📝This project arose with the inspiration of server and now takes another way, now we focus on saving and providing you with the largest amount of addons of the 3 most played versions of wow Lichking 3.3.5, Cataclysm 4. 3.4 and Pandarian 5.4.8 from today 30 Sep 2024, a new app is born that will grow with the help of the community for now being very small and basing and creating itself from the hand of free services like github. who knows where we will
Download the latest version from releases
- 🔥 Addons Manager.
- ⏬ Install all addons compatible with our version.
- 🛂 Keep a better control of your installed addons.
- 🗑️ Easy removal of addons.
- 💿 Easy installation directly to folder.
- 🆙 all addons are updated.
- 🔎 Search for specific addons.
- 🤳🏽 Filter addon by category.
- 🔗 Go to the addon link to know everything about it just by clicking.
and many updates are coming, roadmap coming soon...
- 📭 Open Maddons Manager.
- 👆🏽 Click on menu icon.
- 👆🏽 Click on Slect wow.exe.
- 😊 Enjoy.
if you have addons that are compatible and are inside Maddons the app will recognize them as installed. From manual download go to Maddons
🪲 if you find a bug please open an issue
💭 if you have any question or suggestion please open a discussion
follow this template to <include>
a new Addon with pr on this repo Request Addons or via Discord
"name": "MasterMount",
"folders": ["MasterMount"],
"githubRepo": "",
"imageUrl": "",
"addonType": "Mounts/Companion",
"author": "Sitoz",
"description": "Addons for Searching and Viewing mount model in",
"lastCommitDate": "2024-06-11",
"Hot": "🔥"
1 files will be stored here.
this will contain information about the program. deleting them lost the program storage about the address of your world of warcraft folder