See the Vipps Recurring API for all the details.
See also: Vipps eCom API FAQ.
See also: Getting Started guide.
Document version: 1.5.3.
- Does Vipps automatically create charges for an agreement?
- Do I need to store card data?
- Why do I get the error
? - Can I look up a user's information?
- How can I convert existing agreements to Vipps agreements?
- At what time during the day are charges made?
- How do I check my customer's status?
- A customer's charge failed, but I did not receive any warning
- I don't want a charge to fail the first time the transaction fails (insufficient funds / networking issues etc.)
- Can the charge for an Agreement be changed?
- Are there any limits on charging a user?
- When can I send charges for a user?
- How can I delete an agreement?
- Can a user cancel the agreement through the Vipps app?
- What happens to charges if the corresponding agreement is cancelled?
- If a user's card expires: What happens on the next charge?
- What happens to pending charges if the user deletes the payment card?
- How does a user see any charges I send?
- If a user changes the default payment card in Vipps, can new charges be made to that card?
- How can I change partner for my integration with Vipps?
- Is there an API for retrieving information about a Vipps user?
- Does the recent (24.09.2020) changes in terms regarding valid reservations affect my agreements?
- Settlement
- Invoicing
- Questions?
No. Vipps does not create charges based on the agreement, this is left up to the merchant to create.
When a merchant creates a charge, Vipps will actually attempt to charge the customer, starting on the due date
and for as long as specified in retryDays
For more details, see our call-by-call guide
No. Vipps handles all payment details.
The merchant.not.allowed.for.recurring.operation
error indicates
that the Vipps Recurring API is not yet activated for this sale unit.
The Vipps Recurring API is available for existing customers that have "Vipps på Nett" and a direct integration with the Vipps eCom API and have completed some additional KYC checks required by Finanstilsynet.
Vipps is required to perform some extra compliance checks before activating the Vipps Recurring API.
Please order "Vipps Faste betalinger" on to get access to the Recurring API in production.
Vipps can only provide user information with the user's consent.
The merchant must ask the user for consent when creating the agreement using
with the correct scope
If you have existing agreements or subscriptions that use eFaktura, AvtaleGiro, PDF invoices by email or other payment methods, you can let your customers change to Vipps in different ways:
- Email: Email your customers and inform them that they can change to Vipps. The email should contain a unique URL that leads directly to a webpage with a Vipps payment for that customer. The customer may have to log in (Vipps Logg Inn may be useful for this).
- PDF invoice: Include a unique URL for the customer, same as above. You can use both a URL and a QR code containing the same URL. Keep in mind that some users will see the PDF invoice on their phone, and can not easily scan the QR.
- Paper invoice: Include a QR code with unique URL for the customer, same as above.
Charge attempts are made two times during the day: 08:00 og 16:00 UTC.
Subsequent attempts are made according to the retryDays
This applies for both our production and test environment (MT).
Get all Agreements for a customer:
Get details about a specific Agreement:
The customer may not have notifications turned on, or they have not upgraded to the Vipps version that supports it.
I don't want a charge to fail the first time the transaction fails (insufficient funds / networking issues etc.)
The field retryDays
in an Agreement allows for this functionality, Vipps will
retry once each day until the value is reached. The valid values are none
(defaulting to 0) or 0-14. We strongly recommend having more than 1 retry day
to account for possible networking issues etc.
Yes. See Are there any limits on charging a user?
Yes, within the interval
period of the Agreement the merchant can charge at
most 5 times the Agreement price cumulatively. There is no limit on the
number of charges which can be sent in the interval
Vipps recommends creating a new Agreement if there is a significant price change. It is the merchant's responsibility to make sure the user is informed and understands the price of the Agreement.
You can send charges once you have polled and found a valid Agreement tied to the user.
See How do I check my customer's status?
Agreements are marked as deleted by
updating the Agreement
No, the user needs to contact the merchant which can then cancel or modify the agreement as they see fit.
There is a link in Vipps to "my page" on the merchant's website, where the user can manage the agreement.
Users may want to make other changes to the Agreement than to simply cancel it. A subscription may be paused for a period, it may be changed to a lower or higher frequency, additional products or services may be added, etc. This can add more complexity than Vipps can present in a good way, and our approach is therefore to send the user to the merchant for managing the Agreement.
All charges in a PENDING
state will be cancelled if the Agreement is stopped.
Note: This also includes the initial charge
if it's currently RESERVED
. So if the merchant needs to charge the user for the initial charge; then this needs to be done before the agreement is stopped.
The user is responsible for keeping their payment sources update.
If a payment fails the user will receive a push notification, informing them to update their payment source.
Vipps does not automatically select a new card if a card expires, as users may have multiple cards registered in Vipps.
Vipps also has standard functionality that automatically sends the user a push notification when a card that is not used for recurring payments expires.
See If a user's card expires: What happens on the next charge?
A charge will be displayed to the user 6 days before the charge is due to be processed. The charge will then appear in the app.
You can still retrieve all relevant charges through the API:
No, currently the payment card tied to an agreement will not be updated automatically.
Users may want to charge different Agreements to different cards, and we do not want to automatically make changes to payment sources. Instead, we notify users as described in What happens to pending charges if the user deletes the payment card?
See: How to change partners for a merchant.
Please note: The MSN (the number) does not change when changing partners.
Vipps offers the possibility for merchants to as part of the payment flow to request the user's information. For example if you wish to retrieve the user's email as part of a User profile setup. This is supported in both Vipps eCom API v2 and Vipps Recurring API.
This is done by adding a scope
parameter to the initiate calls:
- address
- birthDate
- name
- phoneNumber
- nin (fødselsnummer)
- accountNumbers
The userinfo endpoint is shared with Vipps Login and the merchant needs to have activated Vipps Login on their account to use this feature. Information on how to do this can be found here. Using the Vipps Login service itself is optional.
Please note: Vipps users have not consented to Vipps providing any information to third parties, and Vipps does not allow it. There is no other API to look up a user's address, retrieve a user's purchases, etc.
If you are using reserve-capture on your initial charge, then capture will only be possible within the first 30 days.
The settlements are done trough Vipps. The merchant does not need any other partner or agreement.
Merchants with a "net settlement" contract receive the users' payments excluding the Vipps fees. Merchants with a "gross settlement" contract receive the users' payments including the Vipps fees, and are then invoiced for the Vipps fees.
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