API version: 2.0
Document version 1.2.6.
- Integrate all the API endpoints described in our guide:
- Agreement: Create an agreement
- Agreement: Retrieve an agreement
- Agreement: Update an agreement
- Agreement: List charges
- Charge: Create Charge
- Charge: Retrieve a charge
- Charge: Cancel a charge
- Charge: Refund a charge
- Charge: Capture a reserved initial charge
- For examples of requests and responses, see the Postman collection in tools.
- Send the Vipps HTTP headers
in all API requests for better tracking and troubleshooting (mandatory for partners and platforms):
- Agreement: Create an agreement
- Avoid Integration pitfalls
- The Merchant must not rely on
alone, but must always pollGET:/recurring/v2/agreements/{agreementId}
to check the status of the agreement. - The Vipps branding must be according to the Vipps design guidelines
- The merchant must have a way for the user to manage and stop subscription in merchantAgreementUrl in their Agreement. This should result in a timely update of the Vipps Agreement.
- Vipps never generates charges automatically on behalf of the Merchant. Every charge is the responsibility of the Merchant.
- Make sure your customer service, etc has all the tools and information they need available in your system, through the APIs listed in the first item in this checklist, and that they do not need to visit portal.vipps.no for normal work.
- The Merchant must not rely on
- The merchant orders Vipps på Nett.
- Vipps completes customer control (KYC, PEP, AML, etc).
- The merchant receives an email from Vipps saying that they can log in with bankID on portal.vipps.no and retrieve API keys.
- The merchant completes all checklist items.
- The merchant contacts Vipps with the MSN to check.
Vipps will check agreements and charges in the Vipps test environment, showing that all checklist items have been fulfilled:
- A complete Agreement ending in
. - A complete Agreement ending in
. - A complete
Charge ending inCHARGED
. - A complete
Charge ending inREFUNDED
- A complete Agreement ending in
- The merchant receives an email from Vipps saying that the MSN is OK.
- The recurring merchant starts using the MSN and API keys for the production environment.
- The merchant verifies that what worked in the test environment also work in the production environment. Please note: Vipps does not do any kind of activation or make any changes based on this checklist. The API keys for the production environment are made available on portal.vipps.no as soon as the customer control (see step 2) is completed, independently of this checklist.
- The Merchant goes live 🎉
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