- You should have some idea of how digital logic circuits work.
You should have a basic overview on digital circuits. It is assumed that you know what a multiplexer is and how it works (on a logical level), and likewise for how register works. These are basic concepts you can read about on wikipedia.
- You must be able to run java programs.
If you can run java then you can run scala since they both target the java virtual machine (jvm). To check if your machine has some flavor of the jvm installed simply type “java” in your terminal. If you do not have it installed you can find instructions here, or simply just run
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre
Fortunately, this is the only dependency you need, everything else is bootstrapped by the coursework framework. - Some flavor of GNU/Linux, or at least something UNIX-like.
If you use anything other than Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04 I won’t be able to offer help if something goes wrong. If you use Windows, the Windows Linux Subsystem is also fully capable of running chisel, and does not have any known compatibility issues with this framework. Running chisel on OSX is probably possible, but you’ll have to figure it out yourself.
- An editor suited for scala.
My personal recommendation is GNU Emacs with emacs-lsp for IDE features along with the metals language server (which works for any editor with lsp (language server protocol), such as vim, vscode and atom). If you prefer an IDE I hear good things about intelliJ, however I haven’t tested it personally, so if odd stuff happens I can’t help you. DON’T NEGLECT THIS! This course is hard enough as it is, no point making it harder by neglecting basic IDE functionality. There are plenty of good options, no matter if you’re a vim user or prefer GUI based full fledged IDEs. Please please please don’t use 15 instances of gedit.
- Optional: sbt
You can install the scala build tool on your system, but for convenience I’ve included a bootstrap script in sbt.sh. If you want to install sbt on your own machine, sbt will select the correct version on a per-project basis for you, so you don’t have to worry about getting the wrong version.
Before writing code it’s necessary to define some core terms. In the next section you will start writing some code that will use these concepts, so you if you are unsure what these terms actually mean you can get a practical introduction which should clarify things.
- Wire
A wire is a bundle of 1 to N condictive wires (yes, that is a recursive definition, but I think you get what I mean). These wires are connected either to ground (logical 0) or a voltage plane (logical 1), which is how numbers are represented.
We can define a wire consisting of 4 physical wires in chisel like this
val myWire = Wire(UInt(4.W))
- Driving
A wire in on itself is rather pointless since it doesn’t do anything. In order for something to happen we need to connect them.
val wireA = Wire(UInt(4.W)) val wireB = Wire(UInt(4.W)) wireA := 2.U wireB := wireA
Here wireA is driven by the signal 2.U, and wireB is driven by wireA.
For well behaved circuits it does not make sense to let a wire be driven by multiple sources which would make the resulting signal undefined.
Similarily a circular dependency is not allowed a la
val wireA = Wire(UInt(4.W)) val wireB = Wire(UInt(4.W)) wireA := wireB wireB := wireA
Physically it is possible to have multiple drivers, but it’s not a good idea as attempting to drive a wire with 0 and 1 simultaneously causes a short circuit at which point the behavior of the circuit is no longer well defined, but dependant on the underlying hardware, which even risks permanent damage, and is therefore not something your tools will even allow you to do.
- Module
In order to make development easier we separate functionality into modules, defined by its inputs and outputs. Further in modules will be visualized as boxes with wires going in and out, sometimes with their contents shown depending on whether the contents are relevant. Every module is a circuit, and just like a circuit can be seen as a collection of subcircuits so can a module contain many submodules.
- Combinatory circuit
A combinatory circuit is a circuit whose output is based only on its inputs. Even if a circuit is not combinatorial it often has modules that are fully combinatorial. Combinatorial circuits work independently of the clock.
- Clock
The clock is a special signal responsible for deciding the speed at which a circuit operates. The faster the clock ticks, the faster a circuit will operate, however if the clock ticks too fast the circuit will start misbehaving since it is unable to reach a stable state before the next tick happens. When writing chisel the clock signal is always implicitly there, which means you do not need to care about it on a practical level, however you should by the end of this exercise have a better understanding of how circuit design and clock speed interacts. The time between two clock ticks are known as a cycle.
- Register
A register works similarly to a wire, however its value is only updated when the clock ticks. Unlike wires clocks can have circular dependencies like this:
val regA = RegInit(2.U(4.W)) val regB = RegInit(1.U(4.W)) regA := regB regB := regA
In this circuit the two registers will swap value every time the clock ticks.
- Stateful circuit
A circuit that will give different results based on its internal state. In order to have internal state, a circuit needs to have some form of memory, which for all intents and purposes means that if there are registers in a circuit it is stateful. Consider the circuit with the registers defined above: At odd cycles the value of regA will be 1 and on even 2, thus its outputs are not solely dependent on its input (in fact it has no inputs!)
- Chisel Graph
A chisel program is a program whose result is a graph which can be synthesized to a transistor level schematic of a logic circuit. When connecting wires wireA and wireB when discussing driving, we were actually manipulating a graph.
Let’s start actually writing some chisel! First, you need to start the project up, this will conveniently download the necessary tools to work with scala, such as the compiler and the build tool (sbt). From a GNU/Linux terminal, enter the directory you cloned this project to:
you@yourMachine:~$ cd ~/path/to/coursework/tdt4255-chisel-intro you@yourMachine:~$ ./sbt.sh ... ... --- A lot of waiting and scrolling text --- ... ... sbt:chisel intro>
You can now type commands in the sbt shell:
sbt:chisel intro> testOnly Examples.firstChisel --- Lots of waiting ---
This might take a while, but when done this will run your first test in chisel! As you can see from the output not much happened, but you should pay attention to the print statements, giving you an idea of how the control flow for the tests work.
Now, open the file for the test you just ran, which is located in
(you obviously need to substitute out /user/home/path/to/exercise/
with whatever location
you cloned the repository.
Take some time to look over the code in the file.
When you ran the test several statements were printed, if you’re interested in how tests are
executed you can look for the corresponding statements in firstTest.scala
, but keep in mind
that this is only useful if you want to write tests and if so you can go back to this part later.
Now it is time to write some code. To ensure that you don’t get lost, firstTest.scala
commented out code which is there to show what you should end up with after this section (roughly),
so try to not look too much at it unless your results deviate from what is described.
defines three classes. FirstTest
is the “main method” for the test, and the
two other classes define a circuit (MyModule
) and a test (TestRunner
) to be run on that circuit.
By extending Matchers and FlatSpec the FirstTest
class gains access to syntax that is unfamiliar
even if you know scala.
In this section you should keep using the test from the previous section:
Just like the FirstTest
class obtain special syntax from extending the test
framework, by extending chisel3.Module
the class MyModule
can now be
synthesized into a circuit component, so long as it defines an io port. In
this class, the special value io
defines which inputs and outputs your
module has (and of what shape), while the rest of the class defines how the input is connected to
the output by executing the statements in the main body.
Currently the only statement for our module is io.dataOut := 0.U
which means the output signal
of your module will always be 0, with the input signal remaining unused, as shown in the picture:
Before delving deeper into your module, it is first necessary to learn how to observe and test circuit behavior, if not then you have no way to observe your changes.
Next, try removing the .U
part so you get the following io.dataOut := 0
When running the test you will get an error. Pay attention to the following part of your error:
[error] /home/peter/datateknikk/tdt4255-chisel-intro/src/test/scala/Examples/firstTest.scala:57:17: type mismatch; [error] found : Int(0) [error] required: chisel3.core.Data
The error is pretty clear, you’ve used a scala Int where a chisel UInt was expected.
This is a typical error, and it usually means you have forgotten a .B
, .U
, .W
or .S
The underlying reasons for the error is something that will be covered later, but for now it
is sufficient to know that you will get errors if you forget these.
In this section you should keep using the test from the previous section:
The second class in FirstTest
is the TestRunner
class which extends the peekPokeTester and
takes a chisel module as its argument.
extending peekPokeTester allows the tester to observe and alter the
state of the component MyModule
using peek
, poke
, assert
and step
among others.
You can see this for yourself by adding the following to the TestRunner
If you’re unsure where that is you can search for “This is the body of the TestRunner” in firstTest.scala
val o = peek(c.io.dataOut)
say(s"observed state: $o")
When you run the test you should get the number 0 printed which should not come as much of a suprise.
Run the test by typing testOnly Examples.FirstTest
in your sbt console.
allows you to observe the state of a signal, while its counterpart poke
lets you input a
signal to your circuit.
To drive the input with the value 3, you can add the following to the body of TestRunner
poke(c.io.dataIn, 4)
val o2 = peek(c.io.dataOut)
say(s"observed state after poking: $o2")
however this will not have any measurable effect since, as discussed in the previous section,
is not connected to anything.
You can now experiment with the code in MyModule
If you’re unsure where that is you can search for “This is the body of MyModule” in firstTest.scala
Try adding the following statement:
io.dataOut := io.dataIn + incrementBy.U
to the body of MyModule
you should now see a different result when running the test.
When you run the test again you will see that the value of the output changes after
the input signal gets poked to 3.
This corresponds to the following circuit:
The test runner runs all its statements procedurally, that is it just executes all the statements in the order they’re defined. You can see this for yourself by adding a for loop:
for(ii <- 0 until 10){
poke(c.io.dataIn, ii.U)
val o3 = peek(c.io.dataOut)
say(s"observed state at iteration $ii: $o")
In this section you should keep using the test from the previous sections:
The next peekPokeTester functionality you must know is step(n)
, a special procedure that steps
the clock by n
cycles (typically once).
For the circuit you are currently working with stepping will not do anything useful since
the module you have defined is combinatorial.
In order to observe this, you can add step(1)
in the for loop where you will get the same
exact answer.
To see the purpose of step, try implementing the register snippet shown in the terminology section, shown here:
val regA = RegInit(2.U(4.W))
val regB = RegInit(1.U(4.W))
regA := regB
regB := regA
io.dataOut := regA
Try running your test again, once with step(1)
and once without and observe the difference.
Without step(1)
the output stays the same for each iteration of the test loop since as discussed
previously a registers state cannot change without the clock ticking.
When you run the test with step(1)
included, you will see that the output alternates between 1 and 2.
You should internalize what is going on here, particularily how running a for loop does not automatically step the clock of the circuit!
In this section you should keep using the test from the previous sections:
You now have a good starting point to start experimenting with how chisel works. What happens if you drive a wire twice like this?
io.dataOut := 0.U
io.dataOut := 3.U
Try it for yourself, and you will see that the last statement sets the final value.
Next, what happens if io.dataOut
is not driven?
removing all statements that drive io.dataOut
and see what happens when you run the test.
You will now get a fairly scary error message, and for now you should ignore it and ensure that
is driven by a value. Troubleshooting is covered later, once the core concepts have
been introduced.
Next, you can try adding another input or output signal to MyModule
Remember that an input must be defined as such, same with outputs.
// An input can ONLY be defined in the IO bundle
val input = Input(UInt(32.W))
// Same for outputs
val output = Output(UInt(32.W))
For this exercise it is sufficient to use only UInt(32.W)
for inputs and outputs, thus the
following information can be skipped for now:
When defining an input or output the type can be something else than UInt
, for instance it can
be a collection of wires previously defined, or just a signed integer SInt
Furthermore, it is not strictly necessary to define the width of the UInt
input as chisel can
usually figure out this on its own, however it is good practice to define bit widths manually
until you become more familiar with the language.
You way wonder what the difference between :=
and =
Consider two registers defined as
var regA = Reg(UInt(8.W))
var regB = Reg(UInt(8.W))
and regB
are references to two objects that describe a chisel register as shown:
By assigning one register to the other nothing changes in the chisel graph, instead the reference to one of the registers are lost.
regA = regB
This is visualized in the following image, and should be avoided.
As long as val
is used instead of var
this error cannot be performed, so stick to val
By driving one register from the other a wire between the registers is created.
regA := regB
When driving, it is always the leftmost signal that gets driven (i.e “recieves” the value) and the rightmost signal that drives.
A rule of thumb is to use =
when you want to bind to a symbol, and :=
when you want to alter
the chisel graph.
In this section we cover the premade circuits and tests located at:
NOTE: This is a different file than the previous section!
A quick look through basic.scala
shows that there are many classes extending FlatSpec
and Matchers
, which you should recall from previous chapter means they can be run as tests.
Try running the first test in basic.scala
, MyIncrementTest
by writing
sbt:chisel-module-template> testOnly Examples.MyIncrementTest
You will see that MyIncrement
is essentially the same circuit as what you should have ended
up with in firstTest.scala
by following the exercise text thus far.
Next, let’s take a look at how you can create new Modules by reusing submodules.
You could chain together two modules by instantiating them as submodules.
Note that you must use the Module
constructor when doing so, as annotated in the example.
// Not part of basic.scala
class MyIncrementTwice(incrementBy: Int) extends Module {
val io = IO(
new Bundle {
val dataIn = Input(UInt(32.W))
val dataOut = Output(UInt(32.W))
val first = Module(new MyIncrement(incrementBy))
val second = Module(new MyIncrement(incrementBy))
// ^^^^^^ Note the Module constructor
first.io.dataIn := io.dataIn
second.io.dataIn := first.io.dataOut
io.dataOut := second.io.dataOut
Here two MyIncrement
modules are instantiated, using the output of the first incrementor
as the input for the second.
Sometimes it is useful to connect an arbitrary amount of modules programatically rather than manually. A rough division of labor between scala and chisel can be summed up as follows: Chisel is used to define what a module does Scala is used to define how modules are connected together to form the final circuit. There is some overlap however, and this will cause you much frustration as you peel away the concepts of hardware design. In the following section some of these differences will be explained, but from experience it takes some practical experience to truly grasp the differences.
In this section we cover the premade circuits and tests located at:
If you already read the hdl chapter, recall how a chisel program is using scala to build chisel. If not, just keep following and hopefully things will be clear, if not you can read the hdl chapter.
First, lets look at boolean values. In scala a boolean value can be defined like this:
val scalaBool: Boolean = true
What this means is that at some memory a bit is set to 1, and scalaBool
points to this bit so it can
be accessed in a program.
What about a boolean value in a circuit? You can define a boolean signal in a circuit like this:
val chiselBool: Chisel3.Bool = true.B
What does this actually mean?
is a reference to an object that defines a single wire
that is always 1
(which in a physical circuit means it is connected to the voltage plane)
Note that chisel literals (i.e fixed or hardcoded values) are constructed using their
scala counterpart with an added .B
or .U
depending on what we want to represent.
Even though they both have the same functionality, these are two very different things, and it does not make sense when mixed. For example the following:
val chiselBool: Chisel3.Bool = true.B
if(chiselBool || scalaBool)
say("This will never compile, so this will never get printed")
Does not compile as it attempts to use a chisel boolean (i.e a description of a wire that is set to 1) with a scala boolean which does not make sense.
Next lets look at numbers.
val scalaInt: Int = 123
Just like the scalaBool
, scalaInt
refers to a memory location of 32 bits set to the value 123
What about a numerical value in a circuit?
val chiselUInt: Chisel3.UInt = 123.U(12.W)
Just like with booleans, we can create a literal by calling .U
on an integer.
Additionally, it is often necessary to specify how many physical wires are used to represent this integer.
In this example the width has been fixed to 12, which means chiselUInt
represents 12 physical wires
where some are connected to the ground plane (logical 0) and others to VCC (logical 1)
Wire no: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 Value 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
If you want to experiment with this you can select a subset of the wires that make up a UInt
val chiselUInt: Chisel3.UInt = 123.U(12.W)
val firstBit = chiselUInt(0) // a signal of width 1 with the value 1
val subWord = chiselUInt(4, 1) // a signal of width 4 with value 1101 (11)
Next we will look at conditional statements in chisel and scala and how they differ.
class ChiselConditional() extends Module {
val io = IO(
new Bundle {
val a = Input(UInt(32.W))
val b = Input(UInt(32.W))
val opSel = Input(Bool())
val out = Output(UInt(32.W))
io.out := io.a + io.b
io.out := io.a - io.b
This code describes the following circuit:
If the RTL is unfamiliar, the two leftmost components that look somewhat like boxer shorts are ALUs which do arithmetic (addition and subtraction in this case). Both of these take input from input signals a and b and produce an output signal with the result of the arithmetic operation.
The rightmost component is a multiplexer which selects one of the two results from the ALUs, decided
by Op_sel
. Consequently, both the results from the addition and subtraction are always available,
but one of them is discarded by the multiplexer while the other is chosen.
If you’re unsure how this circuit works you can attempt to write your own test for them like you did
in firstTest.scala
These conditional statements are implemented at a hardware level, but what is their relation to scalas if else statements?
Lets consider an example using if and else:
class ScalaConditional(opSel: Boolean) extends Module {
val io = IO(
new Bundle {
val a = Input(UInt(32.W))
val b = Input(UInt(32.W))
val out = Output(UInt(32.W))
io.out := io.a + io.b
} else {
io.out := io.a - io.b
Which can yield two different circuits depending on the opSel argument:
In short, chisel conditionals define how the circuit should behave, whereas scala conditionals can define how the circuit should be put together.
Let’s look at how we can use another scala construct, the for loop, to create several modules and chain them together:
class MyIncrementN(val incrementBy: Int, val numIncrementors: Int) extends Module {
val io = IO(
new Bundle {
val dataIn = Input(UInt(32.W))
val dataOut = Output(UInt(32.W))
// Each module is stored in an array. Arrays are a scala construct, which means
// they can only be accessed with a scala int.
val incrementors = Array.fill(numIncrementors){ Module(new MyIncrement(incrementBy)) }
// the data input is connected to the previous modules output, creating what is known as
// a "human centipede" in popular culture.
for(ii <- 1 until numIncrementors){
incrementors(ii).io.dataIn := incrementors(ii - 1).io.dataOut
incrementors(0).io.dataIn := io.dataIn
io.dataOut := incrementors.last.io.dataOut
Keep in mind that the for-loop only exists at design time, just like a for loop generating a table in HTML will not be part of the finished HTML!!
In hardware design it is often necessary to index a collection signals. This use-case is also very suited to expose some of the pain-points of working with two languages masquerading as one, so in this section extra focus is put on troubleshooting problems which typically show up.
The code in this section can be found in src/test/scala/Examples/myVector.scala (The non-compiling examples are commented out)
The design we will use to showcase indexing is a very basic one.
A vector of hardcoded values from 1 to 4 (you can imagine these values being something more interesting,
like cryptographic keys or color values if that makes it more exciting) is to be indexed by the input
When io.idx
is 0 expected output is 1, when io.idx
is 3 expected output is 4.
(The case when io.idx
is out of bounds will also be covered)
A first implementation may look something like this. (it can be found in myVector.scala
, commented out.
class MyVector() extends Module {
val io = IO(
new Bundle {
val idx = Input(UInt(32.W))
val out = Output(UInt(32.W))
val values = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
io.out := values(io.idx)
If you uncomment and try to compile this you will get an error:
sbt:chisel-module-template> test:compile
[error] found : chisel3.core.UInt
[error] required: Int
[error] io.out := values(io.idx)
[error] ^
This error tells you that io.idx was of the wrong type, namely a chisel3.core.UInt
The List is a scala construct, it only exists while your design is synthesized, thus
attempting to index it with a chisel type does not make sense.
However, indexing is very useful on a hardware level, so chisel supplies its own collection
type, used to index hardware collections.
Let’s try again using a chisel Vec
which can be indexed by chisel values:
class MyVector() extends Module {
val io = IO(
new Bundle {
val idx = Input(UInt(32.W))
val out = Output(UInt(32.W))
// val values: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
// prefixing with chisel3. is not necessary, it just helps clarify that Vec is a chisel type.
val values = chisel3.Vec(1, 2, 3, 4)
io.out := values(io.idx)
Now you will get the following error instead:
sbt:chisel-module-template> test:compile
[error] /home/peteraa/datateknikk/TDT4255_EX0/src/main/scala/Tile.scala:30:16: inferred type arguments [Int] do not conform to macro method apply's type parameter bounds [T <: chisel3.Data]
[error] val values = Vec(1, 2, 3, 4)
[error] ^
[error] /home/peteraa/datateknikk/TDT4255_EX0/src/main/scala/Tile.scala:30:20: type mismatch;
[error] found : Int(1)
[error] required: T
[error] val values = Vec(1, 2, 3, 4)
The error states that the type Int
cannot be constrained to a type T <: chisel3.Data
which needs a
little unpacking:
The <:
symbol means subtype, meaning that the compiler expected the Vec to contain a chisel data type
such as chisel3.Data.UInt or chisel3.Data.Boolean, and Int is not one of them!
This is the same issue covered previously, however it is useful to see this error again when shrouded in compiler output that may be less helpful.
To fix this, chisel UInts must be used
class MyVector() extends Module {
val io = IO(
new Bundle {
val idx = Input(UInt(32.W))
val out = Output(UInt(32.W))
val values = Vec(1.U, 2.U, 3.U, 4.U)
io.out := values(io.idx)
Which compiles.
You might be suprised to see that it is possible to index a Vec with an integer as such:
class MyVector() extends Module {
val io = IO(
new Bundle {
val idx = Input(UInt(32.W))
val out = Output(UInt(32.W))
val values = Vec(1.U, 2.U, 3.U, 4.U)
io.out := values(3)
In this case 3
gets automatically changed to 3.U
It’s not a great idea to abuse implicit conversions, so you should refrain from doing this too much.
The version above can be run with:
sbt:chisel-module-template> testOnly Examples.MyVecSpec
In order to get some insight into how a chisel Vec works, let’s see how we can implement myVector without Vec:
class MyVectorAlt() extends Module {
val io = IO(
new Bundle {
val idx = Input(UInt(32.W))
val out = Output(UInt(32.W))
val values = Array(0.U, 1.U, 2.U, 3.U)
io.out := values(0)
for(ii <- 0 until 4){
when(io.idx(1, 0) === ii.U){
io.out := values(ii)
The for-loop creates 4 conditional blocks boiling down to when 0: output the value in values(0) when 1: output the value in values(1) when 2: output the value in values(2) when 3: output the value in values(3) otherwise: output 0.U
The otherwise clause will never occur, chisel is unable to inferr this (however the synthesizer will likely be able to)
In the conditional block the following syntax is used:
io.idx(1, 0) === ii.U)
which indicates that only the two low bits of idx will be used to index, which is
how chisel Vec does it.
From this you can gather that a chisel Vec doesn’t really exist on the resulting circuit. Then again, an array is nothing more than an address, so this is in some respects analogous to how a computer works.
In the HTML example, assume that the the last </ul> tag was ommited. This would not be valid HTML, however the code will happily compile. Likewise, you can easily create a valid scala program producing an invalid chisel graph, such as this module found in src/test/scala/Examples/invalidDesigns.scala
One such constraint is that any module you instantiate must have all its inputs driven.
What happens when a MyVector
is instantiated without io.dataIn
being driven in the following code?
class Invalid() extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle{})
val myVec = Module(new MyVector)
This code will happily compile, however when you attempt to create a simulator from the chisel graph the driver will throw an exception. To show this it’s sufficient to attempt to synthesize the design, it will fail before attempting to run the test.
Since we’re not interested in running a peek poke test we’re using ???
class InvalidSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
behavior of "Invalid"
it should "fail" in {
chisel3.iotesters.Driver(() => new Invalid) { c =>
// chisel tester expects a test here, but we can use ???
// which is shorthand for throw new NotImplementedException.
// This is OK, because it will fail during building.
} should be(true)
To verify that the design actually compiles you can run
sbt:chisel-module-template> compile:test
However, once you try actually running the test you will get the following error:
[success] Total time: 3 s, completed Apr 25, 2019 3:15:15 PM
sbt:chisel-module-template> testOnly Examples.InvalidSpec
firrtl.passes.CheckInitialization$RefNotInitializedException: @[Example.scala 25:21:@20.4] : [module Invalid] Reference myVec is not fully initialized.
: myVec.io.idx <= VOID
at firrtl.passes.CheckInitialization$.$anonfun$run$6(CheckInitialization.scala:83)
at firrtl.passes.CheckInitialization$.$anonfun$run$6$adapted(CheckInitialization.scala:78)
at scala.collection.TraversableLike$WithFilter.$anonfun$foreach$1(TraversableLike.scala:789)
at scala.collection.mutable.HashMap.$anonfun$foreach$1(HashMap.scala:138)
at scala.collection.mutable.HashTable.foreachEntry(HashTable.scala:236)
at scala.collection.mutable.HashTable.foreachEntry$(HashTable.scala:229)
at scala.collection.mutable.HashMap.foreachEntry(HashMap.scala:40)
at scala.collection.mutable.HashMap.foreach(HashMap.scala:138)
at scala.collection.TraversableLike$WithFilter.foreach(TraversableLike.scala:788)
at firrtl.passes.CheckInitialization$.checkInitM$1(CheckInitialization.scala:78)
While scary, the actual error is only this line, which should look something like this:
firrtl.passes.CheckInitialization$RefNotInitializedException: @[Example.scala 25:21:@20.4] : [module Invalid] Reference myVec is not fully initialized.
: myVec.io.idx <= VOID
Which tells you that myVec.io.idx is unconnected, i.e it needs a driver.
// Now actually valid...
class Invalid() extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle{})
val myVec = Module(new MyVector)
myVec.io.idx := 0.U
After fixing the invalid circuit and running the test you will insted get a large error
stack trace where you will see that:
- should fail *** FAILED ***
Which I suppose indicates success.
The code for this section can be found at src/test/scala/Examples/stateful.scala
Apart from a brief mention in the intro, every circuit we have consider up until now has been a combinatory circuit. It’s time to move on to stateful circuits:
class SimpleDelay() extends Module {
val io = IO(
new Bundle {
val dataIn = Input(UInt(32.W))
val dataOut = Output(UInt(32.W))
val delayReg = RegInit(UInt(32.W), 0.U)
delayReg := io.dataIn
io.dataOut := delayReg
This circuit stores its input in delayReg and drives its output with delayRegs output. Registers are driven by a clock signal in addition to the input value, and it is only capable of updating its value at a clock pulse.
In some HDL languages like Verilog and VHDL which you might have used previously, it is necessary to include the clock signal in the modules IO, but for chisel this happens implicitly.
When testing we use the step(n)
feature of peek poke tester which runs the clock signal n times.
Test this by running testOnly Examples.DelaySpec
class DelaySpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
behavior of "SimpleDelay"
it should "Delay input by one timestep" in {
chisel3.iotesters.Driver(() => new SimpleDelay, verbose = true) { c =>
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Optional parameter verbose set to true
new DelayTester(c)
} should be(true)
class DelayTester(c: SimpleDelay) extends PeekPokeTester(c) {
for(ii <- 0 until 10){
val input = scala.util.Random.nextInt(10)
poke(c.io.dataIn, input)
expect(c.io.dataOut, input)
In order to make it extra clear the Driver has the optional “verbose” parameter set to true. This will cause the current cycle to be printed each time a step is executed. This yields the following:
End of dependency graph
Circuit state created
[info] [0.001] SEED 1556898121698
[info] [0.002] POKE io_dataIn <- 7
[info] [0.002] STEP 0 -> 1
[info] [0.002] EXPECT AT 1 io_dataOut got 7 expected 7 PASS
[info] [0.002] POKE io_dataIn <- 8
[info] [0.002] STEP 1 -> 2
[info] [0.003] EXPECT AT 2 io_dataOut got 8 expected 8 PASS
[info] [0.003] POKE io_dataIn <- 2
[info] [0.005] STEP 9 -> 10
[info] [0.005] EXPECT AT 10 io_dataOut got 7 expected 7 PASS
test SimpleDelay Success: 10 tests passed in 15 cycles taking 0.010393 seconds
[info] [0.005] RAN 10 CYCLES PASSED
Following the output you can see how at step 0 the input is 7, then one cycle later, at step 1 the expected (and observed) output is 7.
A rather difficult aspect in HDLs, including chisel is debugging. When debugging it is necessary to inspect how the state of the circuit evolves, which leaves us with two options, peekPokeTester and printf, however both have flaws.
Code for this section can be found at src/test/scala/Examples/printing.scala
The peek poke tester should always give a correct result, if not it’s a bug, not a quirk. Sadly, peek poke testing is rather limited in that it cannot be used to access internal state. Consider the following nested modules:
class Inner() extends Module {
val io = IO(
new Bundle {
val dataIn = Input(UInt(32.W))
val dataOut = Output(UInt(32.W))
val innerState = RegInit(0.U)
when(io.dataIn % 2.U === 0.U){
innerState := io.dataIn
io.dataOut := innerState
class Outer() extends Module {
val io = IO(
new Bundle {
val dataIn = Input(UInt(32.W))
val dataOut = Output(UInt(32.W))
val outerState = RegInit(0.U)
val inner = Module(new Inner)
outerState := io.dataIn
inner.io.dataIn := outerState
io.dataOut := inner.io.dataOut
It would be nice if we could use the peekPokeTester to inspect what goes on inside Inner, however this information is no longer available once Outer is rendered into a circuit simulator.
Somewhat baffling this issue has persisted for five years.
To see this, run testOnly Example.PeekInternalSpec
Which throws an exception is thrown when either of the two peek statements underneath are
class OuterTester(c: Outer) extends PeekPokeTester(c) {
val inner = peek(c.inner.innerState)
val outer = peek(c.outerState)
The only way to deal with this hurdle is to expose the state we are interested in as signals. An example of this can be seen in in the bottom of printing.scala
This approach leads to a lot of annoying clutter in your modules IO, so to separate business-logic
from debug signals it is useful to use a MultiIOModule
instead of Module
where debug signals can
be put in a separate io bundle.
and println
must not be mixed!
println behaves as expected in most languages, when executed it simply prints the argument.
In the tests so far it has only printed the value returned by peek.
a printf statement on the other hand does not immediately print anything to the console. Instead it creates a special chisel element which only exists during simulation and prints to your console each clock cycle, (as long as the conditional block it resides is active) thus helping us peer into the internal state of a circuit!
Additionally, a printf statement in a conditional block will only execute if the condiditon is met, allowing us to reduce noise.
class PrintfExample() extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle{})
val counter = RegInit(0.U(8.W))
counter := counter + 1.U
printf("Counter is %d\n", counter)
when(counter % 2.U === 0.U){
printf("Counter is even\n")
class PrintfTest(c: PrintfExample) extends PeekPokeTester(c) {
for(ii <- 0 until 5){
println(s"At cycle $ii:")
When you run this test with testOnly Examples.PrintfExampleSpec
, did you get what you expected?
As it turns out printf can be rather misleading when using stateful circuits.
To see this in action, try running testOnly Examples.EvilPrintfSpec
which yields the following
In cycle 0 the output of counter is: 0
according to printf output is: 0
[info] [0.003]
In cycle 1 the output of counter is: 0
according to printf output is: 0
[info] [0.003]
In cycle 2 the output of counter is: 0
according to printf output is: 1
[info] [0.004]
In cycle 3 the output of counter is: 1
according to printf output is: 1
[info] [0.004]
In cycle 4 the output of counter is: 1
according to printf output is: 1
When looking at the circuits design it is pretty obvious that the peek poke tester is giving the correct result, whereas the printf statement is printing the updated state of the register which should not be visible before next cycle.
To fix this issue and get correct printf results, it is necessary to use a different simulator by
adding a “treadle” argument in your tester like this:
chisel3.iotesters.Driver(() => new Outer, "treadle") { c =>
Since it is impossible to inspect internal signals it is often useful to use a waveform debugger.
By calling a test with the following syntax:
chisel3.iotesters.Driver.execute(Array("--generate-vcd-output", "on", "--backend-name", "treadle"), () => new Module) { c =>
(simply use this to replace chisel3.iotesters.Driver(() => new Module) { c =>
You can now find the waveform output of your circuit simulation in
can be viewed in a waveform viewing program such as gtkwave.
To install gtkwave you can run sudo apt install gtkwave
You should familiarize yourself with gtkwave, it can prove very useful, however you should not
rely too much on it because it fails to scale to very large tests unless you spend time learning
how to use it properly.
A short tutorial on waveform debugging can be found at here Waveform debugging
While limited, it is possible to visualize your generated circuit using diagrammer. The necessary code to generate .fir file is in the main.scala file, just comment it out to generate these.
Chisel cheat sheet https://chisel.eecs.berkeley.edu/doc/chisel-cheatsheet3.pdf