DEPRECATED! This script has not been used since 2015 or before, so it may not work in modern Android devices. ARCHIVED.
AndroidPINCrack is a Python script that bruteforce the Android Passcode given the hash and salt. Of course there are some other faster ways to crack than a python script, but it can be useful for numeric passcoders or wordlist attack.
$ ./
Usage: [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-H HASH, --hash=HASH password.key hash
-s SALT, --salt=SALT Hash salt
-m MODEL, --model=MODEL Android Version/Model
-c CHARSET, --charset=CHARSET Password charset to test (default=numeric)
-l LENGTH, --length=LENGTH Passcode max length (default=4)
-w WORDLIST_FILE, --wordlist=WORDLIST_FILE wordlist file
By default, it bruteforces numeric 4-length passwords:
$ ./ -H DC6831BFE0B8563B82A8AAB9CB5B294BD4B3072A93AF306 -s 7026104367013576733
Found! Passcode = 0101
It seems that Samsung has modified the hashing algorithm, so you need to use the proper flag:
$ ./ -H DC59AACF2AFCE72E737190323022FFB6E2831446 -s 988796901418269782 -m samsung
Found! Passcode = 1234
You can use some other flags, such as a wordlist instead of bruteforcing:
$ ./ -H DC59AACF2AFCE72E737190323022FFB6E2831446 -s 988796901418269782 -m samsung -w wordlist.txt
Found! Passcode = 1234