wallets and secure data stores. Secure data stores that enable independent choice of control agent and vice versa are called out as preferable by the library. For more detail and a flow diagram, see the more detailed use-case linked from the summary section above.
Dr. Bob installs a mobile identity wallet and is thus able to sign documents, post timestamps to a public blockchain or other timestamping service, and satisfy legal retention of documents and signature proofs by sending them to his secure email address. The Library’s issuer software enables Dr. Bob to self-assert his medical license and use a public notary to countersign the credential. The notary’s record can be verified online. Dr. Bob adds his notarized credential to his mobile wallet.
Alice: Alice uses her mobile phone number to sign up for a secure data store chosen from the Library’s list. If she doesn’t have one already, Alice receives, via SMS, a link to her authorization agent as suggested by the secure data store and picks a password.
Alice contacts Dr. Bob (out of band), gets various tests and diagnoses (out of band) and asks Dr. Bob to issue her a health report via the Library Issuer service for self-sovereign storage and presentation. Dr. Bob accesses an Issuer service using his credentials, dictates the health report, adds Alice’s SMS number and signs the report, leaving a timestamp and a proof. Document and proof are sent to Dr. Bob’s secure email for legal retention. Alice gets an SMS or secure email from the Library with a link to the report and proof. Alice clicks the link which opens as a form on the Library site. Alice enters her authorization server endpoint onto the form. The Library server contacts Alice’s authorization server. Alice may have to sign-in. The health report and proof are sent to Alice’s secure data store. The Library deletes the documents that Dr. Bob had stored temporarily for Alice. Alice receives an SMS confirmation with a QR code that links to the document in the secure data store.
Alice goes to her employer and displays the QR code in the SMS message. The employer’s browser takes them to the Library's verifier website. A capability or authorization issued by Alice MAY be involved in securing the report while it’s being copied from her data store to the verifier. The Library uses the capability/token/etc at Alice’s authorization server to get the document and proof from the secure data store. The library verifies the document for the employer. [Optional:] The library deletes the document from local storage, if applicable. If the credential is intended to be presented only once, it may be revoked by the library.
Alice decides to keep her authorization server but use a different secure data store. Alice opens a new secure data store account and specifies her existing authorization server as her agent. Alice moves her document from the old store to the new one. If the employer wants to check Alice’s health report again after the change, the old QR code points to the same authorization server and a file that has moved to the new document store. Where it is impossible to persist old links and references, Alice should at least be notified and have the option to manually or systematically issue a new QR code.
Alice decides to keep her new data store but change the authorization server. Alice opens a new authorization server account. Alice goes to the new data store via its current authorization server and specifies her new authorization server. The employer wants to check Alice’s health report again. The old QR code points to the old authorization server. Alice has to create a new QR code that points to the new authorization server. This may need to be a manual operation, but either way is beyond the scope of this specification.
A year later, Dr. Bob wants to see the old report before dictating a new report. Dr. Bob enters Alice’s SMS into a form at the Library. The Library sends Alice a message asking for her current authorization server and a request for the old report. Alice agrees and replies with links to her current authorization server and to the specific document in question. Dr. Bob, using the Library as a verifier, presents his credentials to Alice’s authorization server and retrieves the document.